Prominent McCain supporter funded terrorists

The Chiquita folks claim they were stuck in a bad situation. Has that really been proven ?
Or did they just hire thugs ?
So I am supposed to believe the word of the Bananna Republic company ?

Some fools believed bush too.

Lets see.... we have two possibilities....

1) Chiquita "hired" these thugs to work for them.... as you suggested

2) Columbia, which is well known to have had problems with these groups for the past several decades, was not able to protect Chiquita and Chiquita subsequently caved to the extortionists.

The idiocy of your suggestion is what prompted the Mrs. Donovan response.
Sionce coloumbia was well known to have the problem would it have been prudent managemnt to plan for that ?

Mrs. Dilbert I am awating you reply.
And I thought you were business oriented ?

So you now understand the stupidity of your previous statement and are trying to once again come up with some dumbshit line to try and make it sound like you aren't as foolish as you actually are on this subject?
Nope it is standard business practice in many foreign countries to pay bribes and such.
And if you get the heavies on your side so much the better. For your business that is.

It is interesting to note though that Columbia rated pretty high on the happiness report.
Wow. That's some of the stupidest shit I've read in a while. You are so in the tank for McCain it's hilarious.

That's what I was thinking, when I wasted time reading that tripe. What kind of idiot tries to make exucses for this, in a sad attempt to innoculate McCain?

The company admitted the bribes were improper and illegal. They didn't have to do business, in a region where they might be tempted to engage in unethical and illegal business practices. They sold the damn banana plantation and got out in 2004. Which is what they SHOULD have done years earlier. As the below article indicates, they finally wised up and got out of that region in colombia.

I can tell you one damn thing. Rightwingers will make excuses for this. Rightwingers, who evidently, don't know corporate law, criminal law, or international law. The multinational I worked for would have been in a a heap of trouble, for paying money to terrorist groups -- especially since they excplicitly held themselves out to shareholders, goverments, and citizens of the world as professing to practice business by the highest ethical standards possible.

Prosecutors said Chiquita began paying the right-wing AUC after a meeting in 1997 and disguised the payments in company books …….”Chiquita sold its Colombian banana operations in June 2004.”

The AUC has been responsible for some of the worst massacres in Colombia’s civil conflict and for a sizable percentage of the country’s cocaine exports. The U.S. government designated the right-wing militia a terrorist organization in September 2001.

Prosecutors said the company made the payments in exchange for protection for its workers. In addition to paying the AUC, prosecutors said, Chiquita made payments to the National Liberation Army, or ELN, and the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, as control of the company’s banana-growing area shifted.

Chiquita sold its Colombian banana operations in June 2004.

Details of the settlement were not included in court documents, but Aguirre said Chiquita would pay $25 million in fines, which it set aside this year. The company reported the deal to the Securities and Exchange Commission. A plea hearing was scheduled for Monday.

The payments were approved by senior executives at Chiquita, prosecutors wrote in court documents. Prosecutors said Chiquita began paying the right-wing AUC after a meeting in 1997 and disguised the payments in company books.

“No later than in or about September 2000, defendant Chiquita’s senior executives knew that the corporation was paying AUC and that the AUC was a violent paramilitary organization,” prosecutors wrote in Wednesday’s court filing.

Company attorneys made it clear the payments were improper, prosecutors said.

“Bottom line: CANNOT MAKE THE PAYMENT,” the company’s outside counsel advised in February 2003, according to an excerpt of a memo included in court documents.