Question for Liberals...


God Bless America
If you want a second-tier fucked up socialist country, why don't you assholes just move to Europe? Why do you traitors insist on destroying my country? :mad:
If you want a second-tier fucked up socialist country, why don't you assholes just move to Europe? Why do you traitors insist on destroying my country? :mad:

If you want a second-tier fucked up fascist country, who don't you just move to Russia? Why do you insist on fucking up my country? :mad:
Here's a novel thought, douche bag - answer my question!

He can't. They did not have a question like that in his liberial commie university. they did not learn the questions, or answers. Everything he says, is derived and planted in his mind by marksist writes and professors who hate America. Isn't Bill Ayres a engilsh professor now?
He can't. They did not have a question like that in his liberial commie university. they did not learn the questions, or answers. Everything he says, is derived and planted in his mind by marksist writes and professors who hate America. Isn't Bill Ayres a engilsh professor now?

More brilliant psychoanalysis for majority.
Though it's stupid to say you own the country and others don't, I get what brent is saying in a mild sense. If I were a left-liberal I would have been living in Europe for quite some time now. That's me though.
I believe in keeping taxes low & cutting spending; I'm actually kind of a fiscal conservative.

I don't know if you're keeping up with current events, though - but the free market isn't stopping insurance fraud and keeping healthcare costs low; the free market isn't helping average families with the cost of tuition; if it was just up to the free market, corporations would pollute the hell out of our water & air (they already do); the free market isn't keeping oil companies from gouging consumers.

Government has its place; if the free market solved these issues, I would say "let's make it smaller." I don't think the gov't should "run" something like healthcare, but it does have a vital role in oversight & preventing abuses.
That's a conservative for you, doesn't think people they don't like have a right to own things.

I can not believe how backwards you are----are you just messing around? Consertative means conserving the nation as our founders made it. That means private ownership. China, for example just started letting private citizens have ownership and encouraged private business back in about 1978. That is when the rest of the industrialized nations realized they had cheap labor to take advantage of--despite their own people losing their lifestyle that they earned in a more free nation.

It was and is currently, the liberial dems that accuse McCain of owning too many homes (some are rentals I hear). Don't you hear what they are saying? Drink up that kool-aid, and you may only be able to buy one home. It just is not fair that you should have more I guess--even if you earn it. by the way--How did Obamma get millions in realestate--he ripped it off!!! if you know nothing about the man--get the new book "Obamanation"--then use your own intuition to make a educated decision.
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I believe in keeping taxes low & cutting spending; I'm actually kind of a fiscal conservative.

I don't know if you're keeping up with current events, though - but the free market isn't stopping insurance fraud and keeping healthcare costs low; the free market isn't helping average families with the cost of tuition; if it was just up to the free market, corporations would pollute the hell out of our water & air (they already do); the free market isn't keeping oil companies from gouging consumers.

Government has its place; if the free market solved these issues, I would say "let's make it smaller." I don't think the gov't should "run" something like healthcare, but it does have a vital role in oversight & preventing abuses.

but the free market isn't stopping insurance fraud and keeping healthcare costs low;

Can you explain how the government will be more efficient?

the free market isn't helping average families with the cost of tuition;

I've met many people who had education subsidies through work. I thought RobDawg used to talk about such a thing on this very site. Yes, there is a tax component involved, but we can't know if the market would provide these opportunities absent the tax components, therefore, it's impossible for YOU to say what you have. It's not correct. It's definately in the interest of employers to educate their employees.
"I've met many people who had education subsidies through work. I thought RobDawg used to talk about such a thing on this very site. Yes, there is a tax component involved, but we can't know if the market would provide these opportunities absent the tax components, therefore, it's impossible for YOU to say what you have. It's not correct. It's definately in the interest of employers to educate their employees."

Some big companies do this, but I'd wager it's in the minority. Certainly, it's beyond the means of most small to medium businesses to offer this.

Tuition is one area that is leaving average families behind. The free market is NOT addressing it; costs are increasing exponentially when compared to wages. If there is one thing that will improve our nation & the bottom line economically, it's to have a more educated workforce; there isn't a better return on investment than tuition aid.
More brilliant psychoanalysis for majority.

Watch Biden seal his own fate--when he debates Palin. Biden and obama suffer the same illness you do. Knowledge from marksist writes, but can't debate freedom.

the name of the Dem ticket is "Obama Bin Biden"

Be as condecending as you want---watch the debates and learn. Watch the crowds, and hear the noise, espically if it a random type audiance. Watch how the people asking the questions won't ask obama why he has been, and may be still is, friends with Bill Ayres. Then watch them ask Palin something very insiginificant in comparison, and spend a lot of time on it.

by the way--that was not a psychanalysis, as it did not dig into the brain of Obama or Biden. it was just a statement that Palin will make them look stupid to the American public. A good consertative makes a tough job look easy--and she will cream those liberials with detail.
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I think the conservative philosophy on things like tuition aid can best be described as "pennywise, pound foolish."
the free market isn't keeping oil companies from gouging consumers.

Provide the evidence to back up this fantasy

In some industries, like the oil industry, there is almost a monolopy put in place by special interests. This is not free market philosophy, and it is not only big oil. This is a lack of real competition that makes any free market work well. the lack of fair competition is the only thing that can keep the free market from doing what is naturally does, proivide quality products at affordable prices and good livings for citizens. I agree a bit---when I see recoprd profits (although gas is only one product made from hydrocarbons) and record high gas prices--that tells me there is something wrong with the competition--it is lacking.
Some big companies do this, but I'd wager it's in the minority. Certainly, it's beyond the means of most small to medium businesses to offer this.

I anticipated this. In the trades, employees are GIVEN training for free and they're paid while their at it. On th job training. It might not be as glamourous as university learning, but it's job trainign and it's a cost that even the smallest company provides at a minimum.
Some big companies do this, but I'd wager it's in the minority. Certainly, it's beyond the means of most small to medium businesses to offer this.

I anticipated this. In the trades, employees are GIVEN training for free and they're paid while their at it. On th job training. It might not be as glamourous as university learning, but it's job trainign and it's a cost that even the smallest company provides at a minimum.

Such backward thinking.

For every dollar in tuition aid, the government gets back something like $10 in heightened productivity & taxes from that individual. It's a no brainer. It's one of the easiest calls going.
In some industries, like the oil indsutry, there is almost a monolopy put in place by specisl interests. Yhis is not free market philosophy. This is a lack of real competition that makes the free market work well. the lack of fair competition is the only thing that can keep the free market from doing what is naturally does, proivide quality products at affordable prices. I agree a bit---when I see recoprd profits (although gas is only one product made from hydrocarbons) and record high gas prices--that tells me there is something wrong with the competition--it is lacking.

How was it put in place? It developed. Rich people shape the world... who knew?

I'm in full agreement that the rich rule us, but they do it with the rules they get everyone to agree to.
"I've met many people who had education subsidies through work. I thought RobDawg used to talk about such a thing on this very site. Yes, there is a tax component involved, but we can't know if the market would provide these opportunities absent the tax components, therefore, it's impossible for YOU to say what you have. It's not correct. It's definately in the interest of employers to educate their employees."

Some big companies do this, but I'd wager it's in the minority. Certainly, it's beyond the means of most small to medium businesses to offer this.

Tuition is one area that is leaving average families behind. The free market is NOT addressing it; costs are increasing exponentially when compared to wages. If there is one thing that will improve our nation & the bottom line economically, it's to have a more educated workforce; there isn't a better return on investment than tuition aid.

Actually, here in Michigan, in manufacturing, it is quite common for even smaller companies to have what they call (tuition reimbersment). I don't think taxes have anything to do with it, but I am not sure. I say that, because here, if your not going to school in the manufacturing field, that a manufacturing business reimburses you for, they will not pay for it. I was one of the few who took, advantage of it here and there, but many offered it, and still do. Our local college that teaches manufactruing engineering gets funds from manufacturing companies also, so they can train new employees for the future. In manufacuuring--it is very common for a employeer to offer some kind of turition reimbursment. many are based on grade also. if you get a A, you get 100% reimbursement, if you get a C. ou get a smaller amount. It is a good deal all around IMO, espically if taxes are not involved. In fact--I am sure it is not state run, and is employeer run, because ther is no standard--each employeer does it their way as far as how much they pay for, and what courses you are allowed to take under their plan. I am for tax breaks for coproations and individuals. That is what makes business happen. if you look at the nations with the least amount of tax (like we used to be when we lead the world) and a people that does things (like we used to do as a whole), you will see a better economy for their people---like UAE and Hong Kong. I have customers in the UAE with money out the ying yang.
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