Proof Barack Hussein Obama stole the election

@ Conservative!

Dude (or Dudette - I don't know), it's been a month and a half...............

Haven't you come up with anything to justify the paranoia?
@ Conservative!

Dude (or Dudette - I don't know), it's been a month and a half...............

Haven't you come up with anything to justify the paranoia?

Are you familiar with what an internet troll is? If not I suggest you acquaint yourself with the term as it applies. In any event Conservative quit, so they won't be back to troll you for some time, so you're bumping this thread needlessly.
I appreciate you pulling my coat.....

But, my posts have very little to do with "Conservative" per se.

It is my presumption that there are others who drank the same Kool Aid.
I've been loving all this whine about Obama stealing the election.
You see I remember how much crap Desh took from the right over complaining about Bush stealing the 2000 election.

Man, that guy is slick!!! He not only changed his appearance, name and, in one case, his gender, he CHANGED INTO A REPUBLICAN in an attempt to steal the election!!!!!

Rebekah Joy Paul and Christian Davis Price

These allegations came to light before the election.

Two former employees of Strategic Allied Consulting, a company once hired by the Republican Party of Florida, admitted that they forged voter registration forms.

The owner of this company (one of several he has owned) has been accused of voter registration fraud several times over the years, but the GOP keeps hiring him. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Now,....for the fRight Wing Conspiracists who do not believe anything the NYTimes prints, I DID try to find a fRight Wing source that reported on this story, but the first 3 pages of a google search do not show ONE SINGLE Conservative news source that has reported on this since the story broke THREE DAYS AGO!!

I guess instead of "news" they are waiting for it be "old."