Prepare for how liberals will support Obama

We can already see a pattern emerging here. In just a week, those on the right are being called "racist" because we aren't rejoicing in the streets over our new 'black' president... never mind that he is 'biracial' and not black. But don't dare mention that, it means you are a racist if you do! Aside from these constant insidious snide remarks, we are inundated with the retorts and chortles of how he will be "better than Bush" in his administrative tenure. This is somewhat worrisome to me, that they have set the bar so low for parameters of judgment.

It essentially means, Obama will REALLY have to fuck things up, for pinhead liberals to ever admit he is not a good president. Bush got us into two 'unjust wars' so Obama can get us into one, and still be "better than Bush" ...We could invade Canada and steal all their oil, but that wouldn't be "as bad as Bush" in the liberals eyes. We've lost hundreds of thousands of jobs, if not millions, under the Bush presidency, so Obama can lose at least that many jobs, and not be "as bad as Bush" to the liberals. Under Bush, our national debt has soared, but unless it doubles in the next 4 years, it won't be "as bad as Bush" to the liberals, so spend away!

It doesn't matter what Obama is able to accomplish, we are all "redneck racists" and he's not "as bad as Bush" and that's all we need to remember! The illegal immigration problem need not get fixed, or education, or Social Security, or even health care for that matter, because Bush didn't fix those problems, so Obama not being able to do it, simply means he wasn't "as bad as Bush" at fixing things.

Something tells me it's going to be a rough 4 years, just putting up with liberals!
Why do conservatives have to make up stories about them being called racist for not supporting Obama in every post? Dixie, where have I said "you are a racist for not supporting Obama"? It's as if they're expecting to be called racist for something else. Like a guilty mind.
Why do conservatives have to make up stories about them being called racist for not supporting Obama in every post? Dixie, where have I said "you are a racist for not supporting Obama"? It's as if they're expecting to be called racist for something else. Like a guilty mind.

Waterhead, I am normally called 'racist' here about 3 times a week on average, just because of my moniker and avatar. However, in the past week, I have been called 'racist' at least 3 times daily, just on general principle. I also post on another political blog, much less tolerant of 'name-calling' than this one, and they have had to ban people for calling conservatives 'racist', and it isn't for something we are saying or doing, it's simply because we aren't dancing in the streets in celebration of Obama's victory.

Myself, I don't care if people call me names, I've been called names my whole life. It doesn't bother me as much as it bothers other people. But I think the general public, particularly conservatives, are going to get real tired of being called 'racist' each time they disagree with this president. Just a hunch!
Waterhead, I am normally called 'racist' here about 3 times a week on average, just because of my moniker and avatar...

Duh! Anyway, until the leftists around here (DNC doesn't count) start calling the real, non-neoconic, conservatives around here racists for the reasons you stated, I will wait...
"It essentially means, Obama will REALLY have to fuck things up, for pinhead liberals to ever admit he is not a good president"

Once again, we're treated to nothing more than your own feelings about Bush; more psychological projection, because you at least know, on some level, what you are like in this regard.

And can you give me one quote or reference - just ONE - where a liberal called someone racist for not rejoicing in the street over an Obama victory?

Just one?
I love now how the conservatives are now trying to say that Obama is not black. He is "bi-racial", totally ignoring this country's past when it comes to black people, how the master's children born of slaves were slaves and not bi-racial. Here is the test to determine whether Obama is black or not. It's a thought experiment so I expect a couple of you will have a problem with it but give it a try. If Barack Obama walked into a Woolworths and try to sit down at the sandwich counter in Birmingham Alabama or Greenville Mississippi in 1954 would they have let him sit there. If he sat down on a bus in Selma in 1954 and refused to move to the back or give up his seat what would have been the outcome? That should shape your view pretty well on whether Barack Obama is black or not.
I love now how the conservatives are now trying to say that Obama is not black. He is "bi-racial", totally ignoring this country's past when it comes to black people, how the master's children born of slaves were slaves and not bi-racial. Here is the test to determine whether Obama is black or not. It's a thought experiment so I expect a couple of you will have a problem with it but give it a try. If Barack Obama walked into a Woolworths and try to sit down at the sandwich counter in Birmingham Alabama or Greenville Mississippi in 1954 would they have let him sit there. If he sat down on a bus in Selma in 1954 and refused to move to the back or give up his seat what would have been the outcome? That should shape your view pretty well on whether Barack Obama is black or not.

I'm not "trying to say" a damn thing that isn't true. Obama is half white and half black, that is a fact. One that is often overlooked by idiots who choose to live in 1954 America instead of 54 years later, in multicultural America. I can't change what happened in 1954, not in 54 years, not in 5,400 years! Why must you cling to ancient history to make some irrelevant point? I wasn't even born then, why am I constantly judged by what people did back then?

What you illustrate with this banal liberal argument, is what is commonly called "white liberal guilt" and it's widespread among your type. You believe you owe it to people of black descent, to use the distant past as justification to pass judgment and support arguments of today. You feel guilty about what they were put through, maybe because you are secretly a prejudiced bigot yourself, maybe because you think it compensates them somehow, for what your ancestors put them through. The problem is, it never does seem to make up for the past, it's been 54 years, and you are still throwing it up as a basis to pass judgment on others. How can Dr. King's 'Dream" of a colorblind society ever be achieved in this climate? If people like yourself are not willing to let go of the past, you can't move forward. Perhaps you don't really want to move forward?

I am not, nor ever have been, a racist. I have African-American blood coursing through my veins, just as I have Native American blood, and my ancestors came here in 1689, so I also have Continental American blood in my veins. One commonality is, I have AMERICAN blood! I don't see people as 'black people' or 'white people', I see people... some good, some bad. We are all equal, and have equal opportunity in America as Americans. It doesn't matter what happened in the past, it doesn't matter that this may not have always been the case, I can't change the past, only the future. And I can't ever do that by looking back and using the past to justify bigotry and fomenting hate and divisiveness.
Waterhead, I am normally called 'racist' here about 3 times a week on average, just because of my moniker and avatar. However, in the past week, I have been called 'racist' at least 3 times daily, just on general principle. I also post on another political blog, much less tolerant of 'name-calling' than this one, and they have had to ban people for calling conservatives 'racist', and it isn't for something we are saying or doing, it's simply because we aren't dancing in the streets in celebration of Obama's victory.

But that isn't because you don't support obama.

SF supported McCain and I never called him racist. I cal you racist simply because you ARE racist.
I love now how the conservatives are now trying to say that Obama is not black. He is "bi-racial", totally ignoring this country's past when it comes to black people, how the master's children born of slaves were slaves and not bi-racial. Here is the test to determine whether Obama is black or not. It's a thought experiment so I expect a couple of you will have a problem with it but give it a try. If Barack Obama walked into a Woolworths and try to sit down at the sandwich counter in Birmingham Alabama or Greenville Mississippi in 1954 would they have let him sit there. If he sat down on a bus in Selma in 1954 and refused to move to the back or give up his seat what would have been the outcome? That should shape your view pretty well on whether Barack Obama is black or not.

Well, then technically Warren G. Harding was black since he was 1/4 through his grandmother. He also died in office, so that food poisoning assassinated a black president...
Why do conservatives have to make up stories about them being called racist for not supporting Obama in every post? Dixie, where have I said "you are a racist for not supporting Obama"? It's as if they're expecting to be called racist for something else. Like a guilty mind.

might have something to do with everyone that supports Obama calling all those who don't support him racist, as you've pretty much intimated with me half a dozen times on this board.
might have something to do with everyone that supports Obama calling all those who don't support him racist, as you've pretty much intimated with me half a dozen times on this board.

Boy, would I love to see some real examples of that. I keep asking for them; Dixie said that people were called racists for not rejoicing in the streets over Obama's victory.

Once again - can anyone provide examples for that, since it seems to be so widespread?
We can already see a pattern emerging here. In just a week, those on the right are being called "racist" because we aren't rejoicing in the streets over our new 'black' president... never mind that he is 'biracial' and not black. But don't dare mention that, it means you are a racist if you do! Aside from these constant insidious snide remarks, we are inundated with the retorts and chortles of how he will be "better than Bush" in his administrative tenure. This is somewhat worrisome to me, that they have set the bar so low for parameters of judgment.

It essentially means, Obama will REALLY have to fuck things up, for pinhead liberals to ever admit he is not a good president. Bush got us into two 'unjust wars' so Obama can get us into one, and still be "better than Bush" ...We could invade Canada and steal all their oil, but that wouldn't be "as bad as Bush" in the liberals eyes. We've lost hundreds of thousands of jobs, if not millions, under the Bush presidency, so Obama can lose at least that many jobs, and not be "as bad as Bush" to the liberals. Under Bush, our national debt has soared, but unless it doubles in the next 4 years, it won't be "as bad as Bush" to the liberals, so spend away!

It doesn't matter what Obama is able to accomplish, we are all "redneck racists" and he's not "as bad as Bush" and that's all we need to remember! The illegal immigration problem need not get fixed, or education, or Social Security, or even health care for that matter, because Bush didn't fix those problems, so Obama not being able to do it, simply means he wasn't "as bad as Bush" at fixing things.

Something tells me it's going to be a rough 4 years, just putting up with liberals!

Okay, then, he is the first man with a naturally dark suntan. You connies get hung up on the most insignificant crap! I just laugh and laugh!
Why do conservatives have to make up stories about them being called racist for not supporting Obama in every post? Dixie, where have I said "you are a racist for not supporting Obama"? It's as if they're expecting to be called racist for something else. Like a guilty mind.

Good point, sheesh, it was FAUX news that started all this with the Ralphie interview!

I haven't heard one of my radical friends calling Republicans
racists, we are trying to get rid of the color chart, after all.
Dixie, you might get called a racist less often if you remove the southern swastika from your avitar and then proceed to... say... stop making racist comments?
might have something to do with everyone that supports Obama calling all those who don't support him racist, as you've pretty much intimated with me half a dozen times on this board.

I can't specifically remember ever calling you racist. I might have done it not seriously. I've definitely never said it because you don't like Obama.
We can already see a pattern emerging here. In just a week, those on the right are being called "racist" because we aren't rejoicing in the streets over our new 'black' president... never mind that he is 'biracial' and not black. But don't dare mention that, it means you are a racist if you do! Aside from these constant insidious snide remarks, we are inundated with the retorts and chortles of how he will be "better than Bush" in his administrative tenure. This is somewhat worrisome to me, that they have set the bar so low for parameters of judgment.

It essentially means, Obama will REALLY have to fuck things up, for pinhead liberals to ever admit he is not a good president. Bush got us into two 'unjust wars' so Obama can get us into one, and still be "better than Bush" ...We could invade Canada and steal all their oil, but that wouldn't be "as bad as Bush" in the liberals eyes. We've lost hundreds of thousands of jobs, if not millions, under the Bush presidency, so Obama can lose at least that many jobs, and not be "as bad as Bush" to the liberals. Under Bush, our national debt has soared, but unless it doubles in the next 4 years, it won't be "as bad as Bush" to the liberals, so spend away!

It doesn't matter what Obama is able to accomplish, we are all "redneck racists" and he's not "as bad as Bush" and that's all we need to remember! The illegal immigration problem need not get fixed, or education, or Social Security, or even health care for that matter, because Bush didn't fix those problems, so Obama not being able to do it, simply means he wasn't "as bad as Bush" at fixing things.

Something tells me it's going to be a rough 4 years, just putting up with liberals!

RED = Commentary regarding liberals accusing racism.

BLUE= Commentary regarding liberals comparing Obama to Bush.

Replies from Pinheads regarding the Racism Commentary: 13
Replies from Pinheads regarding the Comparisons to Bush: 1/2

I post this little observation so you can all see what is problem with Pinhead Liberals, they only hear what they want to hear, and ignore everything else. The basic subject of my thread was not a complaint about Conservatives being called "racist", although that is happening frequently, here and elsewhere. (No Oncie, I don't need to post examples for you.) The fundamental point of the thread was how Liberals are going to use President Bush as their benchmark for judging Obama. Only one posted reply tot that point, and it was a single sentence in a post by Oncie, along with a paragraph about the racism charge. You people are either completely inept at discussing the content of the thread topic, or you surrender the point to me without defense. I'll take the 'easy win' here. THANKS PINHEADS!

RED = Commentary regarding liberals accusing racism.

BLUE= Commentary regarding liberals comparing Obama to Bush.

Replies from Pinheads regarding the Racism Commentary: 13
Replies from Pinheads regarding the Comparisons to Bush: 1/2

I post this little observation so you can all see what is problem with Pinhead Liberals, they only hear what they want to hear, and ignore everything else. The basic subject of my thread was not a complaint about Conservatives being called "racist", although that is happening frequently, here and elsewhere. (No Oncie, I don't need to post examples for you.) The fundamental point of the thread was how Liberals are going to use President Bush as their benchmark for judging Obama. Only one posted reply tot that point, and it was a single sentence in a post by Oncie, along with a paragraph about the racism charge. You people are either completely inept at discussing the content of the thread topic, or you surrender the point to me without defense. I'll take the 'easy win' here. THANKS PINHEADS!

You've given me the idea to post in blue from now on when responding to you in order to oppose your racist love of the traitorous confederacy, which is also why I have my pro-American pro-union avatar, as oppose to your America hating one.