President Todd


Well-known member
This country is in deep shit, and John Insane McCain willfully gambled the nation's future on an inexpericed and unqualified theocrat from Alaska. All in a ridiculous pander for the "Hillary vote". The old fuck could have at least picked a qualified republican female. Christine Todd Whitman or Susan Collins.

Here's what a dermatologist said about McCain's melanoma: It was serious shit. The worst melanoma there is, practically. And McCain could be dead in a matter of months, if it came back. I've seen enough cancer to know that when that shit comes back, it comes back quick. And if he doesn't die of cancer, there's always the Alzeiheimer's risk. Who the eff gets Spain and Mexico mixed up?

At any rate, the really scary thing, is that Todd, "The First Dude" might be running the country if the Old Man kicks the bucket. I don't think Sara Palin is a weak or stupid woman. But, I know that scary ass religious tradition she belongs to, gives the man the final say and the final authority over everything.

And I'll be damned if the future of this nation, given the shape that Bush and his 50 million voters left it in, should be left in the hands of President Todd.

Being a Dermatology Physician Assistant and a cancer survivor, I recently reviewed John McCain's medical records (which were made public earlier this year after he was the Republican nominee) about his melanoma, the type of skin cancer that is very frequently fatal. He has had 4, possibly 5 melanomas. The most serious one was on his left temple, in 2000. It was considered a deep melanoma (2.2 mm-- which is very risky). There was also another melanoma in the same area, which could have likely been a metastasis from the bigger melanoma on the temple, there is no way to know. They had to take out all his lymph nodes on that side of his head and neck, that is why his cheek looks so misshapen. That thickness of melanoma (whether or not it is in the lymph nodes) usually gets about 1 year of interferon (a form of chemotherapy), which would have been standard of care. But, since this happened right at the time of the 2000 election conventions, McCain opted not to have the chemo.

I try to inform all of my patients each day of the risks of melanoma and I spend my work days hunting for melanomas at the earlier superficial stage that can be treated. McCain's is in the deeper, more dangerous, category. At least in dermatology, we don't worry too much about the melanoma's less than 1 mm. His was 2.2 mm. It was likely an aggressive one, because it seems that it was not observed at his derm exam, then his family doctor found it during an interim appointment. I am sure that a dermatologist would have seen it and biopsied it given his history. So, it probably grew extremely quickly in several month's time since McCain would have been seen by derm at least every 6 months. This reminds me of one my patients-- she had a melanoma removed on her shoulder with clear margins, her lymph nodes were negative. On her first follow up visit in 3 months she had no visible sign of any recurrence. 1 month later she came in because she had some unusual bumps appearing in the area. She had metastases locally, and when they checked a PET scan, she had melanoma throughout her body.

She only lived a few more months.

wow....a Dermatology Physician Assistant........thats practically a doctor.....

you know, Rutgers is practically Ivy League...ROFLMAO!

You should be worried about President Rev. Wright.....
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wow....a Dermatology Physician Assistant........thats practically a doctor.....

you know, Rutgers is practically Ivy League...ROFLMAO!

You should be worried about President Rev. Wright.....

Bravo, you've had Bush's cock in your mouth for so many years, you aren't even making sense anymore.

I understand your hillbilly ass doesn't know what a PA is.

Yes, a PA practically is a medical doctor.

My mistake for saying a doctor. But, a PA is fully qualified to evaluate medical records.

Damn, your a dumb fuck. Did you think a PA was like the receptionist?
Bravo, you've had Bush's cock in your mouth for so many years, you aren't even making sense anymore.

I understand your hillbilly ass doesn't know what a PA is.

Yes, a PA practically is a medical doctor.

Of Rutgers is practically Ivy League

My mistake for saying a doctor. But, a PA is fully qualified to evaluate medical records.

Damn, your a dumb fuck. Did you think a PA was like the receptionist?

Noooo, I know exactly what a PA is....its you that tryed to pass him off as a see, my neighbor is a PA and my daughter is a Doctor...I never get them mixed up....:pke:
Originally Posted by Cypress View Post
Bravo, you've had Bush's cock in your mouth for so many years, you aren't even making sense anymore...
------------ Socrtease will say I've been owned again with that remark....damn..
Originally Posted by Cypress View Post
Bravo, you've had Bush's cock in your mouth for so many years, you aren't even making sense anymore...
------------ Socrtease will say I've been owned again with that remark....damn..

Translation: You didn't know a PA was a highly trained medical professional.

You though it was like the receptionist, or something.
I always find it amazing how people who get so upset about dismissing women who agree with them are so quick to dismiss women who do not.

I think it is telling, it shows you how their minds really work.

You know nothing about her religious tradition. I grew up in a pentecostal church and your assumptions are simply off base, incorrect, and based in total ignorance, at least it is when it comes to the traditions of the pentecostal church where I was forced to go until I was 17 and joined the Navy.

Instead of asking somebody who might know you assume crap and talk to people who agree totally and assume they all "know" this as well. When somebody points out your prejudice you pretend they are somehow "apologists" or some other inanity rather than listen to their experience. I certainly don't apologize for the crap that church put me through, but I know that there was nothing in it about the women being subservient, no expectation that they stay at home, nothing about how they should vote or listen to their husbands.

There might be some pentecostal churches out there that do teach this, but assuming that one that produced a woman governor who, without the support of her party, trounced an incumbent of the same party is total rubbish based on pig-ignorance and wishes. It is very unlikely that her church taught that and would still net a female member who is the governor at the same time.
Most of Cypress's assumptions are simply off base, incorrect, and based in total ignorance.

Especially based on total ignorance.....

He likes to convince himself his fantasy's are factual as shown in the previous rants....
cypress your a ferry toe funny eater. Wait to you that's a compliment.
Ps San Fransico freaking rules
HR5843 Most important bill of our time to end racism ????

I don't know about racism but it won't help our fight on obesity, thats for sure.....
Opposes abortion, even in the case of rape.

Makes women pay for forensic rape exams.

Opposes equal pay legislation.

Yeah, Damo. I'm pretty sure she thinks a woman's role is subservient to either the mans, or to a literalist interpretation of the bible. I don't know whether or not she feels she has to submit to Todd and obey him. That's what a literalist interpretation of the bible is. And there's all the stories about Todd sitting in on state budget meetings, and Todd being deeply involved in state business even though he's not a state employee, nor is he qualified in any way shape or form to be participating in public policy.

I'm pretty effing sure though she thinks other women, and their rights, are secondary to the rights of men and to literalist biblical teachings.

Oh, and she thinks the earth is 7000 years old.

and Lies consistently on the stump.
Opposes abortion, even in the case of rape.

Makes women pay for forensic rape exams.

Opposes equal pay legislation.

Yeah, Damo. I'm pretty sure she thinks a woman's role is subservient to either the mans, or to a literalist interpretation of the bible. I don't know whether or not she feels she has to submit to Todd and obey him. That's what a literalist interpretation of the bible is. And there's all the stories about Todd sitting in on state budget meetings, and Todd being deeply involved in state business even though he's not a state employee, nor is he qualified in any way shape or form to be participating in public policy.

I'm pretty effing sure though she thinks other women, and their rights, are secondary to the rights of men and to literalist biblical teachings.

Oh, and she thinks the earth is 7000 years old.

and Lies consistently on the stump.
You are "pretty sure"... As I said you wallow in the ignorance rather than listen at all to anybody who might have more of an idea.

It's not like I want to protect the church that tortured me for all those years, but reality isn't what you attempt to make it in your imagination and without a real view I would never have gotten past the idiotic anger I had.

The reality is very few churches teach what you just assume, including the supposed "7000 year old earth" stuff.

And lastly you have only one story of him being at a meeting and we find out that their baby was there and he was caring for him. You are just a sad man who can't get it through your sad ideological blinders that your assumptions are just making you what you say others are.
Opposes abortion, even in the case of rape.

Makes women pay for forensic rape exams.

Opposes equal pay legislation.

and Lies consistently on the stump.


Somebody has been reading too much KOS again.

And by the way, where was your outrage when Hillary as first lady was pushing HillaryCare for all. How about "Travelgate" another scandal by the first lady. She was running the show and was never elected.
Okay, I can't speak for women, because women know what issues are important to them better than me.

So, I'll let a woman, a real feminist, do the talking on why Palin is an egregious throwback to the Stepford wives era. Men should probably shut up and listen to women, on women's issues:

McCain/Palin: Wrong For Women And Families

By: Christy Hardin Smith
Tuesday September 23, 2008

Phyllis Schlafly recycles her reflexive zombie whine about feminism, but instead steps right into a pile of her own writing:

"Sarah doesn't need feminist approval for her lifestyle; the only person whose OK she needs for her double career as mother and politician is her husband's, and he seems very happy with Sarah."

How very submissive meets Stepford. How many of you gals in the audience still ask your mate's OK to have a "double career" inside and outside your home? (Checks calendar. Nope, still not the 1950s.)

Let's see what McCain/Palin does stand for, shall we?

Enforcement of equal pay for equal work? Nope. Pro-choice? No. Even in cases of rape or incest? Not even. Access to contraception? Nopity nope nope nope. (To top it off, Palin belongs to Feminists for Life, which considers contraception to be an "abortofacient.") Support the Violence Against Women Act (for which Joe Biden has been a champion)? Actions speak loudly and say no.

Early childhood education? McCain's consistently voted against Head Start increases. SCHIP? McCain voted against it. In fact, McCain has been ranked as the worst senator for issues impacting children and families. The list is truly endless.

When it comes to the issues many women care about? McCain/Palin's policies say "why in the hell should we care about you?" Back atcha in the voting booth, I say.

Feeling liberated from the shackles of feminism, yet, gals? We've lived out this zombie act with Schlafly and her anti-women who think for themselves crew long enough. Who wants to relive the greatest hits of Nixonian culture wars via McCain's campaign strategery? Especially when it is the rest of us who pay the penalty for their policy choices.

So, if you'll excuse me, my local chapter of Bra Burning Feminazis has their afternoon tea today, and I have to touch up my beehive...
Again, I said you will simply listen to the people who agree exactly with you. You will not ask anybody with experience with that type of church, you will continue to wallow in the ignorance and report it as truth regardless of what reality can hand you.

A person who is espousing exactly the same ignorance from the exact same pile of "expertise". Exactly what I predicted, and exactly what you present.

Wallow in ignorance. It makes you happy and keeps your prejudice strong.

Only Cypress attempts to use an op-ed piece from somebody beginning with the same assumption as "proof".
Again, I said you will simply listen to the people who agree exactly with you. You will not ask anybody with experience with that type of church, you will continue to wallow in the ignorance and report it as truth regardless of what reality can hand you.

A person who is espousing exactly the same ignorance from the exact same pile of "expertise". Exactly what I predicted, and exactly what you present.

Wallow in ignorance. It makes you happy and keeps your prejudice strong.

Only Cypress attempts to use an op-ed piece from somebody beginning with the same assumption as "proof".

What passes for feminism by some feminists is liberal political ideology. That seems to be the overriding theme among the (liberal) feminists whose articles or columns are posted on this board.