Physics can't deal with reality's complexity

Got it. You have no scientific background whatsoever.

You are wrong. Of course. And you cannot prove your claim here so let's just dispense with your lying. Thanks.

No, denying your own posts isn't going to work. Anyone that wants to can go and look them up.
Science is not a 'background'.
This article is written by a highly respected philosopher of science, Nancy Cartwright.

"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications about just what the world we live in must be like. It must be a world made up entirely of the basic entities of physics—fundamental particles, curved space-time and the like — entities that have only the mathematical features that physics equations describe, features that often have no names of their own other than the names of the mathematical objects that are supposed to represent them, like the “quantum state vector” and the “metric tensor” of general relativity. The world has to be that way since these are the kinds of features that physics can rule.

But this is a strange world, nothing like the one we live and move about in. It is a world devoid of all the colour, texture and emotion, all the unending variation and richness of the world we see when we open our eyes and that we have to negotiate our way through to live our daily lives."

All you do is post links and cut and pastes of other people's words
This article is written by a highly respected philosopher of science, Nancy Cartwright.

"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications about just what the world we live in must be like. It must be a world made up entirely of the basic entities of physics—fundamental particles, curved space-time and the like — entities that have only the mathematical features that physics equations describe, features that often have no names of their own other than the names of the mathematical objects that are supposed to represent them, like the “quantum state vector” and the “metric tensor” of general relativity. The world has to be that way since these are the kinds of features that physics can rule.

But this is a strange world, nothing like the one we live and move about in. It is a world devoid of all the colour, texture and emotion, all the unending variation and richness of the world we see when we open our eyes and that we have to negotiate our way through to live our daily lives."
Total gibberish. What poor souls do you claim respect this chick? ... and for what, exactly, do they respect her? It can't be for any science background.
you're a moron
You post the stupidest crap ... actually the second stupidest crap. guno posts the stupidest crap.*

Although you are not value-added, you're less of a negative value than guno.

Wait, you're actually third. ThatOwlCoward is a vapid craven and comes in second place.