
"No wash." Oh man.

Indeed. The woman, bless her, laughed. Then she stroked my daughter's arm and said, "different?" My daughter looked perplexed. She kept looking at her fingers. She said, "Same." Honest to God.

Truly to understand the stress, one would need to understand the intricacies of Chicago area, Maywood and all in particular.
Prejudices are a natural reaction to things different than you. They may be dispelled using logic, but societies are different in the amount of logic they use in dispelling them.

Or, they're an informed and logical reaction to known aversive practices or traits.

Like, it's smart to be prejudiced against violent murderers, or those who want to kill you unless you worship their god. Its rational to exhibit prejudice against crazies like that. Is it not?
Or, they're an informed and logical reaction to known aversive practices or traits.

Like, it's smart to be prejudiced against violent murderers, or those who want to kill you unless you worship their god. Its rational to exhibit prejudice against crazies like that. Is it not?

It's not only rational, it is a part of being a human being. However, you are talking about prejudice toward an individual or isolated extremist group, not an entire group of people belonging to a particular race or ethnic heritage. Prejudice itself, is normal, we exhibit prejudices in almost everything we do as human beings. It is a social problem when our prejudice crosses a boundary into stereotypes and generalizations of entire groups based on race, sexuality, religious belief, gender, etc.

Walter E. Williams once made a brilliant observation about prejudiced discrimination. He said, when he 'interviewed' for a wife, he discriminated against white women, he didn't 'interview' a single one. His point was, this was his preference in picking a wife, he is entitled to make that choice without regard for political correctness. We all have preferences, therefore, we have prejudices. This is part of being humans, and trying to socially deny this fact of reality, has brought us to this PC environment, where hypersensitivity toward anything we may personally see as 'prejudice' is translated into something insidious and wrong, when often, it's simple human nature in action.
It's not only rational, it is a part of being a human being. However, you are talking about prejudice toward an individual or isolated extremist group, not an entire group of people belonging to a particular race or ethnic heritage. Prejudice itself, is normal, we exhibit prejudices in almost everything we do as human beings. It is a social problem when our prejudice crosses a boundary into stereotypes and generalizations of entire groups based on race, sexuality, religious belief, gender, etc.

Walter E. Williams once made a brilliant observation about prejudiced discrimination. He said, when he 'interviewed' for a wife, he discriminated against white women, he didn't 'interview' a single one. His point was, this was his preference in picking a wife, he is entitled to make that choice without regard for political correctness. We all have preferences, therefore, we have prejudices. This is part of being humans, and trying to socially deny this fact of reality, has brought us to this PC environment, where hypersensitivity toward anything we may personally see as 'prejudice' is translated into something insidious and wrong, when often, it's simple human nature in action.

It is indeed rational to discriminate against adherents of a theocratic murderous faith, unless they demonstrate awareness of the barbarity of their faith and renounce it. Human nature is oftentimes rational.
Hate is natural?


That's bullshit.

Hate, prejudice, and bigotry are environmental, not natural.

American society breeds hate and bigotry.

Growing up in Detroit, my friends and I would take trips to Canada (Toronto and Montreal) all the time. It was like a breath of fresh air.

One of the biggest reasons Seattle is the diverse multi-cultural city it is, is because there are lots of Canadiens there.

Hate and bigotry are a sickness, a dementia .. nothing to be excused as "natural"
It is indeed rational to discriminate against adherents of a theocratic murderous faith, unless they demonstrate awareness of the barbarity of their faith and renounce it. Human nature is oftentimes rational.

It's rational to discriminate against people who like to play heavy metal music, or neighborhoods that mandate all houses look exactly the same, or to be prejudiced about where you park when you go to the store. As I said, prejudice and discrimination is a human trait inherent in all of us. It is when this prejudice crosses a boundary into judgments made on entire groups of people. You keep skirting around something with your proclamations of prejudice toward "adherents of a theocratic murderous faith" but this is dangerously close to religious bigoted prejudice. If you happen to know someone who murders people in the name of their theocratic views, you have the rational right to discriminate against them and be prejudiced toward them. You don't have a rational right to discriminate against an entire group you perceive to have a belief based on a stereotype or misinformation. That is the boundary I speak of.

You have this tendency to paint groups of people with a broad brush, and apply a set of your own ill-defined attributes to them, then cast your judgment upon them. This is ignorant bigoted prejudice, and makes you no better than the sheet-wearing klansmen or swastika-wearing Nazi. People are individuals, very seldom do they conform to a complete set of the same ideals and attributes, yet you will apply these attributes and ideals to them, and cast judgment accordingly.
No, but hearing that they have "horns" and whatever other reason you have listed is misinformation.

Your analogies fail because the reality is people become bigoted because of misinformation and sometimes deliberate ignorance, but never because of being totally uninformed.

You added the word totally!
You added the word totally!

That's because he was trying to explain something to your retarded ass. There is a monumental difference between the words "misinformed" and "uninformed" and you apparently don't think so. How about spending your time in a good secondary school, instead of posting on a political forum?
You added the word totally!
It's a redundancy. Being uninformed is being uninformed. Adding totally doesn't change the level they have been informed.

If they were partially informed, the word changes from 'un'...


Now you can try to use qualifiers, but it becomes an oxymoron. One cannot be partially uninformed. They are partially informed, or they can be misinformed. Once a person becomes informed at all, even armed with misinformation, they are no longer uninformed.