Please, Let me Explain.


New member
I feel like I've gotten off on the wrong foot. I want everyone to know that although I am passionate about my hopes for my children's future in America, and I can see where the country has gone downhill in values/morality in the last 40 years, thta does NOT mean that I am not a polite, thoughtful person with feelings, and the desire to LEARN about the opinion of others, ESPECIALLY those on the Left, becuse in understanding, there can be communication.

Now I DON'T want to pick on anyone, but I've been here only TWICE, and I feel like I'm hated already. I never started out any post attacking anyone HERE, and I don't think I ever will. I have stated what I SEE, and have SEEN in my middle-aged life. Am I in the wrong place, is there Freedom of Speech here? Or is it an AGE thing, is this a site for young teens?
Because I tried to communicate with someone, "desh", twice, now. The first time I was visciously attacked, and got a similar attiude the second. When You post here, isn't the rule of polite society in play, that the poster/one who asks question, wait for an answer?
Because I tried that, got NO ANSWER, only an attack that "I did not answer THEIR question!" Pardon me, I kmow I'm getting older, but are the old rules of conversation GONE? I even got a PRIVATE MESSAGE, that basically threatened to BAN me as "an aut-bot"(spelling?), if I didn't BOW to his/her rules. Does this "desh" speak for all, can I not expect a response to a question, before being attacked for not answering someone elses?
In the spirit of full disclosure, because I don't know the age/gender of "desh", it's hard to tell, all I get is attacks, called racist, one guy asked me if I "owned guns"---(?) I am a Conservative man, who grew up poor, started my own business, am being taxed and regulated to death, and I STILL KNOW I live in the Greatest Nation there has EVER been. I get upset when some on the Left bash America, say everything is OUR fault, terrorism, etc. I'm not stupid, I like to think the opposite. I know we;ve made mistakes. I believe in America first, THEN help others. I believe in lowering taxes, it swells the Treasury, and creates jobs. I believe some running for President want a Nanny State, where a Govt. program is the answer for ALL of America's problems, and high taxes, to PAY for it.

All I asked, to "desh", was basically two questions, and I couldn't get an answer, just attacked. If this isn't a site of a free exchange of ideas, let me know. The 2 questions were:
1.)"How can the Clintons and Obama expect people to believe them as credible candiates, "not wanting to inject race and gender", when all they've been DOING is BASHING each other over RACE and GENDER,(see "The Great Deceit" and
2.) With all the talk of Martin Luther King, Civil Rights, etc., WHY is it that the MEDIA, who are supposed to be "unbiased", seem to BURY the many terrible acts of Liberals, and never give CREDIT to Republicans, who HELPED Lyndon Johnson pass Civil Rights Act 1964, which many Democrats voted AGAINST(Dem. Al Gore Sr.,Dem. Robt. Byrd,many others) like Democrat Senator Robt. Byrd's LEADERSHIP in the Ku Klux Klan, and Dem. Sen.Ted Kennedy's MANSLAUGHTER(at least) of MaryJo Kopekne? I ASKED this question, but "desh", because he/she can't answer without admitting Liberalism is a FAILURE, he/she chooses to call me names, or say that "Im not answering his/her questions." Almost funny, if it wasn't sad. That we have come to a point where some are afraid to admit faults of politicians, or media, and instead of communicating, they simply ATTACK, using VERY tired and overused-into-meaninglessness cliche's, word like "racist" or "fascist". I almost feel sorry for some who have no words to explain their position, so yell "you're a racist/fascist!", and then run away, or refuse to answer.
No one hates you, Desh is just an idiot. This is a pretty informal site, so feel free to hand out abuse as you receive it.
Don't take it personally, Jollie. We're a rollicking bunch of fuckheads. You don't like how you're being treated? Fight back. It's basically the law of the jungle, as long as you stay somewhat on point. I usually have two parts to my post, an objective part, and an immature part. I suggest this approach to give sway to all aspects of your personality. We're the Funky Bunch. Im Markey Mark, Pleased to meet you.
And now, after waiting a little while for a response, I HAVE to go, as much as I would like to stay and converse. I have a medical appointment.
AssHat- is that YOU? LOVE the Mountain-Man look, haha! And now that AssHat has given me the lay of the land, "Douche", I'm not taking any more of your whiny baby crap! So when I ask a question, ANSWER IT, or don't bother posting with you're stupid and mediamatters quotes Repub racist
AssHat- is that YOU? LOVE the Mountain-Man look, haha! And now that AssHat has given me the lay of the land, "Douche", I'm not taking any more of your whiny baby crap! So when I ask a question, ANSWER IT, or don't bother posting with you're stupid and mediamatters quotes Repub racist

YES. Yes. This one has fight in him! :clink:
Jollie I have given nothing but respectfull answers to be met by NO answer what so ever or personal attacks which did not adress my comments to your posts.

Go ahead and buddy up with the likes of gonzo hes right up your alley.
Jollie I have given nothing but respectfull answers to be met by NO answer what so ever or personal attacks which did not adress my comments to your posts.

Go ahead and buddy up with the likes of gonzo hes right up your alley.

Jollie isn't up my alley, though. In fact, you still have no idea what alley is my alley...I think you have the notion I'm some sort of neocon.
Jollie I have given nothing but respectfull answers to be met by NO answer what so ever or personal attacks which did not adress my comments to your posts.

Go ahead and buddy up with the likes of gonzo hes right up your alley.
I have seen that alley. It is a very scary place to be. Stay out of gonzos alley.
Jollie, How do free people compete with slaves?

You know, I was up all night thinking about can free people compete with slaves when the corporations are just using the Man to fund the military industrial complex and use the Jewish Bankers to print fiat currency that just turns us all into
slaves are not much competition.

They most certainly are the low cost competitor, in the global labor market. I still maintain human slavery should not be allowed as a legitimate costcutting measure, however.

How do you feel about it, usc? You in denial about these facts?
You know, I was up all night thinking about can free people compete with slaves when the corporations are just using the Man to fund the military industrial complex and use the Jewish Bankers to print fiat currency that just turns us all into

But how do free people compete with slaves? Seriously, mr. jokey.