Plague to Democracy: Mail In Ballots

Difficulty and/or potential complications do not equate to being unable to vote. The DoD ensures that everybody gets to vote.

Also, I will not allow leftists to fool me into equating minor hoops through which a few military must jump with a need to provide the DNC a power-tool for stealing elections.

As far as those "minor hoops"; I had to go back through some stuff to check on something. When I was onboard the sub, in 1980, we got underway in late September and pulled back into port a couple of weeks before Xmas. I think there was one "burst transmission" we received. But that was the only communication with anyone. And one of the very few times we even came to periscope depth. The motto "Run Silent/Run Deep" is something we took seriously.

We were told, of course, that we should make arrangements for voting, get our Will done etc.
We were told, of course, that we should make arrangements for voting, get our Will done etc.
Right, and that is what I was talking about. You were not going to be disenfranchised just because you were deploying. Your Commander had every obligation to inform you that you should make arrangements to vote, and to free you to be able to do so. If the only way for you to be able to vote before you were deployed was to give you a three-day pass to take care of whatever needed to be done, then your commander would have had to do that without question.

However, the onus was on you to actually do whatever needed to be done, regrdless of "inconvenience," i.e. you might have had to jump through some hoops. As such, it is not a valid argument to say that we need to provide the DNC with the means to steal an election in order to eliminate any hoops that military members might face.

btw, I accept your military service. When someone uses wording that appears, on the surface, to contradict reality, in order to support a political position, my initial reaction is to call booooooolsch't. I'm always happy to work through the wording to arrive at a common understanding.