Police say inconsistencies in McCain worker's story


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Police say there are inconsistencies in the story of a McCain campaign volunteer who told them she was mugged in Bloomfield on Wednesday night by a man who etched a "B" on her cheek when he saw a McCain sticker on her car.

Ashley Todd, 20, of College Station, Texas, spent five hours with robbery detectives last night at police headquarters, where she took a polygraph test. She told police that a man robbed her as she tried to take money from an ATM machine at Pearl Street and Liberty Avenue around 9 p.m. Wednesday.

Ms. Todd told police she then began walking to her car, which had McCain stickers on it. She told police that although the robber had moved away from her, he became agitated when he saw her car, punched her in the back of the head, pushed her to the ground and carved the letter into her face.

A photo of the woman shows what appears to be a backwards capital B on her right cheek.

Yesterday, she said the man sexually assaulted her, a detail that police said she didn't mention in the initial report.
Police today said that security camera footage from the Citizens Bank doesn't show the incident, but it could have happened outside the camera's range. Police also said they have found no witnesses to the attack.

Ms. Todd has said she will return for further interviewing today and will help police create a composite sketch of her attacker.

He is described as a 6-foot 4-inch, 200-pound black man, with medium build and short black hair.

So now she added sex to it. I wonder who told her that would help. I wonder if she had given any thought to what would happen if they believed her, arrested a man for this, and then convicted him on her testimony? I guess someone who would make up this story has enough hate in them not to care, or to actually enjoy that? It’s girls like her, who not too long ago, got black men, and teenagers, children really, like 14 year old Emmett Till, murdered.
What a retard. I can't believe she was so stupid as to write a backward 'B' on her faces. I hope she gets punished to the full extent of the law.
And yes, I do believe she did it - unlike a lot p$$ies on this site who can't commit to an opinion and pretend everything is a possibility
And yes, I do believe she did it - unlike a lot p$$ies on this site who can't commit to an opinion and pretend everything is a possibility

I am hoping she spends time in prison. She needs to be sent to prison in my opinion. The same place the bitch would happily send some poor fuck who happened to vaguely fit that description and happened to be anywhere near where this happened.
I am hoping she spends time in prison. She needs to be sent to prison in my opinion. The same place the b!tch would happily send some poor fvck who happened to vaguely fit that description and happened to be anywhere near where this happened.


I hate racists.
I am hoping she spends time in prison. She needs to be sent to prison in my opinion. The same place the bitch would happily send some poor fuck who happened to vaguely fit that description and happened to be anywhere near where this happened.

Well said. I agree absolutely.
Well, she can get help after she serves her sentence. I am hoping for prison. This is unconscionable, and she needs to be punished.

I agree that she needs to be prosecuted and punished, but I have a problem with sending people with severe mental issues to prison, even if they are McCainiacs (query whether the latter is additional evidence of the former).
I agree that she needs to be prosecuted and punished, but I have a problem with sending people with severe mental issues to prison, even if they are McCainiacs (query whether the latter is additional evidence of the former).

You must protect the ones they might hurt. A good loony bin for a few years would probably suffice. Guilty but mentally ill kind of thing.

Unfortuantely Bush has proven we do not have enough mental wards to hold all the mentally ill.
and I don't think I have ever seen the right wingers trying to remove the mentally ill from the voting rolls. hmmm
The more that I think about it the more I'm inclined to agree with you guys. She made up a story about being beaten up, sexually assaulted and then disfigured by a big black man because she supports the white guy.

That's fucked up. Hopefully, she can get the help she needs after serving her prison term and she won't be too much worse for the wear.
Guilty but mentally ill. Mental care confinement. I don't think she will like that. Republicans do not like to pay for mental health care for obvious reasons.

Why would they want to diminish their voter base ?