President Trump is posting personal messages to Kamala Harris from the 13 Afghanistan Gold Star families

trump, you and the other magats supporting this are beneath contempt. You seriously think trump used this visit to honor the dead? He set this up to inject some life into his failing campaign. He doesn't care about the dead, the Gold Star mothers or any of his supporters; his disgusting thumbs-up picture is proof. I hope these families eventually realize how they were used.

I guess you forgot his ugly comments about Gold Star mother Ghazala Khan whose son died in Iraq. trump "loves" only those Gold Star mothers who support him.

You magats all make me gag.
Trump likes soldiers who haven't been killed.
These people have no shame and less brains.

Who do they think set up the circumstances that killed their loved ones?
You can make a pretty sure bet that not very many of the MAGA / right wingers on here have ever bothered to read the " agreement " Trump signed with the Taliban.
first of all it was unworkable.
Trump gave them EVERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years.
and in that agreement the Taliban agreed to MAKE SURE our troops and all our allies troops got out safe, well just how stupid is Trump, any body that thinks the people that you have been fighting and killing for 20 years is actually going to make sure all your troops get out safe has to be a real moron.
why did Trump keep putting off the withdrawal date?
He must have FINALLY actually read what he agreed to and figured it was a real BAD unworkable deal.
and the morons on the right want to take the blame for this MAJOR Fuck up off Trump and put it on anybody else they can.
as I said just how stupid can a person be to actually believe the people you have been at war with for 20 years are actually going to make sure ALL your troops are going to get out of there safe?
and YES I know that you right wing morons are going to say well Biden could have gone back in, well I can hear the yelling and screaming from those same morons saying Biden is a war monger , Biden is just going to get more of our people killed and on and on.....
Have a nice day
I would like to add this to this post.
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trump, you and the other magats supporting this are beneath contempt. You seriously think trump used this visit to honor the dead? He set this up to inject some life into his failing campaign. He doesn't care about the dead, the Gold Star mothers or any of his supporters; his disgusting thumbs-up picture is proof. I hope these families eventually realize how they were used.

I guess you forgot his ugly comments about Gold Star mother Ghazala Khan whose son died in Iraq. trump "loves" only those Gold Star mothers who support him.

You magats all make me gag.
well you have to know these people are among his VERY low IQ followers, heck he has come right out and told them he doesn't give a shit about them he only wants their vote and their money.
and IF you can't understand that just how stupid are you?
Have a nice day
well you have to know these people are among his VERY low IQ followers, heck he has come right out and told them he doesn't give a shit about them he only wants their vote and their money.
and IF you can't understand that just how stupid are you?
Have a nice day
The phrase they like to use: "We take trump seriously but not literally." It's an excuse for every hateful, vulgar comment that drops from his diseased lips.
You can make a pretty sure bet that not very many of the MAGA / right wingers on here have ever bothered to read the " agreement " Trump signed with the Taliban.
first of all it was unworkable.
Trump gave them EVERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years.
and in that agreement the Taliban agreed to MAKE SURE our troops and all our allies troops got out safe, well just how stupid is Trump, any body that thinks the people that you have been fighting and killing for 20 years is actually going to make sure all your troops get out safe has to be a real moron.
why did Trump keep putting off the withdrawal date?
He must have FINALLY actually read what he agreed to and figured it was a real BAD unworkable deal.
and the morons on the right want to take the blame for this MAJOR Fuck up off Trump and put it on anybody else they can.
as I said just how stupid can a person be to actually believe the people you have been at war with for 20 years are actually going to make sure ALL your troops are going to get out of there safe?
and YES I know that you right wing morons are going to say well Biden could have gone back in, well I can hear the yelling and screaming from those same morons saying Biden is a war monger , Biden is just going to get more of our people killed and on and on.....
Have a nice day
I would like to add this to this post.
and IF they read this
they will see it was unworkable almost right from the first sentence.
Trump made a bad agreement and once he figured it out he did everything he could to put the blame on anybody else he could.
There are protocols that a politician's staff explains to him at every appearance. They never go in without solid explanations. Trump ignores them. Those rules are for other people. The Trumpys here agree.
I bet Trump would love to take a picture with the 5000 Taliban prisoners he let go , give one of his shit eating smiles and a thumbs up and send copies of it to these Families.
You can make a pretty sure bet that not very many of the MAGA / right wingers on here have ever bothered to read the " agreement " Trump signed with the Taliban.
first of all it was unworkable.
Trump gave them EVERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING they had been fighting for for 20 years.
and in that agreement the Taliban agreed to MAKE SURE our troops and all our allies troops got out safe, well just how stupid is Trump, any body that thinks the people that you have been fighting and killing for 20 years is actually going to make sure all your troops get out safe has to be a real moron.
why did Trump keep putting off the withdrawal date?
He must have FINALLY actually read what he agreed to and figured it was a real BAD unworkable deal.
and the morons on the right want to take the blame for this MAJOR Fuck up off Trump and put it on anybody else they can.
as I said just how stupid can a person be to actually believe the people you have been at war with for 20 years are actually going to make sure ALL your troops are going to get out of there safe?
and YES I know that you right wing morons are going to say well Biden could have gone back in, well I can hear the yelling and screaming from those same morons saying Biden is a war monger , Biden is just going to get more of our people killed and on and on.....
Have a nice day
I would like to add this to this post.
Thanks for bringing the receipts.
I want to thank the families of our Great Warriors who have been lost to us for the way they came together as one, and thanked me for attending, at their request, the Celebration of their wonderful family members who, because of the Incompetence of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, are no longer with us. Thank you for saying you wanted me to stand with you at Arlington National Ceremony, and take pictures, that it was your request, not mine, but it was my Great Honor to do so. I WILL NEVER FORGET! Lightweight V.P. Kamala Harris tried turning it around, because they weren’t there, have never spoken to the families, and have no intention to do so. In Afghanistan, you don’t take the Soldiers out first, you take the Soldiers out last. This would be Military 101, the most basic, and the “leaders” of that Disaster should be immediately fired. We have FOOLS in the White House, and now, they are trying to solve the Hostage Crisis in Israel. Guess how that’s going to turn out?


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I want to thank the families of our Great Warriors who have been lost to us for the way they came together as one, and thanked me for attending, at their request, the Celebration of their wonderful family members who, because of the Incompetence of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, are no longer with us. Thank you for saying you wanted me to stand with you at Arlington National Ceremony, and take pictures, that it was your request, not mine, but it was my Great Honor to do so. I WILL NEVER FORGET! Lightweight V.P. Kamala Harris tried turning it around, because they weren’t there, have never spoken to the families, and have no intention to do so. In Afghanistan, you don’t take the Soldiers out first, you take the Soldiers out last. This would be Military 101, the most basic, and the “leaders” of that Disaster should be immediately fired. We have FOOLS in the White House, and now, they are trying to solve the Hostage Crisis in Israel. Guess how that’s going to turn out?



It's impossible to measure how phony this man is.
He paid them the attention they deserved. How dare you question the integrity of Gold Star Parents. You disgust me.
Wait a minute, wasn’t it Trump who shit on the Gold Star families after the Democratic Convention in 2020?

And I’d have to ask what those families Trump is pimping here think about Trump referring to their sons as “suckers”