Pure Stupidity


Two things jump out at me here. The first is obviously that if the Governor of NH is as reported, one of those slavish Democrats who love to debase themselves in front of the cheering media punditry and in front of laughing, scornful Republicans (NO republican governor would ever consider such a thing as what follows, e-ver) who will reward them with the slavish Democratic "moderate"'s favorite gift, a golden shower, by going "bipartisan" in his pick to replace the Senate seat of Gregg (as we all know bipartisan means, do what republicans tell you to do) and appointing a republican, then this move by Obama becomes even more incomprehensible.

The second thing is this: "A main factor in whether Mr. Gregg accepts the commerce job, these officials say, is a commitment from Mr. Lynch that he strongly consider a Republican or an independent for the Senate vacancy."

What was Blago impeached for again? And if Obama was on the phone with this guy getting "a commitment that he will stronly consider a Democrat" before picking Gregg, Republicans would be saying what?

February 1, 2009
Republican Senator Is Top Choice to Run Commerce Dept.
WASHINGTON — Senator Judd Gregg, Republican of New Hampshire, is the top contender to be President Obama’s nominee for commerce secretary, the White House said Saturday, a move that could strengthen Democrats’ control of Congress.

Mr. Gregg’s name has been circulated for several days as Mr. Obama tries to replace his previous nominee for commerce secretary, Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who withdrew amid revelations that a grand jury is investigating how he awarded state government contracts. Mr. Gregg himself said Friday that he was under consideration.

If the senator accepts and is confirmed, he will be the third Republican appointee in the Obama cabinet. The others are Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who also held the post under President George W. Bush, and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a former congressman from Illinois.

A senior Obama administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because a formal announcement had not been made, said that Mr. Gregg was “now the leading candidate” for the commerce post and that a selection “could come as early as Monday.”

The selection of Mr. Gregg, who is in his third term as a senator, could open the door to a significant shift in the Congressional balance of power.

At present, the Democrats’ Senate majority is 58, which includes two independents; that number will rise to 59 if Al Franken is seated after the legal challenge to the results of the Minnesota Senate race is completed.

If Gov. John Lynch of New Hampshire, a Democrat, replaced Mr. Gregg with a member of his own party, that would put the Democratic majority at 60 — a magic number in the Senate because it is how many votes are needed to control the legislative agenda and to block a filibuster.

But there are no guarantees that Mr. Lynch would pick a Democrat: New Hampshire prizes its political independence, and the governor is a moderate. Some analysts say he could turn to a well-regarded Republican — former Senator Warren Rudman has been mentioned — to serve as a kind of caretaker to fill out the remainder of Mr. Gregg’s term, which expires at the end of 2010.

Mr. Lynch and Mr. Gregg talked about the situation throughout the week, Democratic and Republican officials in New Hampshire say, and the governor has said he is open to appointing a Republican to the seat. A main factor in whether Mr. Gregg accepts the commerce job, these officials say, is a commitment from Mr. Lynch that he strongly consider a Republican or an independent for the Senate vacancy.

Mr. Gregg was not particularly close to Mr. Obama when they served together as senators but did have a close relationship with Mr. Bush. The friendship stretches back two decades to when Mr. Gregg’s father, Hugh Gregg, who was a New Hampshire governor in the 1950s, worked to help elect Mr. Bush’s father, the first President George Bush.

But Mr. Gregg has lately been saying nice things about Mr. Obama. Last week, the senator was quoted as calling the president a “tour de force.”

and what if Gregg is the best qualified person for the job?

As a moderate hearing criticism from the liberal base about Obama's governing from the center just thrills me. Tells me that this time, we got the right man!
I didn't vote for Obama, but I am delighted to see that he is making an effort to govern from the center. I sincerely hope his administration is a successful one. :)
I didn't vote for Obama, but I am delighted to see that he is making an effort to govern from the center. I sincerely hope his administration is a successful one. :)
Someone needs to explain to me how spending nearly a trillion dollars mostly on pork is "moderate".
I have no problem he be brought in.

The congressional impact would be real nice.

YOu have no problem? He's not a moderate like the right wing is trying to tell you. He has an extremely con voting record. And the impact if you read the article, is that he is attempting to forge a deal with the Democratic governor of NH, that he be replaced by another Republican, (Something NO Republican would ever consider, and something NO right winger on this site talking about how "nice" this is, would ever approve), which would have of course, no impact on the Senate.

I don't feel we need a right wing cabinet member. Someone can point me to the left wing cabinet member Bush appointed and the phony right approved of?
I didn't vote for Obama, but I am delighted to see that he is making an effort to govern from the center. I sincerely hope his administration is a successful one. :)

The right wing is not the center, no matter how often right wingers keep claiming that it is.
The right wing is not the center, no matter how often right wingers keep claiming that it is.

A centrist is one who is willing to compromise and work from both sides of the political aisle, which is precisely what Obama is doing, is it not? Surely being "right-wing" does not disqualify Mr. Gregg from serving as secretary of commerce, any more than being "left-wing" would disqualify Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, etc., from serving in the administration.
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and what if Gregg is the best qualified person for the job?

As a moderate hearing criticism from the liberal base about Obama's governing from the center just thrills me. Tells me that this time, we got the right man!

Mottley, it's not really a question of who's "best qualified". There are plenty of very qualified economists below the commerce secretary who can work out the details. But pretending that ideology doesn't exist, and that it's just a matter of picking "the most qualified" is a non-starter.

The country golf club says it all. We now have an elitist in charge. I deleted two invites to neocons that were pending from the interim leadership of Damo. I also have invited all the libertarians to join: Dave, Stringy, Adam, Epic, Grind, Beefy - it will be awesome if they all join. I
Although stringy and grind are certainly right-wing in some respects, I think it's making a massive stretch to attach the "conservative" label to them.


Conservatives hold that shared values, morals, standards, and traditions are necessary for social order while libertarians consider individual liberty as the highest value. Libertarians who remained concerned with limiting the state but preserving cultural values may call themselves conservative libertarians in contrast to libertarians who seek to increase their lifestyle choices.[7]

If a libertarian doesn't care about values, morals, and traditions how could they be a libertarian conservative? Grind certainly doesn't give a fuck about them. The rest of them fit the "conservative libertarian" more or less, but it's a stretch for all of them, because I don't think any of the libertarians here are hawks or support a huge military in any fashion.