Question for Board Democrats


Well-known member
Despite the efforts of Joe Biden's own Heinrich Himmler - Merrick Garland in a move that would make Pol Pot blush by indicting the top candidate opposing Biden in 2024, several pollsters point to Trump leading Biden among likely voters.

Garland indicted Trump in an effort to corrupt the 2024 election, ending democracy by throwing the opposition in prison - a move common in banana republics and thug driven dictatorships.

Assuming that the attack on free elections by the democrat Reich has backfired and caused voters like me who were backing DeSantis to line up behind Trump, to save our Republic from the clear attempt by democrats to establish a totalitarian dictatorship and end legitimate elections, would democrats on the board, which outnumber Americans 3 to 1 here, support stronger measures to ensure that Trump cannot be elected?

If the attempt to imprison the opposition candidate fails, would board democrats support the party taking a more lethal approach to stopping Trump?

It's the only thing democrats have not attempted yet.
Not many democrats on this board, mostly alt leftie moonbats.

I'm not seeing the difference?

But would ThatOwlWoman support a sanctioned assassination of Trump if Garland's coup fails? Does China support assassinating Trump? CCP spokesperson BidenPresident can tell us.

I'm curious how far the fascist left will admit to supporting?
Despite the efforts of Joe Biden's own Heinrich Himmler - Merrick Garland in a move that would make Pol Pot blush by indicting the top candidate opposing Biden in 2024, several pollsters point to Trump leading Biden among likely voters.

Garland indicted Trump in an effort to corrupt the 2024 election, ending democracy by throwing the opposition in prison - a move common in banana republics and thug driven dictatorships.

Assuming that the attack on free elections by the democrat Reich has backfired and caused voters like me who were backing DeSantis to line up behind Trump, to save our Republic from the clear attempt by democrats to establish a totalitarian dictatorship and end legitimate elections, would democrats on the board, which outnumber Americans 3 to 1 here, support stronger measures to ensure that Trump cannot be elected?

If the attempt to imprison the opposition candidate fails, would board democrats support the party taking a more lethal approach to stopping Trump?

It's the only thing democrats have not attempted yet.

No they won't have him killed because EVERYONE would know who did it. It's too obvious. They have to cloak their hatred in "Democracy" and the "Rule of Law" and their favorite, "No one is above the law" unless of course you're a Democrat. I think their only play is to continue throwing allegations at trump in the hopes that something sticks. This is nothing but trump porn to leftists
Despite the efforts of Joe Biden's own Heinrich Himmler - Merrick Garland in a move that would make Pol Pot blush by indicting the top candidate opposing Biden in 2024, several pollsters point to Trump leading Biden among likely voters.

Garland indicted Trump in an effort to corrupt the 2024 election, ending democracy by throwing the opposition in prison - a move common in banana republics and thug driven dictatorships.

Assuming that the attack on free elections by the democrat Reich has backfired and caused voters like me who were backing DeSantis to line up behind Trump, to save our Republic from the clear attempt by democrats to establish a totalitarian dictatorship and end legitimate elections, would democrats on the board, which outnumber Americans 3 to 1 here, support stronger measures to ensure that Trump cannot be elected?

If the attempt to imprison the opposition candidate fails, would board democrats support the party taking a more lethal approach to stopping Trump?

It's the only thing democrats have not attempted yet.

What Democrats, Handjob?
So all those church going black families who vote Democratic hate God?

Explain your claim?

Why do you hate so many Christians?

Jesus wasn’t a racist like you ass clown

And souls to the polls when Blacks bus the parishioners to the polls to vote after mass on Sunday.
Is there a difference between the two?

I think RFK Jr. is a democrat from the 1970's I disagree with a lot of what he says but I could find myself in agreement on the majority of his policies.
As for this board, it seems we have crazed TDS infected loonies galore.
What Democrats, Handjob?

Right, you Nazis still try and float that lie...

Would Nazi democrat scum like you support the democrat Reich openly attempting to assassinate President Trump to protect the Biden dictatorship?

It is literally the ONLY thing you traitor scum have not tried yet.
No they won't have him killed because EVERYONE would know who did it. It's too obvious. They have to cloak their hatred in "Democracy" and the "Rule of Law" and their favorite, "No one is above the law" unless of course you're a Democrat. I think their only play is to continue throwing allegations at trump in the hopes that something sticks. This is nothing but trump porn to leftists

I don't know - 5 years ago I would have said the democrats would never try and throw the opposition candidate for a presidential election in prison - but here we are.

I don't think there are any limits on what the democrats will do - they are no different than the Khmer Rouge.