Proof Barack Hussein Obama stole the election

By all means, please let us know what you find out.

Perhaps you could hire those investigators that Trump "sent" to Hawaii......
This must be the "latest" from WorldNutDaily or FreeRepublic...maybe it's Beck. Isn't there enough reality based stuff to deal with?
This must be the "latest" from WorldNutDaily or FreeRepublic...maybe it's Beck. Isn't there enough reality based stuff to deal with?

It's Legion, AKA (\(\/)/) Or whatever combination of slashes and parenthesis he last used.
This is what the idiots voted for, but they're too damn stupid to realize it. They're easily fooled by shiny glittering objects and free shit.
Did you notice the libs are scared to give me any shit?

The ones here are pitiful. Very weak. Loose moderation keeps the riff raff quiet. On political forums run by those on the left, a conservative never gets equal treatment. They're dishonest devious people.