Question for gun grabbing liberals

If gun control really works, then why is the District of Columbia, which has the strictest gun laws in the nation, the murder capitol of the United States?

They are pissed because they have no vote?

It is full of politicians?

The homeless have to defend themselves?

The drug dealers are fighting over the Capital as their territory?

Lobbyist kill for a cause?

They need to flush?
I do believe things would be worse if we had no gun control at all.

Does gun control stop all gun related crimes ? No but then neither does laws , prision or even the death penalty.

Nothing will stop crimes committed by humans in the forseeable future except death.
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Criminals do not normally register their guns which makes removing guns from the criminal element impossible.

The irony is that most criminals can never be compelled to register their guns even if a universal registration were enacted. The simple act of registering their gun would be self-incrimination if they are forbidden to own a gun and thanks to the 5th Amendment nobody can be compelled to incriminate themselves.

A gun registration would then essentially be a list of those who have never committed a crime . . . how having that list would add to government's crime fighting ability is something that has never been satisfactorily explained to me. :rolleyes:
I do believe things would be worse if we had no gun control at all.

Does gun control stop all gun related crimes ? No but then neither does laws , prision or even the death penalty.

Nothing will stop crimes committed by humans in the forseeable future except death.
You can believe what you want, but DC and other areas of strict gun control is proof positive that they make no discernible difference. Laws which prevent the legal sale of arms to criminals only prevents criminals from getting their arms at Walmart. But they would not do so anyway, as a "hot" Saturday night special street price is lower than the same weapon in a legal store.

About the only thing laws against criminals owning weapons does is allow the penal system to incarcerate criminals caught violating the proscription. And most often when that happens it is a case of simply adding another charge to a list that will already send the criminal back to prison. (assuming some asshole judge does not let the fucker go.)

No law that prevents or hinders the ownership of weapons by law abiding citizens can be shown to have any effect on gun crimes. With no positive effect that can be shown, then there is no way to (legitimately) claim things are better with those laws than without them.
And where would the crime be if we had no gun control laws ? Ie selling pistols to 12 yr olds, etc. Selling pistols in liquor stores, etc... allowing anyone to carry a concelaed weapon, own fully automatic weapons and carry them around ?

yeah I guess you are right gun control laws do not work ;)
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The irony is that most criminals can never be compelled to register their guns even if a universal registration were enacted. The simple act of registering their gun would be self-incrimination if they are forbidden to own a gun and thanks to the 5th Amendment nobody can be compelled to incriminate themselves.

A gun registration would then essentially be a list of those who have never committed a crime . . . how having that list would add to government's crime fighting ability is something that has never been satisfactorily explained to me. :rolleyes:

And that is the very point. Gun Control Laws do nothing to fight crime or make anyone safer. All it does is cause problems for law abiding citizens. But every time you have an incident like Columbine, you have this hysterical cry for Gun Control. If you remember Columbine, they were going to plant bombs too.
I do believe things would be worse if we had no gun control at all.

Does gun control stop all gun related crimes ? No but then neither does laws , prision or even the death penalty.

Nothing will stop crimes committed by humans in the forseeable future except death.

Gun Control prevents private citizens that wish to remain within the law from being able to protect themselves. Criminals do not care if their acts violate the law. Gun Control Laws do not stop them from committing any crime. How many crimes has Gun Control Laws stopped? How many crimes have been committed because the criminal knew that the store owner did not have a gun because the penalty for possession of a handgun would land the store owner in prison?
Gun Control prevents private citizens that wish to remain within the law from being able to protect themselves. Criminals do not care if their acts violate the law. Gun Control Laws do not stop them from committing any crime. How many crimes has Gun Control Laws stopped? How many crimes have been committed because the criminal knew that the store owner did not have a gun because the penalty for possession of a handgun would land the store owner in prison?

Your question cannot be answered. Like the question if Gore had been elected would we be in Iraq now ?
No way to say for sure.
But I am sure that gun control laws have helped some.

It is impossible to quantify how much though.
Your question cannot be answered. Like the question if Gore had been elected would we be in Iraq now ?
No way to say for sure.
But I am sure that gun control laws have helped some.

It is impossible to quantify how much though.

Any law that prevents or restricts law abiding citizens from protecting themselves and their property from criminals does not help anyone but the criminal.
If gun control really works, then why is the District of Columbia, which has the strictest gun laws in the nation, the murder capitol of the United States?

You can spot a moron redneck by his NRA lapel pin. The economy is crashing, gas is hitting $5/gallon. Were bogged down in an immoral war. We have a crushing national debt. Our government is spying on us and making hash of our civil liberties and ya'll are worried that some bogey man is gonna take your guns.
Any law that prevents or restricts law abiding citizens from protecting themselves and their property from criminals does not help anyone but the criminal.

You have a very narrow viewpoint there bud. Widen you visions a bit there and it will help you in life.
You can spot a moron redneck by his NRA lapel pin. The economy is crashing, gas is hitting $5/gallon. Were bogged down in an immoral war. We have a crushing national debt. Our government is spying on us and making hash of our civil liberties and ya'll are worried that some bogey man is gonna take your guns.

Some can handle the big picture and have to focus on a few things.
You can spot a moron redneck by his NRA lapel pin. The economy is crashing, gas is hitting $5/gallon. Were bogged down in an immoral war. We have a crushing national debt. Our government is spying on us and making hash of our civil liberties and ya'll are worried that some bogey man is gonna take your guns.
Economies rise and fall, as do prices. Wars do not last forever. The national debt has been ongoing since WWII.

But a freedom, once lost, will never be regained except through revolution.

You can disclaim constitutional rights as irrelevant issues, others do not. I notice you are concerned about civil liberties. Calling others moron for having a different priority on issues just reveals the narrow minded totalitarian inside.
And where would the crime be if we had no gun control laws ? Ie selling pistols to 12 yr olds, etc. Selling pistols in liquor stores, etc... allowing anyone to carry a concealed weapon, own fully automatic weapons and carry them around ?

yeah I guess you are right gun control laws do not work ;)
So, tell me where we would be under such conditions. Would violent crime be higher? Would chaos reign?

Who is more likely to be carrying a concealed weapon today: an ordinary citizen, or a criminal? Who is more likely to have fully automatic weapon? A NY business man, or a NY gang banger?

Damned right gun control does not work, because the only ones obeying the gun control laws are the ones who should not be prevented from carrying in the first place.

There was a time when people could carry what they wanted. There was a time when one could purchase guns mail order, or in the drug store. There was a time when a 12 year old boy who did NOT know how to properly handle a weapon and shoot accurately was far less common than those who did know.

Violent crime over all was far lower in those days. Even at the height of the beer wars during prohibition, overall violence was lower. During prohibition there was a lot of violence in concentrated areas, but even that was not as bad as we see in certain areas today.

Fully automatic weapons were outlawed in response to violence caused by organized crime centered around illegal sale of alcohol. It was the criminal element, not the weapons, causing the violence, but like today the braindead made a "feel good" law, and an equally braindead SCOTUS came up with the ridiculous argument that certain weapons were not meant to be included under the 2nd amendment.

Automatic weapons were taken away from law abiding citizens, but were retained by criminals. It was not until the beer wars were ended by the end of prohibition that the violence died down. Removing the weapons from honest citizens made no difference then, and it makes no difference now.
You can spot a moron redneck by his NRA lapel pin. The economy is crashing, gas is hitting $5/gallon. Were bogged down in an immoral war. We have a crushing national debt. Our government is spying on us and making hash of our civil liberties and ya'll are worried that some bogey man is gonna take your guns.
I also notice this argument is most often taken by those most likely to support "bogey man", confiscatory gun bans.
Constitutional rights / repononsibilities such as congress declaring war ?

yes the constitution outlines responsibilities as well as rights.

And distribution of powers among the branches of our government.

yes we have stepped outside the boundaries of the constitution, but we should not ignore those violations that we feel are inconventient for our beliefs.
Constitutional rights / repononsibilities such as congress declaring war ?

yes the constitution outlines responsibilities as well as rights.

And distribution of powers among the branches of our government.

yes we have stepped outside the boundaries of the constitution, but we should not ignore those violations that we feel are inconventient for our beliefs.
Who is ignoring constitutional violations? (Besides politicians of both parties)

What is the your point this time?
You can spot a moron redneck by his NRA lapel pin. The economy is crashing, gas is hitting $5/gallon. Were bogged down in an immoral war. We have a crushing national debt. Our government is spying on us and making hash of our civil liberties and ya'll are worried that some bogey man is gonna take your guns.

Sorry you do not like rednecks. It is clear that you have a certain bias against people different than yourself.

If Bill Clinton had not taken ANWR off limits and had implemented a positive energy policy that encouraged exploration, the economy that relies on oil for all manner of commerce would not be having the problems it is having today and gas would not be as expensive.

Well, if you are worried about the "crushing nation debt", perhaps you should concern yourself with the House of Representatives as they are the ones that control spending. I forget, what political party is in the majority?

Sorry you believe that we are in an immoral war. I guess we could hash that out, but there is probably nothing I could say to make you see anything other than what already do.

Why is the government spying on you?

It is not just taking guns away, but not allowing the people that want to defend our lives and families the ability to do so.