Psychaitrists identify "Climate Change Delusion" disorder

You're equally clueless. you morons think the average global temp is the same things as a 10 year average of global temps. no wonder you can't comment on the science. You can't even follow it.

10 years ? such a limited viwewpoint where climate is concerned.
10 years ? such a limited viwewpoint where climate is concerned.

Can you read the graphs posted? They are not concerned with simply 10 years. I didn't bring up 10 years except to point out the hottest temp ever was 10 years ago. Other than that, YOU idiots are the only ones suggesting a 10 year figure.
You have repeatedly talked of 10 year stuff and such short term views on you climate change threads.

I lean to the polar ice cores that show repeated correlations between temperature and CO2 levels that track pretty much exactly over the thousands of years.
It's a telling measure of just how off-the-deep-end liberals have gone, that the funniest jokes told about them keep turning out to be TRUE.

The article refers in part to the Australian government, but of course notes prominent American politicians who have swallowed the man-caused-climate-change nonsense whole, and even made careers out of it much like snake oil salesmen did in the 19th century.

Gotta love it! :thup:


Doomed to a fatal delusion over climate change

by Andrew Bolt

July 09, 2008 12:00am

PSYCHIATRISTS have detected the first case of "climate change delusion" - and they haven't even yet got to Kevin Rudd and his global warming guru.

Writing in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Joshua Wolf and Robert Salo of our Royal Children's Hospital say this delusion was a "previously unreported phenomenon".

"A 17-year-old man was referred to the inpatient psychiatric unit at Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne with an eight-month history of depressed mood . . . He also . . . had visions of apocalyptic events."

(So have Alarmist of the Year Tim Flannery, Profit of Doom Al Gore and Sir Richard Brazen, but I digress.)

"The patient had also developed the belief that, due to climate change, his own water consumption could lead within days to the deaths of millions of people through exhaustion of water supplies."

But never mind the poor boy, who became too terrified even to drink. What's scarier is that people in charge of our Government seem to suffer from this "climate change delusion", too.

Andrew Bolt is Australia's wanna-be Mark Steyne. He sees no shame in using a psychiatric patient's condition to slag off his ideological opponents. A fine yellow press journalist.