President Todd

This is just more pathetic desperation on the part of the Pinheads. Their internal polling must be indicating Obama is in deep do-do. Why else would they have to go to such great extremes to try and scare people away from McCain/Palin? It does make you wonder.
This is just more pathetic desperation on the part of the Pinheads. Their internal polling must be indicating Obama is in deep do-do. Why else would they have to go to such great extremes to try and scare people away from McCain/Palin? It does make you wonder.

Yeah - that's right. Some of us lefties here on JPP are privy to Obama's internal polling, which somehow shows him way behind even though every national poll has him ahead, against your prediction of "Palinmania" which was supposed to have McCain up by double-digits at this point.

Good call.
Yeah - that's right. Some of us lefties here on JPP are privy to Obama's internal polling, which somehow shows him way behind even though every national poll has him ahead, against your prediction of "Palinmania" which was supposed to have McCain up by double-digits at this point.

Good call.

Onciekins, I never said McCain would be up by double digits in the polls. I personally don't care if McCain ever leads in the polls, as long as he has the most electoral votes the day after the election. That will be fine with me. Let's let the debates happen and see where we are, I feel pretty comfortable at the moment, and I sense Democrats becoming very afraid... hence these threads of desperation. Heck, in Alabama, 60% favor McCain and 20% Obama, but there are still 23% undecided!! That's a lot of votes still up for grabs, but I don't think they are waiting to hear desperate bleats from Prissy about how Todd Palin will be President. I prefer to wait and see, but you go right ahead and be cocky about it, brag and boast, call people names, continue to hurl insults at every group of Americans you can from now until the election, and I will be here when it's over to get my words in. Okies?
Basically, families cannot function without government (that was the knock on McCain's record) and one must be sadistic (pro-abortion) to truly support women.
I think it is funny that the same douchebags that would be calling for treason charges if it ever came out that Obama was involved with a seccesionist group are all gah gah over this anti american dip shit family.
I think it is funny that the same douchebags that would be calling for treason charges if it ever came out that Obama was involved with a seccesionist group are all gah gah over this anti american dip shit family.
Not I. I say if Americans can't run their own damn country, let a guy from Kenya or Panama do it, and if they can't do it either, then turn ourselves back over to the UK and make our colonial symbol the dunce cap.
I think it is funny that the same douchebags that would be calling for treason charges if it ever came out that Obama was involved with a seccesionist group are all gah gah over this anti american dip shit family.

I think it's funny you continue to hurl baseless shit at Governor Palin, who has a freakin' 90% approval rating in Alaska! IF Alaska were 100% Right-wing Extremists, and they executed Liberals there, 90% would still be an astonishing approval rating to have!

You know what else I think is funny, just a damn hoot? It's funny that, no matter how much shit you throw, it won't stick. People love her, they relate to her, they get where she is coming from, she doesn't sound at all like you make her out to be, and she exposes all of you for the FRAUDS AND HYPOCRITES you are! Just please... keep flapping your gums!!
I think it's funny you continue to hurl baseless shit at Governor Palin, who has a freakin' 90% approval rating in Alaska! IF Alaska were 100% Right-wing Extremists, and they executed Liberals there, 90% would still be an astonishing approval rating to have!

Bush had a 90% approval rating once. Hmmm...

Great accomplishment!
What passes for feminism by some feminists is liberal political ideology. That seems to be the overriding theme among the (liberal) feminists whose articles or columns are posted on this board.

I am curious as to what you mean by "what passes for feminism"? I'd need to see how you define feminism to really comment on that.

However, as Simone de Beauvoir documented in her classic "The Second Sex", a woman's position in society, throughtout history, and throughout different cultures including ancient cultures, was directly correlated to her reproductive choices. Yes, they had birth control many hundreds of years ago! And abortion!

You see everything through the blur of "republican" "democrat". However, anthropologically speaking, conservative, or traditional, societies (ie; socities which placed emphasis on the woman being the nurturer and the man being the hunter gatherer), held women in low esteem, and they did not play a large part in the power structure of even a village. Whereas, a liberal culture, or a non-traditional society (ie: a society which considered women to be the wisepeople of the village) women had access to the medical knowledge of what were considered wisewomen and could prevent pregnancy and terminate them.

So that is the basis, and what we see that has happened in our culture, is that the traditional gender roles have been mainly adopted by the conservative or republican party, who by no coincidence, brag about their "traditional values". and that the non-traditional role models, have been adopted by the liberal, or democratic party, which brag about their commitment to keeping women in control of their reproductive choices. So it would be very hard to make a case for conservative, or, traditional feminism, though some have tried, they have failed intellectually, for the simple reason that they address it emotionally (I submit to my husband and my lord and I am proud of it! as the crowds cheer), but will not and cannot address it culturally, historically, or anthropologically.

Even liberals have a very narrow view oftimes, of feminism. One of the biggest sticking points, is working women vs stay at home women. This has been going on since Betty Friedman wrote The Feminine Mystique. Really, what Friedman did, though ground breaking at the time, was address the problems of a particular, and pretty elite class of women - white women with a college education who were forced by our culture to stay at home and raise children, or, felt forced to conform to that. She never addressed class, and she never addressed race. To address those issues you had to go to de Beauvoir, and then, to black feminist intellectuals, who wrote extensively on the subjects.

Still today, both liberals and conservatives do the same thing. We see it with Palin. The arguement reverts to the old one of, should a woman work or raise her children? She can do both! some yell. Whatever. The point is, that's a debate revolving around the elite of our society; women who have a choice. It's a bullshit debate which is why I rarely if ever even address it. What possible connection could Palin's life, with 5 children and working as a governer, have to the woman with 5 kids, or hell, 3 kids, who has to work or her kids dont eat?(and don't kid yourself, many of these are married women, we no longer live in a one paycheck society, though even when we did, only a certain class did, back then though, the middle class was able to survive on 1 paycheck, today, not so much) Well, the answer is, she has nothing to do with them. She's got money, she's in the elite, she has staff, she has people taking care of her children.

This is why, true leftist feminism, addresses poverty, race, and class. Because poverty is an issue that directly affects women, and their status in society. Whereas liberal feminism oftimes gets bogged down in the "stay at home vs working mom" bullshit and wastes their time.

And conservative feminism, concentrates itself on...ummm, well, I'm sure they're doing something.
" I will be here when it's over to get my words in"

I already know those words. "Republicans work better in the minority, anyway!" Heard 'em before.

Start rehearsing now.
wow....a Dermatology Physician Assistant........thats practically a doctor.....

you know, Rutgers is practically Ivy League...ROFLMAO!

You should be worried about President Rev. Wright.....

Actually Rutgers is one of only two universities that turned down Ivy League status.
How about some facts. McCain proposed reform of F&F over 5 years ago--several times. Dodd and dem friends shot it down, several times. Now, you want the individuals responsbile (the people who made money from the bad loans--Dodd included, not McCain) to be presidnet, and not go to prision.

liberialism is a mental disorder. "Projection" of misdoings, blaming somebody else.
" I will be here when it's over to get my words in"

I already know those words. "Republicans work better in the minority, anyway!" Heard 'em before.

Start rehearsing now.

It's funny because it's the one thing I can agree with him on - it works better for me when the Republicans are in the minority too.
I am curious as to what you mean by "what passes for feminism"? I'd need to see how you define feminism to really comment on that.

However, as Simone de Beauvoir documented in her classic "The Second Sex", a woman's position in society, throughtout history, and throughout different cultures including ancient cultures, was directly correlated to her reproductive choices. Yes, they had birth control many hundreds of years ago! And abortion!

You see everything through the blur of "republican" "democrat". However, anthropologically speaking, conservative, or traditional, societies (ie; socities which placed emphasis on the woman being the nurturer and the man being the hunter gatherer), held women in low esteem, and they did not play a large part in the power structure of even a village. Whereas, a liberal culture, or a non-traditional society (ie: a society which considered women to be the wisepeople of the village) women had access to the medical knowledge of what were considered wisewomen and could prevent pregnancy and terminate them.

So that is the basis, and what we see that has happened in our culture, is that the traditional gender roles have been mainly adopted by the conservative or republican party, who by no coincidence, brag about their "traditional values". and that the non-traditional role models, have been adopted by the liberal, or democratic party, which brag about their commitment to keeping women in control of their reproductive choices. So it would be very hard to make a case for conservative, or, traditional feminism, though some have tried, they have failed intellectually, for the simple reason that they address it emotionally (I submit to my husband and my lord and I am proud of it! as the crowds cheer), but will not and cannot address it culturally, historically, or anthropologically.

Even liberals have a very narrow view oftimes, of feminism. One of the biggest sticking points, is working women vs stay at home women. This has been going on since Betty Friedman wrote The Feminine Mystique. Really, what Friedman did, though ground breaking at the time, was address the problems of a particular, and pretty elite class of women - white women with a college education who were forced by our culture to stay at home and raise children, or, felt forced to conform to that. She never addressed class, and she never addressed race. To address those issues you had to go to de Beauvoir, and then, to black feminist intellectuals, who wrote extensively on the subjects.

Still today, both liberals and conservatives do the same thing. We see it with Palin. The arguement reverts to the old one of, should a woman work or raise her children? She can do both! some yell. Whatever. The point is, that's a debate revolving around the elite of our society; women who have a choice. It's a bullshit debate which is why I rarely if ever even address it. What possible connection could Palin's life, with 5 children and working as a governer, have to the woman with 5 kids, or hell, 3 kids, who has to work or her kids dont eat?(and don't kid yourself, many of these are married women, we no longer live in a one paycheck society, though even when we did, only a certain class did, back then though, the middle class was able to survive on 1 paycheck, today, not so much) Well, the answer is, she has nothing to do with them. She's got money, she's in the elite, she has staff, she has people taking care of her children.

This is why, true leftist feminism, addresses poverty, race, and class. Because poverty is an issue that directly affects women, and their status in society. Whereas liberal feminism oftimes gets bogged down in the "stay at home vs working mom" bullshit and wastes their time.

And conservative feminism, concentrates itself on...ummm, well, I'm sure they're doing something.

Awesome post, that was highly informative.

I have the sense that the rise of christianity was also linked to the subjugation of women. But, I'm not all that informed on it. I get the impression that some of those pre-christian, pagan societies elevated the status of women to healer and village wise people. But, again that's just some impressions I have. Does that sound right?

I think that makes a lot of sense that feminism is, and has to be, much more than reproductive rights and equal pay. It makes sense that a lot of it comes down to class, economic justice, and social justice.
I think it's funny you continue to hurl baseless shit at Governor Palin, who has a freakin' 90% approval rating in Alaska! IF Alaska were 100% Right-wing Extremists, and they executed Liberals there, 90% would still be an astonishing approval rating to have!

You know what else I think is funny, just a damn hoot? It's funny that, no matter how much shit you throw, it won't stick. People love her, they relate to her, they get where she is coming from, she doesn't sound at all like you make her out to be, and she exposes all of you for the FRAUDS AND HYPOCRITES you are! Just please... keep flapping your gums!!

What was the point of your post? Are you claiming they haven't had ties to a seccesionist group?

Also I think it is great that the FACTS are sticking as evidenced by McSame's drop in the polls.

Real Americans are waking up and rejecting your party's authoritarian ways.
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Awesome post, that was highly informative.

I have the sense that the rise of christianity was also linked to the subjugation of women. But, I'm not all that informed on it. I get the impression that some of those pre-christian, pagan societies elevated the status of women to healer and village wise people. But, again that's just some impressions I have. Does that sound right?

I think that makes a lot of sense that feminism is, and has to be, much more than reproductive rights and equal pay. It makes sense that a lot of it comes down to class, economic justice, and social justice.

Oh yeah that is the case in some pre-Christian cultures, and it's so fascinating to read about, even the earlier Christians - they didn't believe the soul entered until what they called the quickening. Protestants hundreds of centuries ago in England, didn’t believe a child had a soul until they survived early childhood! It’s really interesting how religious beliefs have changed over the centuries, and one thing is for certain, this glorification of cells, even stem cells! is a pretty new phenomenon, even within Christianity.

I’m the farthest thing from a religious expert though – just bits and pieces I have picked up from reading pretty classic feminist writings.
What was the point of your post? Are you claiming they haven't had ties to a seccesionist group?

Also I think it is great that the FACTS are sticking as evidenced by McSame's drop in the polls.

Real Americans are waking up and rejecting your party's authoritarian ways.

Yep, that's what I am saying, they have no ties to any secessionist group. The FACT is, polls are controlled by the Liberal media, and are not a true reflection of how people will vote in November, ask John Kerry.

But listen... you just keep believing in the polls... keep hurling lies and shit at Palin... and by all means, keep insulting the fuck out of Christians and Conservative women! I can wait a few more weeks to get my digs in.