Props to Glen Ifill

I think I know what I am better than some neo-con with an attitude.

Care to describe WHY you insist I am a marxist?

I have voted Libertarian more than I have voted for any other single party. I have supported myself and my family, paid taxes (too damn much) and been a member of the NRA for longer than I can remember.

I am also old enough and wise enough to understand that there are very few situations that are strictly black & white. The world is shades of grey, with decisions to be made based on personal beliefs not party rhetoric.

And nope, still not gonna die. But you can try the Hippy Hunting if you want. I am still betting on my skills over yours.

All that correct American work--and your voting for obamie the commie?
How does that not make you a stupid hippy marxist? I don't care about your past--your a commie now.
I try.
It is a big responsibility though.

Good job, USC! Anyway I wish you'd pointed out that it's Gwen Ifill, not Glen.

In light of the controversy that surrounded her role just prior to the debate, I thought she handled it well. Of course that was tactical, I'm convinced. Had a climate of disadvantage to Palin not prevailed over the misinformation about the topic of Ifill's book, it would have been more appropriate for her to nail Palin to the podium for not answering the questions put to her.
Yeah Gwen was easier on Palin than Couric or the other guy who interviewed palin was.

I liked him pushing her to answer the question.

btw I do not dare criticize anyone for typos or spelling errors ;)
All that correct American work--and your voting for obamie the commie?
How does that not make you a stupid hippy marxist? I don't care about your past--your a commie now.

Please point out where I said I was voting for Obama? I may take pot-shots are your ridiculous posts, but I have never said I was voting for Obama.

I have, however, posted several times about disliking Obama's fiscal plans and promises.

Try and get your facts right BEFORE you make accusations.

But please do go ahead and tell my why you insist I am a marxist. I am still most curious.