
Your avatar to mine to show support for gay marriage. This is a facebook campaign and I was shocked to see how many people have done so.


I cannot, in good conscience, do such a thing simply because it would then mean I give the government legitimacy in to defining marriage. something i just have a moral problem allowing.
I cannot, in good conscience, do such a thing simply because it would then mean I give the government legitimacy in to defining marriage. something i just have a moral problem allowing and only started caring about when gay people started wanting the same rights

It isn't meant to be imaginative. It is meant to be a simple sign of equality.

I still don't understand what the big deal is about gay marriage. It seems that the people most fervently for it are secular anyway. Civil partnerships are exactly the same in all legal respects, I can't help thinking that it is another crafty way for lawyers to make big bucks suing churches.

Howie says that he is Jewish but I doubt if he attends the synagogue on a regular basis.
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I still don't understand what the big deal is about gay marriage. It seems that the people most fervently for it are secular anyway. Civil partnerships are exactly the same in all legal respects, I can't help thinking that it is another crafty way for lawyers to make big bucks suing churches.

Howie says that he is Jewish but I doubt if he attends the synagogue on a regular basis.

whats the big deal about separate water fountains? the fountain is the same, the water is the same, what's the issue?
Tom how the fuck are you a liberal

I would like somebody to explain to me the difference between a civil partnership and a marriage apart from the religious aspect. Is it somehow different in the US?

I do not believe in forcing churches to conduct marriage ceremonies against their will which is what will happen. Of course what will also happen is that Christian churches will be forced but Muslims will be left alone because that is too big a can of worms to deal with.

I don't have any axe to grind or any ideological reasons here, I just know what always happen in practice. There will be a test case sooner or later on human rights grounds, they did that in the UK with gay adoption so the Catholic adoption agencies just closed down rather than go against their teachings. The US has a fuckton of lawyers and I bet they are just itching to get stuck in.

Anyway, you are one to talk, how many babies did you say that you would be prepared to see die to save your imaginary guns from "the takers".
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I would like somebody to explain to me the difference between a civil partnership and a marriage apart from the religious aspect. Is it different in the US?

No, and gays are prevented from forming said partnerships in any event. Hence the debate.
He's not. He's a limey. The only thing liberal about them is their personal hygiene. Or lack of.

For the record, I am married to a Thai. They are practically the most obsessive people on the planet when it comes to personal hygiene. In Thailand, it is a wonder that they ever get anything done as they seem to spend half their lives in the fucking shower.
Are we talking at cross purposes then? Because civil partnerships are perfectly legal here and have been for a while. It is just that the debate has moved on to gay marriage which in the UK anyway means a marriage in church.

In the US a civil ceremony still results in a marriage, whether any religion is involved or not.