President Trump is posting personal messages to Kamala Harris from the 13 Afghanistan Gold Star families

The political hackery here is stomach-turning. I wonder how much that uncouth bastard paid these families to do a campaign commercial for him. I hope the FEC looks into everything that went on in Arlington. As usual trump made this day of remembrance all about him. :mad:
He paid them the attention they deserved. How dare you question the integrity of Gold Star Parents. You disgust me.
He paid them the attention they deserved. How dare you question the integrity of Gold Star Parents. You disgust me.
trump, you and the other magats supporting this are beneath contempt. You seriously think trump used this visit to honor the dead? He set this up to inject some life into his failing campaign. He doesn't care about the dead, the Gold Star mothers or any of his supporters; his disgusting thumbs-up picture is proof. I hope these families eventually realize how they were used.

I guess you forgot his ugly comments about Gold Star mother Ghazala Khan whose son died in Iraq. trump "loves" only those Gold Star mothers who support him.

You magats all make me gag.