Prepare for how liberals will support Obama

We can already see a pattern emerging here. In just a week, those on the right are being called "racist" because we aren't rejoicing in the streets over our new 'black' president... never mind that he is 'biracial' and not black. But don't dare mention that, it means you are a racist if you do! Aside from these constant insidious snide remarks, we are inundated with the retorts and chortles of how he will be "better than Bush" in his administrative tenure. This is somewhat worrisome to me, that they have set the bar so low for parameters of judgment.

It essentially means, Obama will REALLY have to fuck things up, for pinhead liberals to ever admit he is not a good president. Bush got us into two 'unjust wars' so Obama can get us into one, and still be "better than Bush" ...We could invade Canada and steal all their oil, but that wouldn't be "as bad as Bush" in the liberals eyes. We've lost hundreds of thousands of jobs, if not millions, under the Bush presidency, so Obama can lose at least that many jobs, and not be "as bad as Bush" to the liberals. Under Bush, our national debt has soared, but unless it doubles in the next 4 years, it won't be "as bad as Bush" to the liberals, so spend away!

It doesn't matter what Obama is able to accomplish, we are all "redneck racists" and he's not "as bad as Bush" and that's all we need to remember! The illegal immigration problem need not get fixed, or education, or Social Security, or even health care for that matter, because Bush didn't fix those problems, so Obama not being able to do it, simply means he wasn't "as bad as Bush" at fixing things.

Something tells me it's going to be a rough 4 years, just putting up with liberals!

Interesting....that kinda reminds me how so many state-worshipping Conservatives have labeled anyone critical of U.S. foreign policy "traitors" or "un-American" over the last eight years.

Pot, meet kettle.

RED = Commentary regarding liberals accusing racism.

BLUE= Commentary regarding liberals comparing Obama to Bush.

Replies from Pinheads regarding the Racism Commentary: 13
Replies from Pinheads regarding the Comparisons to Bush: 1/2

I post this little observation so you can all see what is problem with Pinhead Liberals, they only hear what they want to hear, and ignore everything else. The basic subject of my thread was not a complaint about Conservatives being called "racist", although that is happening frequently, here and elsewhere. (No Oncie, I don't need to post examples for you.) The fundamental point of the thread was how Liberals are going to use President Bush as their benchmark for judging Obama. Only one posted reply tot that point, and it was a single sentence in a post by Oncie, along with a paragraph about the racism charge. You people are either completely inept at discussing the content of the thread topic, or you surrender the point to me without defense. I'll take the 'easy win' here. THANKS PINHEADS! examples of anyone being called a racist for not rejoicing in the street?

Boy, is that a shocker.
Interesting....that kinda reminds me how so many state-worshipping Conservatives have labeled anyone critical of U.S. foreign policy "traitors" or "un-American" over the last eight years.

Pot, meet kettle.
Did you know that the "They do it too" excuse is also a confession?
The title of the thread should be "This is how I was with Bush for 8 years (though instead of racist, I'd call people traitors), so this is how liberals must be, too"
You've given me the idea to post in blue from now on when responding to you in order to oppose your racist love of the traitorous confederacy, which is also why I have my pro-American pro-union avatar, as oppose to your America hating one.

Wow, I just realized what the significance of your latest avitar is... bravo!
