Question for gun grabbing liberals


God Bless America
If gun control really works, then why is the District of Columbia, which has the strictest gun laws in the nation, the murder capitol of the United States?
Frankly, I don't know enough about D.C., but I also doubt that you do. It's typical of righties to try to draw linear causation without any sort of consideration of the many factors that could contribute to a stat like that. It's like saying "Bush made us safer" because we haven't had a domestic attack since 9/11.

Do you really think things like waiting periods, registration & background checks "don't work?" Do you believe in an America without any gun control, where anyone can walk into Wal-Mart & buy an automatic weapon off the shelves, without even having to show their license?
Criminals do, apparently, since every state (and DC) has restrictions on firearm purchases, yet somehow criminals get guns that they use to commit crimes.

The liberal answer? More restrictions....which work no better because criminals break laws, and don't care how many they violate.

Why not admit that you just want to confiscate guns?
you can't wallow in a pigpen without getting dirty.

DC exists because of our govt being there. It is almost exclusively a parasitic city.
Frankly, I don't know enough about D.C., but I also doubt that you do.

I know that hand guns have been illegal in D.C. for over 35 years. Gun restrictions continue to increase, but gun violence is on the rise. Why do you suppose that is the case?

It's typical of righties to try to draw linear causation without any sort of consideration of the many factors that could contribute to a stat like that. It's like saying "Bush made us safer" because we haven't had a domestic attack since 9/11.

Well it's you liberals who say gun control is the magic solution to gun violence.

Do you really think things like waiting periods, registration & background checks "don't work?"

No, they don't work. Do you honestly think a criminal is going to buy his gun from a shop, where it can be traced? You're an idiot. Criminals will buy their guns off the street 95% of the time. FYI, gun dealers on the street don't follow background check procedure.

Do you believe in an America without any gun control, where anyone can walk into Wal-Mart & buy an automatic weapon off the shelves, without even having to show their license?

I have no problem with an instant background check. In fact, I think it would be a good idea. But that is the only gun law I support. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store, NOT a government agency.
Guns are a trivial issue in this country, the only reason one even hears about them is to keep the simpleminded occupied while the crooks rob and steal the US blind.
I am a confirmed gun buff. I own about a dozen and will probably add to my collection as time goes by. I have been shooting, hunting with, and reading about guns for about 4 decades.

First of all, the idea of buying automatic weapons off the shelf at walmart is a bit of a stretch, since automatic weapons have been tightly controlled since 1935.

Also, every place in the USA that sells firearms is required to do a background check. You have to have a government issued photo id. If you have a felony record or have any one of several other issues, you do not get a gun. Its quite simple.

The states that have "shall issue" laws for concealed weapons permits have lower violent crime rates.

When Florida went to the "shall issue" law, the state law enforcement started a task force to track violent crimes committed by people with a CCW. The task force was disbanded after two years. Virtually no violent crimes were committed by holders of a CCW, except in self-defense.

More laws, in my opinion, won't do any good. Making law enforcement agencies share data better might. Having access to people being treated for mental illnesses might help.

But law-abiding citizens should be able to own a firearm.
lso, every place in the USA that sells firearms is required to do a background check. You have to have a government issued photo id. If you have a felony record or have any one of several other issues, you do not get a gun. Its quite simple.

Not quite, it does not cover individual gun sales. I saw lots of short and long guns being bought and sold at a flea market Saturday.

btw I have several guns as well and fully support reasonable gun control.