Post Biden announcement poll: The race is tied up

A good point, many younger voters do not have home phones anymore and most cells are not targeted by pollsters.

That said, I will believe it when it happens. (the young coming out in great numbers) They are by far the least reliable demographic when it comes to showing up to vote.

The young will come out inspired by what?

Obama/Biden will get us deeper into the abyss of war in Afghanistan and perhaps even Pakistan.

I'm sure the young can't wait to join up.
The young will come out inspired by what?

Obama/Biden will get us deeper into the abyss of war in Afghanistan and perhaps even Pakistan.

I'm sure the young can't wait to join up.

That is just it.... I don't think they will come out in large numbers. Mainly for the reasons you point out, but also because of historic trends. That tends to be a highly emotional demographic. They get all wound up about a candidate and then fade as their ADD sets in and they go back to their video games. Without the energy of a true "movement" I don't think they will get jazzed up again as they did in the primary.
That is just it.... I don't think they will come out in large numbers. Mainly for the reasons you point out, but also because of historic trends. That tends to be a highly emotional demographic. They get all wound up about a candidate and then fade as their ADD sets in and they go back to their video games. Without the energy of a true "movement" I don't think they will get jazzed up again as they did in the primary.

Too often we think young people are stupid and lazy .. but true change only comes from the young.

It took a 24 year-old Martin King, a 23 year-old Malcolm X, a 24 year old-Angela Davis, and a host of other black youth to begin the movement for black power .. often against the wishes of older so-called black leaders .. most of whom came from the church and wanted no part of rocking the boat.

The movement against Vietnam would have been nothing without the energy and participation of American youth who stood against the war often against the wishes of their parents and conservative and weakling older Americans who goosestepped to whatever they were told.

Obama had a movement and he abandoned it to follow the same failed course of centrist politics which inspires NOBODY .. especially the youth.