Question for Liberals...

the free market isn't keeping oil companies from gouging consumers.

Bullshit, they're not "gouging" anyone. They're still making 8% profit or less, after all is said and done. But I guess it's easier to simply jump on the "blame big oil" bandwagon. :rolleyes:
Though it's stupid to say you own the country and others don't, I get what brent is saying in a mild sense. If I were a left-liberal I would have been living in Europe for quite some time now. That's me though.

I'm not going to uproot my entire life just so I can see people get gay married. People tend to forget about how trivial politics is in the long run.
I'm not going to uproot my entire life just so I can see people get gay married. People tend to forget about how trivial politics is in the long run.

If I wanted affordable health care, certain social services, the ability to put my kid through school etc you bet your ass it's worth moving.
I'm not going to uproot my entire life just so I can see people get gay married. People tend to forget about how trivial politics is in the long run.

Further evidence that a) you're too lazy to do anything for yourself and b) you're full of shit. :)
If you want a second-tier fucked up socialist country, why don't you assholes just move to Europe? Why do you traitors insist on destroying my country? :mad:

Sorry but America was founded on liberalism and is still a liberal nation in spite of the right's attempt to make it a theocratic plutocracy. And mixed economies are essential in the modern world, if you don't like socialism may I suggest red China.
Sorry but America was founded on liberalism and is still a liberal nation in spite of the right's attempt to make it a theocratic plutocracy. And mixed economies are essential in the modern world, if you don't like socialism may I suggest red China.
China's economy is run by the state. If America is so forward looking, how come we are killing our own babies?
I don't know if you're keeping up with current events, though - but the free market isn't stopping insurance fraud and keeping healthcare costs low; the free market isn't helping average families with the cost of tuition;

It was doing a relatively good job of both before the government launched massive interventions into both markets.
If you want a second-tier fucked up socialist country, why don't you assholes just move to Europe? Why do you traitors insist on destroying my country? :mad:

Because were trying to stop you fascist wingnuts, who have absolutely no clue what it means to be an American, from turning this country into a second Nazi Germany.
I can not believe how backwards you are----are you just messing around? Consertative means conserving the nation as our founders made it. That means private ownership.

And that's the problem with you wingnuts. First, you have pretty much no understanding of our founding fathers intent, which makes your a hypocrit to accuse others of that. I'm fairly certain you have no idea of the early political wars the founding fathers fought over the conflicits between Federalism and Republicanism. Second, you're niave, you accusse others of extremism because you're a right wing extremist so that anything slightly to the left of Attallah the Hun is a "socialist".

Problem is, is that this nation relied on free market capitalism and rejected it over 100 years ago and it was a progressive Republican who lead that charge to protect average working Americans and small business owners and entrepreneurs and no it wasn't Ronald Reagan.
I have seniority on most of you it is MY COUNTRY!

And quit screwing it up.

Just pay lots into SS and Medicare for me.