question for both dems and reps

Oncelor u fool. Mcain isn't winning shit. Palin is winning the prize of keeping Mcfossil from the largest republican defeat anyone can remember. It was a desparation move and everyone knows It.
hey now hold the phone, wasn't dixie saying she wuld be pres since Mcshuffle would die while in office ?

Dixie has never said any such thing. WHY do you keep lying? Can you just not help yourself? When the point was made, that Palin was NOT running for president, Waterhead remarked, "McCain is 72, she's running for president!" I happen to think McCain will live out his first term, maybe a second! IF something SHOULD happen to him, I am confident in Palin to run the country, at least as well as Bush has the past 8 years, and markedly better than any pinhead idiot in an empty suit on the Liberal side!

I do not support Obama per sie, but McSame scares the heck out of me.

YES, you support Obama... You'd suck his dick if it would get him elected president! You might think you come off as 'nonpartisan' here, or a real 'independent thinker' who doesn't align with party politics, but you are about the biggest koolaid drinker of them all, with the exception of Oncie, Prissy, and Desh!
what is the "disease"?

From my perspective, the issues most important are, energy independence, national security, education, and the economy. I would like to see Congress be able to work together in bipartisan manner, to solve the problems we face in these areas, rather than the continual partisan bickering. I think McCain has been one of the most 'bipartisan' members of Congress, and I think Palin has demonstrated her ability to be bipartisan as well. I think Obama and Biden represent the same status quot mentality that has created the current gridlock we see in Congress, and are the problem, not the solution.

"Bipartisanship"? And what should this "bipartisanship" lead to? A huge right-wing agenda (tax cuts for the rich etc)? And anyone who disagrees is being partisan?

Good spin word.
where do you propose to lead the nation during this time of trial

in other words, we have a disease, now what cure do you propose

You should get about the same answers. Not much diff between todays parties. But, as a consertative, I think we can all agree that we need to change from our current path of a future.

Terrorism is a top priority, national security is allways a top priority.

Right next to it IMO, is fixing the corruption of todays world trade by the central bnaks, along with their big US coporate friends, and wall street crooks. Politican corruption, and every branch has corruption that can be cleaned up. Wild spending and ear mark removal can only strengthen our dollar, and save the people billions of tax dollars potentially. Building a environment in the USA to encourage business is a must, for a population with a good lifestyle, and a future--so coporat taxes (including oil--sorry) has to come down--a lot. Only McCain is going that direction.

Public education is a joke. We are what--in between 30th and 40th in the world? There is no excuse for this in the USA. If we did not have a two party system that dummies up our population with their failed education system on purpose---we would have the best education system in the world. We should not expect less, and should raise the bar for every challenger. The department of education---gone and replaced by competent education with accoutability.

Accoutability--nobody gas any damn accoutability anymore. Holding people accoutable is a must to curb corruption in any office.

I would shrink down the federal government in incriments. The money saved would be directly "not taken" from the citizens, until our cirtizens pay no more income taxes. with a environment to grow, and our citizens free from income taxes---new business will pop up all over the place, and we can grwo froim the bottom up--from where we are rotting IMO.

Regan did it from top down--that would not work today because of the changing world trade policies. IMO. I think we have to build back up from the bottom up. build it--and we will come. I have faith in people--all they need is oppertunistic environment, some extra bank, a dream--and some balls.

Ilegal immergration would stop under my watch. If no American will pick straw berries--then we won't have them on the shelf--fuck it. That will not happen for long--we like straw berries too much. I will gladly pay 10 more cents for a head of lettus, espically if I know we are teaching our youth strong work ethics. Pay them a worth while wage--and I will pay another dime, and be happy doing it.

Abortion is almost netrual to me, as I see the points on both sides clearly. Again--with a good economical environment--I bet there will be less aboprtions and poverty than any socialized nation in the world. May be--we still do.

Health care---it has to be private solutions for the high cost. I am sure there is corruption in all avenues of health care that is mostly responsible for the high costs that we did not have only a short 25 years ago.

Less taxes, less socialism, more oppertunity, and USA will again be the sanctuary for people dealing with their oppressive governments from all over the world.
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"Bipartisanship"? And what should this "bipartisanship" lead to? A huge right-wing agenda (tax cuts for the rich etc)? And anyone who disagrees is being partisan?

Good spin word.

sooo backwards---the parties are leaning hard left boy. You don't know Marksism when you see it.
sooo backwards---the parties are leaning hard left boy. You don't know Marksism when you see it.

The parties lean hard, hard, hard right. The US Democratic party is several steps to the right of the UK and Canadian Conservative parties. The Republican party is the most conservative major party in the democratic world.
"Bipartisanship"? And what should this "bipartisanship" lead to? A huge right-wing agenda (tax cuts for the rich etc)? And anyone who disagrees is being partisan?

Good spin word.

LOL... McCain has said nothing of this agenda (tax cuts for the rich) you speak of. In fact, he has said numerous times, any tax cut has to be paid for. So, you obviously know not the fuck of which you speak. Not a surprise!