question for both dems and reps

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
where do you propose to lead the nation during this time of trial

in other words, we have a disease, now what cure do you propose
what is the "disease"?

From my perspective, the issues most important are, energy independence, national security, education, and the economy. I would like to see Congress be able to work together in bipartisan manner, to solve the problems we face in these areas, rather than the continual partisan bickering. I think McCain has been one of the most 'bipartisan' members of Congress, and I think Palin has demonstrated her ability to be bipartisan as well. I think Obama and Biden represent the same status quot mentality that has created the current gridlock we see in Congress, and are the problem, not the solution.
what is the "disease"?

From my perspective, the issues most important are, energy independence, national security, education, and the economy. I would like to see Congress be able to work together in bipartisan manner, to solve the problems we face in these areas, rather than the continual partisan bickering. I think McCain has been one of the most 'bipartisan' members of Congress, and I think Palin has demonstrated her ability to be bipartisan as well. I think Obama and Biden represent the same status quot mentality that has created the current gridlock we see in Congress, and are the problem, not the solution.

perhaps, maybe the disease is partisan politics and a serious lack of long term planning

too many politicians do not plan beyond the next election
what is the "disease"?

From my perspective, the issues most important are, energy independence, national security, education, and the economy. I would like to see Congress be able to work together in bipartisan manner, to solve the problems we face in these areas, rather than the continual partisan bickering. I think McCain has been one of the most 'bipartisan' members of Congress, and I think Palin has demonstrated her ability to be bipartisan as well. I think Obama and Biden represent the same status quot mentality that has created the current gridlock we see in Congress, and are the problem, not the solution.

How has Sarah Palin been bi-partisan? What has she done in Alaska? Was it during her tenure as mayor or in the last 2 years as Governor? What was the specific legislation?
How has Sarah Palin been bi-partisan? What has she done in Alaska? Was it during her tenure as mayor or in the last 2 years as Governor? What was the specific legislation?

and what about her record on set asides and earmarks - she flip flopped on the bridge to nowhere - originally she was for it then when it turned out to be not so popular she opposed it
You guys are drinking the koolaid. It's part of the "disease" don't you see?
As long as we have MoveOn.Org telling you what you think and believe, we get nowhere.

Sarah Palin ran for mayor against the republican incumbent and beat him... she ran for governor of Alaska against the Republican governor and beat him in the primaries, and then beat a former governor on the Democratic ticket.

She pulled off these almost unheard of political feats, by promising to reform and clean up the corruption, and did so in her own party. Naturally, this pissed off a lot of people, and now we hear all of this 'misinformation' about her, from her political adversaries. She enjoys an almost 90% approval rating from the people of her state, which, even if Alaska were 100% republican (it's not) would be impressive.

Now..... IF you two want to carry the water for George Soros, and mindlessly repeat the same tired old political rhetoric over and over, that's fine... go right ahead! But the people of America who think objectively, and for themselves, will actually listen to what she has to say, and vote accordingly.

I happen to think she represents a fresh start, a new beginning, a chance to get a 'regular American' into the Congress and let them speak for the regular American people. And I don't just mean regular Republican Americans, I mean ALL regular Americans. You want solutions to health care, don't you? You want solutions to the economic problems, don't you? Or do you just want to elect another partisan team to continue what we've had for the past 20 years in Congress? McCain is the kind of person who will stand up to his own party, to the popular opinion of his own partisan party, to do the right thing. We've seen him do it numerous times, it's where he earned his nickname! Palin is cut from the same cloth, she is a Maverick in every McCainian sense of the word.

On the other side, you have a populist, Obama... who has never led anything or been in charge of anything in his life, and has basically made a career out of politics. Biden is a fossil compared to McCain.... he's been in the senate more than a decade longer! Neither of these men are going to give the regular American people a real change. They are pumping you full of everything their focus groups say you want to hear, and you are being gullible fools and lapping it up. Broaden your minds a little, think of what will happen when two people set party politics aside, and get to business working on the problems, with the wishes of regular American people on their minds, and not the party agendas? Palin and McCain, are at least, capable of that.
perhaps, maybe the disease is partisan politics and a serious lack of long term planning

too many politicians do not plan beyond the next election


btw Dixie I thought you said Bush was going to fix everything ? Why didn't he esp while the repubs had control of everything ?

btw Dixie I thought you said Bush was going to fix everything ? Why didn't he esp while the repubs had control of everything ?

I never said Bush was going to fix everything, I just hoped he wouldn't destroy everything, as Gore and Kerry would have done. But why are you shifting the focus of the conversation off the four people who are currently running for president, and on to a man who will never again seek public office? Bush has nothing to do with this election or the issues of this election. It's just more of the diversionary politics you want to play, because your candidate and his running mate have absolutely nothing to offer to the American people.
I never said Bush was going to fix everything, I just hoped he wouldn't destroy everything, as Gore and Kerry would have done. But why are you shifting the focus of the conversation off the four people who are currently running for president, and on to a man who will never again seek public office? Bush has nothing to do with this election or the issues of this election. It's just more of the diversionary politics you want to play, because your candidate and his running mate have absolutely nothing to offer to the American people.


even dixie's tune has changed from a bush can walk on water, bush will make govt smaller, balance the budget, etc..
I may be getting older Dixie, but I can remember your song.
Hopes for Palin are misplaced right now. She's a newbie, and if elected, she'll be a newbie VP. She won't be given many major responsibilities, if any, and I doubt we'll see that much of her.

Beyond that, I'll never understand the obsession of some voters with electing "regular folks." I don't want "regular folks" making the kinds of huge decisions that a President makes. When I'm looking for an architect or surgeon or any other profession that requires more skill than I have, my last priority is "regular folks."

even dixie's tune has changed from a bush can walk on water, bush will make govt smaller, balance the budget, etc..
I may be getting older Dixie, but I can remember your song.

LOL... I never said Bush could walk on water, never said he would make government smaller. In fact, one of my biggest complaints of Bush was fiscal irresponsibility and growing government. Again I ask, why are you diverting the conversation off the four people currently running for president, and trying to focus on a man who will never run for any elected office again? The only rational reason I can conclude is, you don't want to talk about THIS election.
LOL... I never said Bush could walk on water, never said he would make government smaller. In fact, one of my biggest complaints of Bush was fiscal irresponsibility and growing government. Again I ask, why are you diverting the conversation off the four people currently running for president, and trying to focus on a man who will never run for any elected office again? The only rational reason I can conclude is, you don't want to talk about THIS election.

dixie after you blatant worship of bush for years I do nto trust your judgement at all on Politics. Why should I ?

With people as well as politicians I judge them by their track trecord.
Hopes for Palin are misplaced right now. She's a newbie, and if elected, she'll be a newbie VP. She won't be given many major responsibilities, if any, and I doubt we'll see that much of her.

Beyond that, I'll never understand the obsession of some voters with electing "regular folks." I don't want "regular folks" making the kinds of huge decisions that a President makes. When I'm looking for an architect or surgeon or any other profession that requires more skill than I have, my last priority is "regular folks."

Yeah, well... the Vice President's job is not exactly one that stays in the headlines. That is the nature of the beast, it has nothing to do with who is VP. Her primary responsibility will be presiding over the Senate, and sitting beside Nancy Pelosi during the State of the Union speeches.

And I don't care what you understand, I think America is fed up with 'politics as usual' in Washington, and they want EFFECTIVE change, not just a platitude of "change" in a nice speech. I think they are far more likely to elect an 'average american' to the VP spot, as they would be to have open heart surgery from one. Just a hunch there.
"I think they are far more likely to elect an 'average american' to the VP spot, as they would be to have open heart surgery from one. Just a hunch there."

Well, I won't disagree with that. It's one of America's weaknesses, imo. Candidates - most of whom are more elite than any of us "regular folks" could possibly comprehend - go to great lengths to seem like "one of us" when campaigning, whether that means eating pork rinds, or talkin' about huntin' & fishin'. If Bush, one of the most pampered sons of privelege we've seen in the White House in my lifetime, could fool enough idiots into thinking he's "just folks" because he's got a southern twang and can barely speak 2 sentences, then just about anyone can.