Question and Answer


Shaken, not stirred!
Question; what do you do when someone you can't stand is actually right about something?
Answer: even a broken clock is right twice a day. Get over it and deal with it.
I have literally never had a conservative message board poster say to me:

"Hey, you know what? You were right. Invading Iraq was actually a dangerous and dumb ass idea."
I have literally never had a conservative message board poster say to me:

"Hey, you know what? You were right. Invading Iraq was actually a dangerous and dumb ass idea."
Wonder why so many democrats voted to invade iraq ?
Seems liberals forget about that .
I guess we should sign pacs with other nations and stand up aginst evil and tyrants who do the things that saddam and company were doing.
Unlike you, I was always against the invasion of Iraq, and always knew it was a dumbass idea.

There were huge demonstrations against it in the UK, but Bliar ignored them and made up bullshit to enable him to crawl to America. I expect there were similar political pressures over there.
There were huge demonstrations against it in the UK, but Bliar ignored them and made up bullshit to enable him to crawl to America. I expect there were similar political pressures over there.
All kinds of pressure and deception used to engineer that foolish war.

Bush said he needed Congress to vote for the authorization to use force resolution to give him diplomatic leverage, not because he had decided to go to war.
es something for democrats cry today about the wr in Iraq

Here are the Democratic Senators who voted YEA on October 2002.

Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Breaux (D-LA), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Yea
Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Cleland (D-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
Daschle (D-SD), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Edwards (D-NC), Yea
Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Hollings (D-SC), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Miller (D-GA), Yea
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Reid (D-NV), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Schumer (D-NY), Yea
Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea

And good old lying bidwen voted for it 2 times lol
All kinds of pressure and deception used to engineer that foolish war.

Bush said he needed Congress to vote for the authorization to use force resolution to give him diplomatic leverage, not because he had decided to go to war.

Your current Presidwent voted for it 2 times both times it was yea
Your current Presidwent voted for it 2 times both times it was yea

I am not responsible for anyone's actions but mine.

The choice to invade Iraq was the biggest test of good judgement in our generation.

It was the rorschach test of this generation for who has good judgement and who has impaired, shitty judgement.

I knew from the very beginning that invading Iraq was a dumbass idea.

You not only thought invading Iraq was an awesome idea, but you slipped on a cheerleader skirt and picked up some pom-poms to cheerlead for your war. :cheer:
I am not responsible for anyone's actions but mine.

The choice to invade Iraq was the biggest test of good judgement in our generation.

It was the rorschach test of this generation for who has good judgement and who has impaired, shitty judgement.

I knew from the very beginning that invading Iraq was a dumbass idea.

You not only thought invading Iraq was an awesome idea, but you slipped on a cheerleader skirt and picked up some pom-poms to cheerlead for your war. :cheer:

Really so why was it dumb , and it retrospective with Biden voting for it 2 times would you stay that makes him a dumb ass. ANd now hes willing to go to wa.r to protect Taiwan.
is that a dumb asses plan also ?
Really so why was it dumb , and it retrospective with Biden voting for it 2 times would you stay that makes him a dumb ass. ANd now hes willing to go to wa.r to protect Taiwan.
is that a dumb asses plan also ?

I love how you cannot deny my judgement was superior to yours, by a country mile:

I thought invading Iraq was a dumbass idea.

You thought invading Iraq was an awesome idea
I have literally never had a conservative message board poster say to me:

"Hey, you know what? You were right. Invading Iraq was actually a dangerous and dumb ass idea."

Conversially, I've never seen a Lib admit that, after Wiener's laptop was discovered, that Hillary really did delete her crimes with the "30,000 emails"! Lock her up!
Wonder why so many democrats voted to invade iraq ?
Seems liberals forget about that .
I guess we should sign pacs with other nations and stand up aginst evil and tyrants who do the things that saddam and company were doing.

Actually, NO ONE has forgotten who signed off for that heinous lie and why.....because they bought the lie about WMD's...not surprising since the Reagan/Bush era sold the damned things to Hussein. But if you recall, 126 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 1 Independent (Sanders) voted against it in the House ... 21 Democrats, 1 Republican (Lincoln Chaffee of Rhode Island), and 1 Independent (Jim Jeffords of Vermont) voted against it in the Senate.

And remember, Hussein was our boy until he actually thought it was his country to act independently without USA approval. That's way Rumsfeld was there to firm up that pipeline deal and just barely mentioned gassing the Kurds....that's why Glaspie gave the okay regarding non interference to go to blows with Kuwait.
Do your homework, Bob. Then take note regarding the OP.
Conversially, I've never seen a Lib admit that, after Wiener's laptop was discovered, that Hillary really did delete her crimes with the "30,000 emails"! Lock her up!

Actually, I don't recall anyone actually defending Weiner. If they did, then they were fools. The GOP wasted the tax payer's money trying to hang Hillary (but I wouldn't have voted for that duplicitous POS anyway), because legally they just couldn't prove their case beyond speculation.

the OP stands....I usually use the phrase "I stand corrected" or just flat out say "I was wrong" when needed. Just saying.
Actually, I don't recall anyone actually defending Weiner. If they did, then they were fools. The GOP wasted the tax payer's money trying to hang Hillary (but I wouldn't have voted for that duplicitous POS anyway), because legally they just couldn't prove their case beyond speculation.

the OP stands....I usually use the phrase "I stand corrected" or just flat out say "I was wrong" when needed. Just saying.

It's about Hillary, dimwit.
Actually, NO ONE has forgotten who signed off for that heinous lie and why.....because they bought the lie about WMD's...not surprising since the Reagan/Bush era sold the damned things to Hussein. But if you recall, 126 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 1 Independent (Sanders) voted against it in the House ... 21 Democrats, 1 Republican (Lincoln Chaffee of Rhode Island), and 1 Independent (Jim Jeffords of Vermont) voted against it in the Senate.

And remember, Hussein was our boy until he actually thought it was his country to act independently without USA approval. That's way Rumsfeld was there to firm up that pipeline deal and just barely mentioned gassing the Kurds....that's why Glaspie gave the okay regarding non interference to go to blows with Kuwait.
Do your homework, Bob. Then take note regarding the OP.

regan and bush didnt lie the cia either lied , was mistaken or saddam got most of it out of the nation or buried it in the sand.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Actually, NO ONE has forgotten who signed off for that heinous lie and why.....because they bought the lie about WMD's...not surprising since the Reagan/Bush era sold the damned things to Hussein. But if you recall, 126 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 1 Independent (Sanders) voted against it in the House ... 21 Democrats, 1 Republican (Lincoln Chaffee of Rhode Island), and 1 Independent (Jim Jeffords of Vermont) voted against it in the Senate.

And remember, Hussein was our boy until he actually thought it was his country to act independently without USA approval. That's way Rumsfeld was there to firm up that pipeline deal and just barely mentioned gassing the Kurds....that's why Glaspie gave the okay regarding non interference to go to blows with Kuwait.
Do your homework, Bob. Then take note regarding the OP.

regan and bush didnt lie the cia either lied , was mistaken or saddam got most of it out of the nation or buried it in the sand.

Prove it. I can with facts. Can you? Because your revisionist BS is just that....BS.

P.S. - the WMD inspectors concluded that the cache they found buried was over 10 years old....passed their viable use date and basically unusable as a weapon. Seems it was forgotten by the Hussein regime. Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.
Actually, NO ONE has forgotten who signed off for that heinous lie and why.....because they bought the lie about WMD's...not surprising since the Reagan/Bush era sold the damned things to Hussein. But if you recall, 126 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 1 Independent (Sanders)

Barbara Lee voted against it in the House.