Pray for the Homosexuals

Political protection of a sexual practice is ridiculous. I do not believe it is proper to pass laws stating that homosexuals have 'rights' to have sex with one another and then redefine marriage to include their views. If they can do that, then where will it end?

They had to have those laws passed because ignorant Conservative ideologues have for DECADES attempted to outlaw any form of intimate contact between two consenting homosexuals.

There are STILL anti-sodomy laws on the books in several states, and the Government has NO BUSINESS telling consenting adults what they can and cannot do in the privacy of their own bedroom.
Christians should pray for the salvation of the homosexual the same way they would any other person in sin. They should treat homosexuals with the same dignity as they would anyone else because, like it or not, they are made in the image of God. However, this does not mean that Christians should approve of their sin. Not at all. Christians should not compromise their witness for a politically correct opinion that is shaped by guilt and fear.

In fact, the following verses should be kept in mind when dealing with homosexuals.

  • "Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, as it were, with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person," (Col. 4:5-6).
  • "But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith," (1 Tim. 1:5).
You do not win people to the Lord by condemning them and calling them names. This is why God says to speak with wisdom, grace, and love. Let the love of Christ flow through you so that the homosexuals can see true love and turn to Christ instead of away from Him.

You need to pass on the highlighted part to DY...he's busy making sure everyone thinks Christians are ignorant homophobes who hate anyone not like them.
I am not without sin.

The Bible, as God's Word, reveals God's moral character and it shapes the morality of the Christian.

The truth is that God created man and woman, not man and man, or woman and woman. Nevertheless, the Bible is a powerful book, and because of that homosexuals sometimes try to make the Bible agree with their agenda. But it doesn't work. The Bible does not support homosexuality.

Of course not. You're a blasphemer. The worst sin in the eyes of God.

btw...your site, CARM, considers Mormonism a false religion.

The owner of the site, Matt Slick, is a former agnostic now turned Calvinist who believes anyone who is born out of wedlock will go to Hell.

He also thinks girls who lose their virginity before marriage should be killed ala' Muslim honor killings.

Nice guy, huh?
Yet the advocates of secular humanism seem to want no religion at all!

Who the fuck cares what we want? We don't control the government, and abolition of religion is only going to come alongside a revolution. Focus on the people that pass laws, not the fringe sects of American social democracy.
Why just pray for them? You too are a sinner according to your mythology. You should pray for yourself and let them handle their own souls.
Wait. I just realized something. Public squares are just that. Why are the Jesus freaks bitching about them?
I am not without sin.

The Bible, as God's Word, reveals God's moral character and it shapes the morality of the Christian.

The truth is that God created man and woman, not man and man, or woman and woman. Nevertheless, the Bible is a powerful book, and because of that homosexuals sometimes try to make the Bible agree with their agenda. But it doesn't work. The Bible does not support homosexuality.

You should have stopped with "I am not without sin". Neither is anyone else. The Bible supports no sexual immorality at all...not just homosexuality.