Question and Answer

Prove it. I can with facts. Can you? Because your revisionist BS is just that....BS.

P.S. - the WMD inspectors concluded that the cache they found buried was over 10 years old....passed their viable use date and basically unusable as a weapon. Seems it was forgotten by the Hussein regime. Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.

10 years old so it was hidden . I wonder why and by who O my the Iraq goverment was the owner. So you only want to go after brand new weapons I get it.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Prove it. I can with facts. Can you? Because your revisionist BS is just that....BS.

P.S. - the WMD inspectors concluded that the cache they found buried was over 10 years old....passed their viable use date and basically unusable as a weapon. Seems it was forgotten by the Hussein regime. Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.

10 years old so it was hidden . I wonder why and by who O my the Iraq goverment was the owner. So you only want to go after brand new weapons I get it.

Okay, let me dumb it down for ya, Bobby. The Cache was part of the original WMD program by Hussein....materials supplied by Daddy Bush back when he was CIA director. Years later, when Husseing agreed to shelve the weapons and not use them anymore....the first UN inspectors started their process, but were interrupted when Slick Willy decided to show the GOP he was a man and used a report of "difficulty" at some inspection sites to start bombing again. Fast forward to the Shrub years....after the bogus invasion, troops ran across abandoned and unused WMD cache now defunct (unusable)...Been that way since before the 2nd WMD inspection tean earlier.

Capice? If you don't believe me, DO SOME HONEST COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH ON THE TIME LINE. That way, hopefully you'll "get it".

Now, quit stalling...prove what you say or STFU and stop parroting debunked talking points.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Actually, NO ONE has forgotten who signed off for that heinous lie and why.....because they bought the lie about WMD's...not surprising since the Reagan/Bush era sold the damned things to Hussein. But if you recall, 126 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 1 Independent (Sanders) 21 Democrats, 1 Republican (Lincoln Chaffee of Rhode Island), and 1 Independent (Jim Jeffords of Vermont) voted against it in the Senate.
Barbara Lee voted against it in the House.

Yes, Bobby....hence my little listing, which you've seemed to edit for some reason.
Fosdick court

The cans are in the back. Pick up is every Tuesday and Friday.
Take the cans from the curb and put back where they belong.
Mop the hallways once a week and collect rent. You can live
there for free. When I started high school we moved to Madison st.
or back to ridgewood. That’s my grandparents. How did you end up here.
The elementary school is down the block. It’s a single parent.

I push the button the TV turns on.


I never seen anything so stupid like this in all my life.

The TV doesn’t turn on. You take it to the TV repairman. I never paid to watch TV.
I just paid for the TV and the electric bill. My bills are always paid on time. A majority
of them are on auto pay and paid a day or two after posted. Paid in advance.
I receive text and email notifications. There’s 3 TV’s in the house. The one turns
on but doesn’t display any TV shows.

I plugged the TV in the wall. I pushed the button and watched TV.

If you're having problems with your TV equipment while using the
Spectrum Guide, first try to send a refresh signal or reboot your
Spectrum Receiver by unplugging the power cord and allow at least
60 seconds before plugging it back in. Allow at least 20 minutes for
the receiver to fully recover and turn it back on.
What’s the cure for a limp Deek!


We’re having a holiday dinner with the neighbors this weekend.


Wonder why so many democrats voted to invade iraq ?
Seems liberals forget about that .
I guess we should sign pacs with other nations and stand up aginst evil and tyrants who do the things that saddam and company were doing.

You are seriously trying to have a reasonable conversation with that moron are you?
I have literally never had a conservative message board poster say to me: "Hey, you know what? You were right. Invading Iraq was actually a dangerous and dumb ass idea."

Hey, you know what? You were right. Invading Iraq was actually a dangerous and dumb ass idea.