Please, Let me Explain.

Is Jollie for real? Its just that his opening story seems so cliched as to make me wonder if someone is trolling. On the other hand, cliches exist for a reason... I'm not one to tear down a fellow conservative (unless they are stupid, ala MichaelK, or they refuse to concede that I am the greatest man alive).
But how do free people compete with slaves? Seriously, mr. jokey.

Well, first I figure we can organise some sort of music festival...then we can all smoke joints and sing until the big bad military industrial complex finally collapses under the strain of the Jewish Noahide fiat currency system that the enslaved children of the world support due to the cruelty of the Illuminati's quest to bring about the New World Order.
Holy shit batman!

I have seen that alley. It is a very scary place to be. Stay out of gonzos alley.

:shock: you have seen gonzos has been a insightful day at the board all the closet cases are out in full force!:corn:

Then again there might be a sale on booze at their local liquor stores...some are sounding pretty drunk today!