Please Vote In The Most Obnoxious Poll

It doesn't even fit a finals. At least two new posters were added, because Havana has issue with them. Jack, and Rat Roberson were not on the others.

They weren't on the others because they were hardly on the radar then. I don't even have much of an issue with them to be honest. Rat can be amusing and Jack is just too insipid to be much of anything. Anyway I am way beyond bored with all this, just vote for who the fuck you want or don't, as the case may be.
Bowel Woman

Just a few I would add to the list.
Phantasmal aka Rana was eliminated in the previous round. Mason is permabanned I believe and Gotcha68 was off my radar until very recently. Bowel Woman I missed, shame on me, but she only got four votes last time.