Punishing Bidenflation Has 1 in 6 Retirees Considering Unretiring


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The fact people are struggeling on fixd incomes this will lose Biden the election


One in six retirees is now thinking about unretiring due to Bidenflation, which one analyst says “may be here to stay.”

Well, if Biden wins re-election, it will certainly be here to stay.Patrice Onawunka laments in the far-left USA Today that the “financial insecurity” caused by inflation, which itself was caused by “reckless federal spending” may become permanent.The liars in the White House and corporate media continue to assure us the inflation crisis will soon decrease, and then this always seems to happen.

The price of everything is exploding, especially housing. Meanwhile, His Fraudulency Joe Biden is doing everything he can to ensure inflation continues to rise. The federal government cheapens money by spending like a drunken sailor. Worse still, Biden has allowed millions and millions of illegal aliens to invade our country, which increases the need for scarce goods like housing, which of course, increases the price of housing.

“Unlike other discretionary spending,” Onwuka reminds us, “housing is not optional. Increasingly, Americans are spending more on rent, and this disproportionately impacts low-income people and older adults, especially those on fixed budgets.” She adds that some “10 million households headed by people aged 65 or older pay more than a third of their income on housing, and half of these pay more than 50%.”
The fact people are struggeling on fixd incomes this will lose Biden the election


You are one of the most uninformed posters I have ever encountered. Social Security is not a fixed income. It is adjusted for inflation. This years COLA was 8.7%. Prices are not exploding. That's bullshit. Biden has no control over housing costs.

Inflation was caused mainly by the release of pent up demand that met a limited supply due to supply chain issues. When demand exceeds supply, what happens, genius? DUH.
You are one of the most uninformed posters I have ever encountered. Social Security is not a fixed income. It is adjusted for inflation. This years COLA was 8.7%. Prices are not exploding. That's bullshit. Biden has no control over housing costs.

Inflation was caused mainly by the release of pent up demand that met a limited supply due to supply chain issues. When demand exceeds supply, what happens, genius? DUH.

This article in Breitbart was tailored for the gullible and low IQ dolts for the purpose of propagating disinformation.
Unretirement has always been a thing. Many people retired early during Covid, and some are coming back into the workforce. Only a simple minded half wit would turn that into a political issue.