Pigboy calls Michelle Obama fat?!!

She didn't tell others not to do it, she is teaching healthy and limited sugary and fat snacks for children, so he exaggerated once again, and he didn't say fat, but his comments implied that he thought she needed to follow her own advice, I saw the clip, he was implying she was fat.
1. I never said she "told others not to" I said she said they "shouldn't". Which you reiterate here.
2. And no, his comments implied that she was eating fatty foods that she told others that they shouldn't eat. If you think it means she is fat, then you are too thin skinned. It's like crying about lipstick on a pig.
Again, he does not call her fat. He mentions the constant pressure women are under to be model like. He says she does not show signs that she is leaning up. That is not the same as calling her fat. Not even close.

There are a lot of people in decent shape that could lean up if they were to eat healthier (exercise more). His point was that there is not much change in Michelle (in his opinion).

Bottom line... Rush is and always will be a moron. He cons liberals into promoting him on a daily basis. One day liberals will wise up and stop giving a crap what that idiot is saying.

You definately got a point there. I don't like either Rush or Fox News.....so I didn't listen to Rush and I don't watch Fox News. Problem solved!
This is another one of those made up non-issues isn't it?

I mean #1. I do think it's nice that Mrs. Obama is promoting proper nutrition (just as I applauded Mrs. Bush's literacy efforts) and #2. I could care less what Rush says or thinks about it. Why should I?
I say she's a few orders of short ribs away from 2 bills, very sad and unfortunate for a fit guy like Obama.
Ms. first lady Obama is getting fatter by the day.

I think I'll stay away from what she's pushing.:)
I bet she could whoop your ass in a game of round ball....I have no doubt she could post up in the paint far better then you and probably run the court better too. I mean the sister can't help it she's thick....that don't mean she's fat. Trust me...I was raised around enough over fed, under loved German farm girls to know the difference! LOL
Oh I get it now, cause I was gonna say his wife's ass is pretty tight. She's much more liberal than SM, even has a minority bi friend.
Oh I get it now, cause I was gonna say his wife's ass is pretty tight. She's much more liberal than SM, even has a minority bi friend.
Stop lying. You know nothing about my wife. If you have a beef with me, then don't attack my family.

Topshit is pissed because I have a better education, own nicer real estate, a larger portfolio, and make more money. All things that he challenged me on then fell short.

Oh, and I'm taller than he is too. LOL
IF you don't mind the cottage cheese look on the thighs and butt she's not fat. LOFL

Ya'll may be into that heroine chik shit but I like my women real and I know a lot of brothers who prefer their women thick.....ya know....like the man said...36-24-36? Only if she's 5'3"!

It's a choice we all make, give me a fit bubble butt chick with a tiny waiste any day over a hippo.
It's a choice we all make, give me a fit bubble butt chick with a tiny waiste any day over a hippo.
It's all good cuz!

To paraphrase the late great George Carlin.....pussy is like pizza. when it's good, it's very, very good and when it's bad...it's still pretty damned good. :)
I bet she could whoop your ass in a game of round ball....I have no doubt she could post up in the paint far better then you and probably run the court better too. I mean the sister can't help it she's thick....that don't mean she's fat. Trust me...I was raised around enough over fed, under loved German farm girls to know the difference! LOL

Your statement here saye that you support the government mandating what you eat. Right?

Maybe we all need a card that we take to the butcher to get meat. And when we go over our mandated amount, we're fined. Or maybe the butcher won't give us the extra ribeye we want. Right? This is what you're defending,,,,, right?

This is exactly what you're defending,,,,, right?.