Q: Will Barack Obama be a one-term president?


Loyal to the end
A: Yes, he might last that long.

Honest to goodness, the man just does not get it. He might be forced to pull a Palin and resign before his first term is over. He could go off and write his memoirs and build his presidential library. (Both would be half-size, of course.)

I am not saying Obama is not smart; he is as smart as a whip. I am just saying he does not understand what savvy first-term presidents need to understand:

You have to stay on message, follow the polls, listen to your advisers (who are writing the message and taking the polls) and realize that when it comes to doing what is right versus doing what is expedient, you do what is expedient so that you can get reelected and do what is right in the second term. If at all possible. And it will help your legacy. And not endanger the election of others in your party. And not hurt the brand. Or upset people too much.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0810/41134.html#ixzz0wrZx5bEs
Anyone who offers an opinion on this two years out is just guessing.

I wonder what the vegas odds are...
Anyone who offers an opinion on this two years out is just guessing.

I wonder what the vegas odds are...
If jobs aren't created, then like Bush 41, he will be a one timer, but it definitely will depend on who the GOP has to run against him. because even some of the them would vote Obama over Palin.
Anyone who offers an opinion on this two years out is just guessing.

I wonder what the vegas odds are...
Does it matter? Do you honestly think if the these wingnuts nominate some right wing extremist that they stand a chance even against a left of center centrist? Not bloody likely but they can go ahead and keep fooling them selves. It will be that much more funny when they are stunned by their loss.

There's only one Republican politican in the ring at this time who stands a chance against Obama and that's Romney and I don't think he can win the Republican nomination. He's not extreme enough it appears.

Candidate who really are serious about the Republican nomination will have to get going next Feb or March in order to raise the hundreds of millions the'll need for a Presidential bid. Things will be a lot clearer by then who the Republican intend to nominate, If they decide to go a partisan right wing route, intead of steering towards the middle, Obama will serve a second term.

In addition to that, it's still more than two years till the next Presidential election. If the financial crises has been stabilized, GM and Chrysler are out of bankruptcy, if we withdraw from Iraq and have stabilized the situation in Afghanistan and have started with drawing troops, and if unemployment is down to 6% then Obama will be a shoe in for re-election as he will have succeded in rescuing this nation from the unmitigated disaster that was the Bush years.
If jobs aren't created, then like Bush 41, he will be a one timer, but it definitely will depend on who the GOP has to run against him. because even some of the them would vote Obama over Palin.
I can only think if one man in the Republican party that stands a chance against Obama. Everyone else is to fair out of the mainstream.
Do you think lunatic fringe types like SM, Bravo, Dixie, Tinhat would vote for Romney?
Does it matter? Do you honestly think if the these wingnuts nominate some right wing extremist that they stand a chance even against a left of center centrist? Not bloody likely but they can go ahead and keep fooling them selves. It will be that much more funny when they are stunned by their loss.

There's only one Republican politican in the ring at this time who stands a chance against Obama and that's Romney and I don't think he can win the Republican nomination. He's not extreme enough it appears.

me thinks you're not paying enough attention to the news lately. the GOP is on the bad end of a hostile takeover right now, and they are losing more everyday. All the democrats have to do is keep on keeping on, and they are going to lose to the 'extremists' in the TEA party.
I can only think if one man in the Republican party that stands a chance against Obama. Everyone else is to fair out of the mainstream.
Do you think lunatic fringe types like SM, Bravo, Dixie, Tinhat would vote for Romney?
Romney, now that is funny! too
me thinks you're not paying enough attention to the news lately. the GOP is on the bad end of a hostile takeover right now, and they are losing more everyday. All the democrats have to do is keep on keeping on, and they are going to lose to the 'extremists' in the TEA party.

15ppMoot is too dumb to realize what's happening. As I predicted long ago, folks will be so sick of what the Democrats have done that they will rebel, pushing the pendulum back far, far to The Right. The time for an extreme conservative candidate is near. Romney ain't it, Palin fits the bill along with others. :good4u:
15ppMoot is too dumb to realize what's happening. As I predicted long ago, folks will be so sick of what the Democrats have done that they will rebel, pushing the pendulum back far, far to The Right. The time for an extreme conservative candidate is near. Romney ain't it, Palin fits the bill along with others. :good4u:
Oh, dear gawd...She will quit, just ask Alaska!
Yea....this coming from people who voted twice for a man that makes Obama look like a political genius. Talk about NOT GETTING IT! LOL LOL LOL
Obama is a hell of a politican....one of the best....its his ability to lead a country that is so fuckin' awful, foreign policy sucks, economy sucks, overall a useless piece of shit....a presidential disaster but a fine community organizer....
Obama is a hell of a politican....one of the best....its his ability to lead a country that is so fuckin' awful, foreign policy sucks, economy sucks, overall a useless piece of shit....a presidential disaster but a fine community organizer....
I think Hilary Clinton is doing a great job and foreign policy, except for Iraq and Afghanistan are just fine.
Way too early. At this point, I'd say no, based on a few factors:

- Lack of a powerful GOP opponent. This is subject to change of course, because people (like Obama) can come out of nowhere, but the GOP frontrunners right now do not inspire fear among the left.

- the Dems will likely take a beating this year, barring something surprising, which will allow him to reinvent his Presidency, if he takes advantage of that

- the economy will probably be back on its feet in 2012
me thinks you're not paying enough attention to the news lately. the GOP is on the bad end of a hostile takeover right now, and they are losing more everyday. All the democrats have to do is keep on keeping on, and they are going to lose to the 'extremists' in the TEA party.
Uh yea....like Rand Paul in Kentucky? :rolleyes:
LOL Yeah sure. Just look at their reaction whenever anyone mentions "Palin" and "President" in the same sentence.

Dude, if you think Palin inspires fear among the left, you've lost your mind.

Palin would be the best GOP gift to the Dems since Dole...
15ppMoot is too dumb to realize what's happening. As I predicted long ago, folks will be so sick of what the Democrats have done that they will rebel, pushing the pendulum back far, far to The Right. The time for an extreme conservative candidate is near. Romney ain't it, Palin fits the bill along with others. :good4u:
Well to quote a great American Pete Rose...."You want to bet on that?"
I think Hilary Clinton is doing a great job and foreign policy, except for Iraq and Afghanistan are just fine.


how's Korea these days? Or that coming Iran/Israel meltdown? The chinese economy?