Pick the official emblem of the Republican National Convention

The lack of funding for infrastructure repair... Spending all that money on tax giveaways to the rich and funding the Iraq government... Id say his policies have some responsability.


You and Cypress should get a salary from the DNC for this kind of hackery.

You and Cypress should get a salary from the DNC for this kind of hackery.

Well you see, the poor grades our infrastruture have received for the past 15 years are all the fault of Bush. You are not allowed to mention that in the greatest economic boom our country has seen... not only did Saint Bill not lower the national debt (he raised it by $1.6 trillion)... but he also managed to completely neglect our infrastructure. Which is of course the fault of Bush.
Really? Was this country formed on that basis. That those that are industrious and work hard and luck brings them MORE money they MUST pay more

you obviously failed not only liberal theory 101, but also 201, 301, 401 etc....

My guess is you bypassed the kool aid stand at the entrance to the class room?
Well you see, the poor grades our infrastruture have received for the past 15 years are all the fault of Bush. You are not allowed to mention that in the greatest economic boom our country has seen... not only did Saint Bill not lower the national debt (he raised it by $1.6 trillion)... but he also managed to completely neglect our infrastructure. Which is of course the fault of Bush.

I believe it was 1990 that this bridge was initially diagnosed (sp) as having possible problems. I blame Jesse Ventura for the bridge collapsing.
I believe it was 1990 that this bridge was initially diagnosed (sp) as having possible problems. I blame Jesse Ventura for the bridge collapsing.

The greater problem is that this isn't the only bridge in serious trouble. Remember a few years ago when a riverboat captain on the Mississippi R. suffered some sort of medical emergency, the vessel struck a pylon and the bridge plunged into the water right in front of oncoming traffic? There was no warning at all and some people died. We'd gone over that bridge exactly a week earlier, same time of day, on our way home from a racing event in KY. That can make your perception of life really precious!

From what I've read, the entire infrastructure in the nation has suffered from apathy and neglect for many, many years, perhaps decades. And it's going to cost us dearly to bring everything back up to acceptable standards.
I believe it was 1990 that this bridge was initially diagnosed (sp) as having possible problems. I blame Jesse Ventura for the bridge collapsing.

Shhhh... you are not supposed to know the bridges condition prior to Bush taking office. It ruins their illusion that the bridge suddenly started falling apart under Bush.
From what I've read, the entire infrastructure in the nation has suffered from apathy and neglect for many, many years, perhaps decades. And it's going to cost us dearly to bring everything back up to acceptable standards.

100% correct. But rather than help the economy by taking $150 billion and investing in jobs/materials to rebuild our infrastructure, we instead send out stop gap checks that will not do a damn thing in the long run to help the economy.
Shhhh... you are not supposed to know the bridges condition prior to Bush taking office. It ruins their illusion that the bridge suddenly started falling apart under Bush.
I think it might have BEEN Bush's fault though. Didn't he outright reject gravitational theory for a "god holds us all down with his big ole thumb" theory of why we stay on this planet. I am sure I read it somewhere, right near how man and dinosuars lived on the earth together.
All are funny except for the first one which is just your hackery showing itself.

The Bush tax cuts should be renewed, with accompanying cuts in spending.

A majority of Americans agree with me.


CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. March 14-16, 2008. N=1,019 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"As you may know, the federal income tax cuts passed into law since George W. Bush became president are set to expire within the next several years. Would you favor or oppose making those tax cuts permanent?"

Favor: 54%

Oppose: 40%

Unsure: 6%

the results of a poll are directly tied to the question(s) asked

i.e., i want my tax break but not yours or should the tax breaks for the middle class and poor be retained

there are liars, damned fool liars and pollsters (paraphrasing m. twain)