Predictions on what Jesse Jackson said

BUT it shows that I was wrong. Obama is getting the same thing that cosby did but just not as public. Jackson's whole Obama "can come off as speaking down to black people" and that there were other important issues to be addressed in the black community, such as unemployment, the mortgage crisis and the number of blacks in prison.

Isn't the problem of fatherless children also an equally important problem. Why is it when a strong black man that has stayed with his wife and his children mentions the problem he is "talking down" to people?

I agree with Jackson, but it comes from more than talking about fatherless children. Everyone wants to talk about black fatherless children but no one wants to talk about how a proven racist criminal system impacts many of those children.

Obama and Cosby aren't the only black people talking about the problem. Louis Farrakhan did a far better job of not only talking about it to black people, but he and the Nation of Islam have a LONG track record of producing families that stay together and foster well-mannered, educated, and violence free children .. and he and the Nation have a LONG track record of rehabilitating men who have been seperated from their families by prison.

Farrakhan not only talked about the problems of black fatherhood, but he also got about two million of us to travel across country to talk about it with him. It was the most spititual event I have ever attended.

But white people don't want to talk about Farrakhan nor the Nation unless they can be painted in a negative light.

Obama had the perfect opportunity to speak to the PROVEN racism of the criminal system and how it affects black children within the context of his "fatherless" comments .. but he didn't do that .. because his comments were meant for white people, not black people.

Obama is never going to mention the name Farrakhan in a positive light because his comments are meant for white people, not black people.

Often I find many well-meaning non-racist whites who maintain a paternalistic, sort of condescending view of black people they aren't aware of.
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who's shocked blackpanther is Louis fan. If Jesse was pissed that he's not talking enough about too many brothers in Jail then I agree with Jesse too.
That said, any Democrats (republicans can suck it) think that Obama will not do all he can to unwind the 25yrs of third reich policies once in office??
This helps Obama to continue to distance himself from the politics of the past, the politics of Jessie Jackson. It makes Obama even further from a "black politition" to a polititation.

Jessie has been rejected by the mainstreem, Obama has not.

It also shows what a petty, racist, idiot Jackson it.
This helps Obama to continue to distance himself from the politics of the past, the politics of Jessie Jackson. It makes Obama even further from a "black politition" to a polititation.

Jessie has been rejected by the mainstreem, Obama has not.

It also shows what a petty, racist, idiot Jackson it.

I think it shows how much of a petty, racist, idiot you are.

That said, the cut off his nuts comment was pretty weird.
I agree with Jackson, but it comes from more than talking about fatherless children. Everyone wants to talk about black fatherless children but no one wants to talk about how a proven racist criminal system impacts many of those children.

Obama and Cosby aren't the only black people talking about the problem. Louis Farrakhan did a far better job of not only talking about it to black people, but he and the Nation of Islam have a LONG track record of producing families that stay together and foster well-mannered, educated, and violence free children .. and he and the Nation have a LONG track record of rehabilitating men who have been seperated from their families by prison.

Farrakhan not only talked about the problems of black fatherhood, but he also got about two million of us to travel across country to talk about it with him. It was the most spititual event I have ever attended.

But white people don't want to talk about Farrakhan nor the Nation unless they can be painted in a negative light.

Obama had the perfect opportunity to speak to the PROVEN racism of the criminal system and how it affects black children within the context of his "fatherless" comments .. but he didn't do that .. because his comments were meant for white people, not black people.

Obama is never going to mention the name Farrakhan in a positive light because his comments are meant for white people, not black people.

Often I find many well-meaning non-racist whites who maintain a paternalistic, sort of condescending view of black people they aren't aware of.
While I agree that the prison system in this country adversely affects the black male population at a much higher rate, it is NOT the be all and end all of fatherless black children. Not evey black child in this country is growing up without a father because he is in prison. And as for Farrakan, he has done a great deal to foster lasting marriages but I wonder how active a role he takes in making sure that black men take care of the children they have with white and hispanic women. Farrakan has a very narrow world view which is why people don't tend to point to him as a role model. If some guy at White Aryan Resistance came up with a great program to keep at risk white families together, but not mixed families with a white father NONE OF US would recommend his program or hold him out to be the savior of the american family.
Farrakan is not mentioned in a postive light because Farrakan has in the past referred to the white race as devils, denounces interracial relationships much like those in Virgina did in the 60's and is in general intollerent of people who are not black. Hard to get the message across when the messanger doesn't look at people based upon the content of their character but rather the color of their skin.
I agree with Jackson, but it comes from more than talking about fatherless children. Everyone wants to talk about black fatherless children but no one wants to talk about how a proven racist criminal system impacts many of those children.

Obama and Cosby aren't the only black people talking about the problem. Louis Farrakhan did a far better job of not only talking about it to black people, but he and the Nation of Islam have a LONG track record of producing BLACK families that stay together and foster well-mannered, educated, and violence free BLACKchildren .. and he and the Nation have a LONG track record of rehabilitating BLACKmen who have been seperated from their BLACKfamilies by prison.

Farrakhan not only talked about the problems of black fatherhood, but he also got about two million of us to travel across country to talk about it with him. It was the most spititual event I have ever attended.

But white people don't want to talk about Farrakhan nor the Nation unless they can be painted in a negative light.

Obama had the perfect opportunity to speak to the PROVEN racism of the criminal system and how it affects black children within the context of his "fatherless" comments .. but he didn't do that .. because his comments were meant for white people, not black people.

Obama is never going to mention the name Farrakhan in a positive light because his comments are meant for white people, not black people.

Often I find many well-meaning non-racist whites who maintain a paternalistic, sort of condescending view of black people they aren't aware of.

Here we go again, another whiner blaming the failure of BLACKS on the
white people. This problem has been going on for generations, the black community sits around waiting for the government to feed & shelter them, instead of getting off their ass and taking some initiative to go to school, get a job and make something out of yourself. But what do you do, blame the white man for sending your ass to jail for selling crack to kids or robbing the local market with a gun. Obama was right any idiot can make a baby, but it takes a man to take care of his family.
And our exploiting of them for many years has nothing to do with it? Do you claim that white American is blameless?

Reading on the functions of the brain will surprise you. Social functions and expectations.
Interesting stuff.
Here we go again, another whiner blaming the failure of BLACKS on the
white people. This problem has been going on for generations, the black community sits around waiting for the government to feed & shelter them, instead of getting off their ass and taking some initiative to go to school, get a job and make something out of yourself. But what do you do, blame the white man for sending your ass to jail for selling crack to kids or robbing the local market with a gun. Obama was right any idiot can make a baby, but it takes a man to take care of his family.
And this is just plain fucking stupid as well. You sit around and pretend that Blacks get the EXACT same sentence and treatment by the criminal justice system only proves you know nothing about how the criminal justice system works. Blacks get more time, less probation, less non-judicial treatment of their offense and more time for the same crimes as whites with the exact same prior history.
BB once told a story about how he found a bunch of white medical students with a pound of pot that they were "bringing to a party". He threw the pot into the wilderness and let them off, and gave that as an example of letting the "good people" off who don't really "deserve" a record.

And I've always wondered, what would he have done had that been a couple of black people listening to gangster rap? There would've been no question. They'd still be in jail to this day.
While I agree that the prison system in this country adversely affects the black male population at a much higher rate, it is NOT the be all and end all of fatherless black children. Not evey black child in this country is growing up without a father because he is in prison. And as for Farrakan, he has done a great deal to foster lasting marriages but I wonder how active a role he takes in making sure that black men take care of the children they have with white and hispanic women. Farrakan has a very narrow world view which is why people don't tend to point to him as a role model. If some guy at White Aryan Resistance came up with a great program to keep at risk white families together, but not mixed families with a white father NONE OF US would recommend his program or hold him out to be the savior of the american family.
Farrakan is not mentioned in a postive light because Farrakan has in the past referred to the white race as devils, denounces interracial relationships much like those in Virgina did in the 60's and is in general intollerent of people who are not black. Hard to get the message across when the messanger doesn't look at people based upon the content of their character but rather the color of their skin.

Deut. 7:3-4 "Do not intermarry with them.... for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods.... "

1 Ki. 11:2 "They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, 'You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods...."

Ezra 9:14 "Shall we again break your commands and intermarry with the peoples who commit such detestable practices?..."

Are you a christian? .. If so .. those words came from your bible, not Farrakhan.

It also may surprise you .. because you obviously don't know .. there are many whites, hispanics, and people in mixed marriages within the Nation.

Farrakhan is rejected by white society but he is not rejected by blacks, and I know for fact that neither Cosby or Obama could get 2 million men to travel acrosss country to listen to either of them talk about anything .. particularly talking about something of such a seriously introspective nature. If you have any doubts about what I just said then you don't know the subject you're talking about.

Your heroes may be cowboys, or comedians, or politicians who have never lifted a finger in the struggle, but they aren't mine sir.

Additionally, I've never said all the problems of absent fathers are because amny are locked up by a racist system .. so what? .. let's just ignore it as this society has been ignoring it for eons?
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[ame=""]I guess Jackson wont be VP! - Just Plain Politics![/ame]