Question for Liberal Heathens

Here are some truly insightful remarks from the "leader" of the United Church of Canada.

"I don't believe Jesus was God, but I'm no theologian."

"I have no idea if there is a hell. I don't think Jesus was that concerned about hell."

"Your soul is lost unless you care about people starving in the streets."

"I don't believe Jesus is the only way to God. I don't believe he rose from the dead as scientific fact. I don't know whether those things happened. It's an irrelevant question."

Wow! This man is brilliant.
On a serious note, I wonder, has this guy ever picked up a Bible?

On November 22-23, the United Church of Canada’s 85-member general council discussed the matter and issued a statement expressing support for Phipps and rebuffing calls for his removal from office. The council urged church members "to listen to and respect the varying understandings of the faith within this United Church of ours"
Blind men following a blind leader.
What about us conservative "heathens"? Those of us with Conservative ideation that are not Christian? Do I have some special type of pass, or is there some sort of special place in Hell for Buddhist Conservatives?

Not only were you unable to refute my argument, you also contradict yourself:

If we are not to judge, that means you cannot judge me, either!


I'm not the not the one claiming to be some sort of biblical strict constructionist. You on the the other hand are - while your behaviour is certainly un-Christlike.

I did not say they don't exist. I said I never heard of them.

Liberal heathens are far more vocal in their hatred of Christianity.
If you deny this, you are blind to reality.

I did not say they don't exist. I said I never heard of them.

Liberal heathens are far more vocal in their hatred of Christianity.
If you deny this, you are blind to reality.
Which reality?

Christians simply are not an oppressed minority in the United States. Any assertion that they are is too absurd to be taken seriously. Now, it is entirely possible that you can find a few people who express hatred for Christianity -- or at least certain groups of self-styled Christians -- but the number of such is pretty small, statistically speaking.

Care to point out some "liberal heathens" who hate Christians?
I've never seen a non-Christian Conservative bash Christians. Have you?
I wouldn't say "bash", but I have most certainly heard many say that the religious right have it all wrong and that when you attempt to legislate from the Bible you wind up a powerless minority.
Again, I am in no way implying that all liberals are heathens, but the liberals who are heathens are without doubt the most hostile toward Christians.
United Church of Crust is little more than a social club where sodomites, dykes, and religious apostates can pretend to be Christians. That having been said, I am not casting judgment on you (individually). That is why I am asking you what you believe.

You mean all liberals and members of churches you aren't part of are heathens? Jesus would damn you to eternal torture for that. But find solice in the fact that he loves you.
You guys make fun of Christians all the time. But if your child or spouse became a fundamentalist Christian, would you ridicule them?

I have three siblings who are evangelical Christians. I don't make fun of them, and I don't talk politics, religion or sex with them.

They in turn have no problem sharing their ideas with me.

One Christmas Eve with a little eggnog in me I did tell them my beliefs about invading Iraq. I will never do that again. I will listen to them and remain silent. It makes my mother feel better.