Putin's fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say

Putin's fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say

A fleet of Russian warships entered Cuban waters on Wednesday as they prepare to hold military drills in the Caribbean.

The deployment is likely a warning to President Biden after he gave approval for Ukrainian forces to strike some targets within Russia using U.S. weaponry, according to Rebekah Koffler, strategic intelligence analyst and author of "Putin's Playbook." Russian President Vladimir Putin is telling Washington, "we can touch you," Koffler said.

"Putin wants to be close to the U.S. homeland at this time when the Russia-Ukraine crisis is on a highly escalatory trajectory – given Biden’s authorization to Ukraine. If something goes wrong and Ukraine strikes critical targets in Russia close to major cities, the Russian military can enable the Cubans to strike targets inside the U.S. or strike U.S. interests," she said.

Three Russian warships arrived at Cuba's Havana Bay on Wednesday, greeted by a 21-cannon salute. A nuclear-powered submarine was also expected to arrive after them. Russia has said the submarine, the Kazan, is not carrying nuclear weapons.....

We had better practice our Duck and Cover skills. I haven't practiced them since the 1960s. Biden is going to get us melted. Putin isn't afraid of Dementia Joe.
Biden the Brainless and Ball-less is also Clue-less.
And Biden was so intimidated he signed a ten year security agreement with Ukraine today.
Man you suck a great old man dick!! It was Biden/Obama who DISARMED UKRAINE IN THE FIST PLACE, to suck Putin's dick, after which he seized Crimea.
Its a warning to the collective West.....Biden is nothing but a paid front man for the people who run America who cosplays at President, as the Russians know full well.
Man you suck a great old man dick!! It was Biden/Obama who DISARMED UKRAINE IN THE FIST PLACE, to suck Putin's dick, after which he seized Crimea.
Ever since the CIA did their color Revolution in 2014 NATO was every day building up the Ukraine military....both in gear and training. At the time the Russians decided "ENOUGH!" Ukraine was the second most powerful military in NATO after Turkey.

U have no idea what you are talking about.
My grapevine has been talking about how Putin once talked to Biden on the phone over the weekend, so he was in his house minus most of the minders.....Biden agreed that there would be no long range NATO missiles pointed at Russia in Ukraine. A bit later Blinken I think it was was talking to the Russians (Lavrov?) and he said no way....there can be talk about how many are placed in Ukraine but we are putting our strike capacity against Russia in Ukraine. From that point on the Russians knew that Biden is irrelevant. I have heard Putin himself talking about this.
Man you suck a great old man dick!! It was Biden/Obama who DISARMED UKRAINE IN THE FIST PLACE, to suck Putin's dick, after which he seized Crimea.
Calm down before you give yourself a stroke; you may be getting too old for this stuff. Joe Biden didn’t disarm Ukraine. Joe Biden is a reason Ukraine is still a nation today, no thanks to Republicans.
Calm down before you give yourself a stroke; you may be getting too old for this stuff. Joe Biden didn’t disarm Ukraine. Joe Biden is a reason Ukraine is still a nation today, no thanks to Republicans.
LIAR....Its a WarPig UniParty.
If Joe Biden does nothing...you assholes will find that to be the wrong thing.

If he does any of the dozens of things he can do...you assholes will say that it was the wrong thing.

You would do more for your country if you just sat in your room and played with your pecker.
Stop projecting your fantasies on the rest of us please.
Random point to better understand recent events:

Russia has lost half their Black Sea Fleet. That is about an eighth of their total ships by tonnage, and a lot more by number of ships (the Black Sea Fleet tended to have smaller ships).

They have evacuated the Crimea of their navy, and are evacuating it of their army. While Ukraine cannot retake the Crimea, they can deny its use to the Russians.

Currently, what remains of the Black Sea Fleet is hiding as far from Ukraine as possible. Russia cannot remove ships from the Black Sea while the war continues, so they are basically trapped. Even hiding in the port of Novorossiysk, the Ukrainians are picking off Russian ships.

At this pace, Russia will no longer have a Black Sea Fleet in a year. They are in talks with Turkey to intern the fleet there until the end of the war. We clearly overestimated the Russian Navy.
In the real world, there is no fleet of warships. There is only one warship, a tiny frigate. There is a submarine that has trouble diving, which is a submarine not a ship. There is also a tugboat to tow the submarine when it breaks down, and an oiler, because Cuba does not have fuel for the frigate.

That is one warship, the Admiral Gorshkov, is famous for breaking down before the Black Sea closed down for war, and therefore missing the war. One has to wonder was that by accident, or because it is a poorly run ship.

The submarine, the Kazan, is meant to stand back between 1,000 and 1,500 miles. It is meant to stay as hidden as possible. It is being towed to within 90 miles of the USA on the surface.

In short, this is pathetic.
Ukraine was the second most powerful military in NATO after Turkey.
Ukraine is not in NATO, so could not be the second most powerful military in NATO.

There is no universe where Turkey is the most powerful military in NATO. Clearly the USA is the most powerful military in NATO. The Turkish are very proud of their military, and even they would admit the USA is far more powerful.

Putin's fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say

A fleet of Russian warships entered Cuban waters on Wednesday as they prepare to hold military drills in the Caribbean.

The deployment is likely a warning to President Biden after he gave approval for Ukrainian forces to strike some targets within Russia using U.S. weaponry, according to Rebekah Koffler, strategic intelligence analyst and author of "Putin's Playbook." Russian President Vladimir Putin is telling Washington, "we can touch you," Koffler said.

"Putin wants to be close to the U.S. homeland at this time when the Russia-Ukraine crisis is on a highly escalatory trajectory – given Biden’s authorization to Ukraine. If something goes wrong and Ukraine strikes critical targets in Russia close to major cities, the Russian military can enable the Cubans to strike targets inside the U.S. or strike U.S. interests," she said.

Three Russian warships arrived at Cuba's Havana Bay on Wednesday, greeted by a 21-cannon salute. A nuclear-powered submarine was also expected to arrive after them. Russia has said the submarine, the Kazan, is not carrying nuclear weapons.....

We had better practice our Duck and Cover skills. I haven't practiced them since the 1960s. Biden is going to get us melted. Putin isn't afraid of Dementia Joe.

U.S. Southern Command said the USS Helena, a nuclear-powered fast attack submarine, pulled into the waters near the U.S. base in Cuba on Thursday, just a day after a Russian frigate, a nuclear-powered submarine, an oil tanker and a rescue tug crossed into Havana Bay after drills in the Atlantic Ocean.

The stop is part of a “routine port visit” as the submarine travels through Southern Command’s region, it said in a social media post.

Other U.S. ships also have been tracking and monitoring the Russian drills, which Pentagon officials say do not represent a threat to the United States.
You are a sick Anti-American IDIOT!

Ukraine is not in NATO, so could not be the second most powerful military in NATO.

There is no universe where Turkey is the most powerful military in NATO. Clearly the USA is the most powerful military in NATO. The Turkish are very proud of their military, and even they would admit the USA is far more powerful.
Just as important as ' power' is who is in charge of it.