President Obama just wished us all a Merry Christmas

How dare the communist socialist homo negro kenyan halfbreed dare put up a Christmas tree in the White House! It's for white people! IMPEACH HIM!
Ah, I see, you are stuck in fool mode today where you assume that the story was somehow written by me just because I linked it.

They were the first stories that popped up on Bing for whatever search string I was using at the time. I don't particularly care if they spend their money on trees or big gingerbread houses. In fact I think it is pretty darned cool. If I was that rich I'd probably do much the same. It is my opinion that one should enjoy what they have and live now. I also don't care what vacations the dude takes, or even if he golfs. Just for an FYI...

This, of course, ignores the outdoor trees that many had before that.

On the morning of December 25, 1889, President Benjamin Harrison gathered his family around the first indoor White House Christmas tree. It stood in the upstairs oval room, branches adorned with lit candles. First Lady Caroline Harrison, an artist, helped decorate the tree. As our nation's hostess, she set the stage for what would eventually become a much-beloved holiday tradition.

Not all White House families after the Harrisons set up interior Christmas trees. First Lady Grace Coolidge had them in the 1920s, but it was First Lady Lou Henry Hoover who started the as yet unbroken custom. In 1929, she oversaw the decoration of the first "official" tree. Since that time, the honor of trimming the principle White House Christmas tree has belonged to our first ladies.
In November 1923, First Lady Grace Coolidge gave permission for the District of Columbia Public Schools to erect a Christmas tree on the Ellipse south of the White House. The organizers named the tree the "National Christmas Tree."

That Christmas Eve, at 5 pm, President Calvin Coolidge walked from the White House to the Ellipse and "pushed the button" to light the cut 48-foot Balsam fir, as 3,000 enthusiastic spectators looked on. The tree, donated by Middlebury College, was from the President's native state of Vermont.

From 1924 to 1953 live trees, in various locations around and on the White House grounds, were lit on Christmas Eve. In 1954 the ceremony returned to the Ellipse and expanded its focus. Local civic and business groups created the Christmas Pageant of Peace. Smaller live trees representing the 50 states, five territories, and the District of Columbia, formed a Pathway of Peace.
The Black President should robe himself in sackcloth, wear a hair shirt, and have no decorations just so the Libertarians can be content, I guess.
The Black President should robe himself in sackcloth, wear a hair shirt, and have no decorations just so the Libertarians can be content, I guess.

It is the way the Libertarians themselves do isn't it?

All libertarians in politics or the govt employ decline benefits and taxpayer funded salaries don't they?
Oh boy! are we doing the 'war on christmas' again this year? I just love that game Faux 'news' plays every yr.
Since I don't watch Faux, you wingnuts will have to keep me informed as to what heathen group is launching their spearhead assault on the baby Jesus.
Wow this is fun.
I am watching the lighting of the National Christmas Tree ceremony and there is singing, a prayer, a homosexual MC. They even said, "Merry Chistmas"
Last year they had 37 Christmas trees around the WH.. There's rumors that there are even more this year.

Black Muslim Communist don’t believe in Christmas! Obama got elected by being a first class phony bastard, so what else ain’t new?