
Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i think that we are all prejudiced

i know that i have my own racial and social prejudices

however, having them and giving in to them are two different things

i am not happy about my prejudices, but they reflect the way i was raised

i have learned to either double think or to a greater or lessor extent assuaged them

unwarranted prejudice diminishes my ability to think, like any other insanity
No one has "unwarranted" prejudice. There is no such thing as "uninformed" bigotry. Those who have prejudice and bigotry, have very valid reasons in their own mind, for the sentiment, or they wouldn't have it. Ask any prejudiced bigot why they feel that way, and they will explain with clarity, why they hold the view they hold. Ignorant bigotry, doesn't mean someone is stupid, quite the contrary, they are usually very smart. Their "ignorance" comes in not realizing their own bigoted and prejudiced views for what they are.

As humans, we are all born with prejudice. People exhibit prejudices everyday, in what they eat, what they wear, the friends they have, the places they go, the car they drive, the neighborhood they live in, etc. This is normal human behavior, but our politically correct social culture has so vilified the word, that people are ashamed to readily admit they have prejudice of any kind. I happen to think this is the single biggest obstacle to defeating racial and sexual prejudice which is prevalent in our society.

If people of all races, and people of all gender and sexuality, could realize and understand, we are all inherently prejudiced, and it's normal... we might be able to better understand each other. We all have things we prefer and things we don't prefer, and there isn't anything wrong with that, we are human. These simple preferences are often misconstrued into "racial prejudice" or "sexual prejudice" when they really aren't anything more than common human behavioral traits.

It is only when these common traits translate or manifest themselves into discriminatory prejudice against individuals based on stereotypes supported in our prejudices, that we have a fundamental societal problem. Realizing and understanding, each person is an individual creature, with their own set of prejudices as well, and we are all part of a larger group working together to form a society, is the key to understanding and tolerance. Respect for each individual, their unique attributes and character, irrespective of their race or sexual orientation, is the key to combating discriminatory prejudice.

As a society, we need to realize, we can never completely eliminate all prejudice and bigotry, in fact, it is a bigoted view to think that we can. You can't change other people, only yourself. In that regard, we should avoid hypersensitive emotive reaction to anything we personally perceive as prejudice, as when someone is called "racist" because of some innocent comment they make. From my perspective, this detracts from the problem of real racism, which does exist. We should reserve that word to apply it justly to those who indeed hold the view of racial supremacy or inferiority. If we focused our attention on those cases, we could effectively change hearts and minds.
I don't believe any prejudices are inherited from birth. They are passed on through family, immediate culture, and experiences. One may not be aware of where they came from, but one can be aware of owning them. Perhaps there's a part of those that serve as a part of 'our personal warning system' in new situations, but those of us that also learn some other lessons in life, keep them in check and deal with the situation at hand, not extrapolating from the singular to the global and are often surprised to the good, thus dampening down those legacies.

I'd also assume that if one picks up enough experiences that give validity to the prejudices, they'd be reinforced. Hasn't happened with me, but I'd say that's probably a mix of luck and the time and place that I live.
It's ok to be prejudiced against people of a culture you know to be oppressive, tyrannical and abusive, like The Mormon Polygamist CHild rapists. Isn't it right to hold negative feeling about people perpetuating and embracing that lifestyle until they denounce it?
Dixie you are just an idiot...

There most certantly is such thing as uninformed bigotry.

When someone says, I dont like Jews because they have horns and are sent by the devil, that is "uninformed", and that state of being uninformed has led to the bigorty they have shown!
That would be misinformed, not uninformed.

If you knew nothing about Jews, you likely wouldn't have a prejudice or even know that they were of a different "race". If they thought they had horns and were possessed of evil intentions it is because they have been misinformed about Jews. Not that they were uninformed.
That would be misinformed, not uninformed.

If you knew nothing about Jews, you likely wouldn't have a prejudice or even know that they were of a different "race". If they thought they had horns and were possessed of evil intentions it is because they have been misinformed about Jews. Not that they were uninformed.

Okay, or you could call that uninformed because they dont know the truth, they are uninformed of the reality of who a Jew is.
What about the guy who does not like American Indians, "I dont like em, never met one and dont want to!"
i think that we are all prejudiced

i know that i have my own racial and social prejudices

however, having them and giving in to them are two different things

i am not happy about my prejudices, but they reflect the way i was raised

i have learned to either double think or to a greater or lessor extent assuaged them

unwarranted prejudice diminishes my ability to think, like any other insanity

Good Post, and I agree.
My immediate family was not overtly prejudiced. However most all of those around me were. I did not even see another live person with dark skintone till I was in Highschool.
What about the guy who does not like American Indians, "I dont like em, never met one and dont want to!"
The reason he doesn't want to is because of misinformation, not a total lack of information.

If a person is uninformed he wouldn't know they existed.
The reason he doesn't want to is because of misinformation, not a total lack of information.

If a person is uninformed he wouldn't know they existed.

Ohh, so knowing that Jews, or American Indians or Black People exist means you are informed about the group?

I know figure skating exists, that does not mean I am informed about figure skaters!
It's ok to be prejudiced against people of a culture you know to be oppressive, tyrannical and abusive, like The Mormon Polygamist CHild rapists. Isn't it right to hold negative feeling about people perpetuating and embracing that lifestyle until they denounce it?

any person or groups of people embracing illegal acts as a central point of their basis should be denounced, but i do not think that would be called prejudice
Ohh, so knowing that Jews, or American Indians or Black People exist means you are informed about the group?

I know figure skating exists, that does not mean I am informed about figure skaters!

If you know figure skaters exist, you are also informed they exist.

My point is simple, all prejudiced bigots have an "informed" viewpoint. Whether their information is correct or incorrect is not in question, they base their bigotry on what they believe to be the truth. Indeed, they are often 'misinformed' which is what you are saying, but not what I said.

The "ignorance" in prejudiced bigotry is in the not accepting, knowing or realizing the information is incorrect or inaccurate. Bigotry itself, is the act of thinking your viewpoint is valid, without regard for other viewpoints, and all humans are all guilty of bigotry to a certain degree.
I don't believe any prejudices are inherited from birth. They are passed on through family, immediate culture, and experiences. One may not be aware of where they came from, but one can be aware of owning them. Perhaps there's a part of those that serve as a part of 'our personal warning system' in new situations, but those of us that also learn some other lessons in life, keep them in check and deal with the situation at hand, not extrapolating from the singular to the global and are often surprised to the good, thus dampening down those legacies.

I'd also assume that if one picks up enough experiences that give validity to the prejudices, they'd be reinforced. Hasn't happened with me, but I'd say that's probably a mix of luck and the time and place that I live.

I guess I should have more adequately qualified my statement, humans are born with the propensity for prejudice. Actual prejudice is indeed acquired through our experiences. A newborn may be 'prejudiced' toward the cold, this is due to the early uncomfortable experience of being cold, and has a preference (or prejudice) toward warmth. My point is, this is a normal human attribute found in us all, and not necessarily something we should revile and be ashamed of. However, our politically correct social structure, has done just that, it has made 'prejudice' a bad thing, when it's indeed, a perfectly normal thing.
I don't believe any prejudices are inherited from birth. They are passed on through family, immediate culture, and experiences. One may not be aware of where they came from, but one can be aware of owning them. Perhaps there's a part of those that serve as a part of 'our personal warning system' in new situations, but those of us that also learn some other lessons in life, keep them in check and deal with the situation at hand, not extrapolating from the singular to the global and are often surprised to the good, thus dampening down those legacies.

I'd also assume that if one picks up enough experiences that give validity to the prejudices, they'd be reinforced. Hasn't happened with me, but I'd say that's probably a mix of luck and the time and place that I live.

Prejudices are a natural reaction to things different than you. They may be dispelled using logic, but societies are different in the amount of logic they use in dispelling them.
Ohh, so knowing that Jews, or American Indians or Black People exist means you are informed about the group?

I know figure skating exists, that does not mean I am informed about figure skaters!
No, but hearing that they have "horns" and whatever other reason you have listed is misinformation.

Your analogies fail because the reality is people become bigoted because of misinformation and sometimes deliberate ignorance, but never because of being totally uninformed.
Prejudices are a natural reaction to things different than you. They may be dispelled using logic, but societies are different in the amount of logic they use in dispelling them.

Hmmm, you may have a point I learned and forgot. I pretty much have always believed what I posted first. With that said, to reiterate perhaps your point: Both my now ex and myself, were 26 years ago, pretty typical U of Chicago grads/grad students, quite open-minded and certainly regarding blacks, hardly prejudiced. Like most that we knew, we had many black friends.

My daughter was just shy of 12 months old. She had a health problem, ok now, but it was serious then, so we took her to Loyola. In the pediatric cardiac waiting room, there was a black woman that sat down beside me. We smiled and nodded at each other. My daughter just stared at her, mind you less than 12 months old. After a few minutes of that, where I was trying to distract her, she put out her hand and started stroking this woman's arm. As she did so, she kept looking at her fingers. I became very, to put it mildly, embarrassed. But the child would not stop.

I apologized, the woman said, 'Not a problem, she's wondering...', my daughter chose that moment to become articulate, 'no wash'. Damn.