Question for Pro-choicers

Except in the case of rape the woman was not forced into the pregnancy. I assume that most women who get pregnant know how they got that way.

:lolup: Ah HA! There we go. There's that judgmental, paternalistic need for retribution popping it's ugly head up again.

"She knew what she was doing; she brought it on herself!" Yeah, right. Revenge and retribution. Make 'em suffer for their bad choices, damnit!

The fact is that, in any specific instance, you don't know what she knew or how she got into the situation. You may think you do but it's all just generalization.
Where is the responsibility? Attempting to define it as retribution when all I want to do is save a life really isn't a fair characterization.
And please: realistic sex education plays a role in limiting unwanted contraception. The "abstinence-only" education won't work.

If that is addressed to me you will play hell finding anywhere on all three sites where I have ever once promoted "abstinence-only" sex education. I have, however, much to the scagrin (sp?) of the left promoted abstinence being included and highlighted in sex education and yes even stressed.

I'll adopt your child if you promise not to abort it... I'll thankfully do that and celebrate our newfound "compromise". Even if it is all "my side" that has to "compromise" in that way.

I think we both know you're an exception to the rule. If all "pro-lifers" were like you, we wouldn't have orphanages.
Where is the responsibility? Attempting to define it as retribution when all I want to do is save a life really isn't a fair characterization.

You mean like plan B ya know the birth control that christo-facists are trying to outlaw?
I think we both know you're an exception to the rule. If all "pro-lifers" were like you, we wouldn't have orphanages.
I'd let them all come along... It is far more important to save their lives than it is to be "right"...
You mean like plan B ya know the birth control that christo-facists are trying to outlaw?

I would say a strong case can easily be made, that it is the rightwing christo-fascists who are actually the ones increasing unwanted pregnancies -- by fighting contraception, universal healthcare, and adequate sex education ever step of the way ;-)
They are not illegal, this is a strawman. "Trying to outlaw" is not the same thing as "unable to get".

Turn on any of the rightwing cable news shows.

They're constanly parading a gallery of rightwing "christian" nuts, who are trying to limit contraception, universal health care, and adequate sex education.

Its not liberals who are "causing" more unneccessary unwanted pregnancies. Its Jerry Fallwell, and those types ;)
Are you saying the christo-facists don't want to get the product outlawed?

Bush's hack appointees to the FDA tried for years to keep Plan B, from becoming OTC available. Even though the FDA scientific experts recommended it.

Thankfully, I think liberal and women's health groups have exerted enough presuure on Bush's hacks, that Plan B is finally scheduled to be OTC available in the near future. but, it took liberals, moderates, scientists, and sane people to cause this to happen.
Bush's hack appointees to the FDA tried for years to keep Plan B, from becoming OTC available. Even though the FDA scientific experts recommended it.

Thankfully, I think liberal and women's health groups have exerted enough presuure on Bush's hacks, that Plan B is finally scheduled to be OTC available in the near future. but, it took liberals, moderates, scientists, and sane people to cause this to happen.

If I recall correctly there was a c-fascist on the panel that tried to block it from the market. I can't remember his name though, but they fought hard to out law it or as damo likes to put it, "unable to get" {legally in the US market}.
If I recall correctly there was a c-fascist on the panel that tried to block it from the market. I can't remember his name though, but they fought hard to out law it or as damo likes to put it, "unable to get" {legally in the US market}.

Why do these right wing loons want there to be more unwanted pregnancies? Why on earth wouldn't they support contraception that will limit unwanted pregnacies and abortions?

If I was a cynic, I'd almost say that they want more unwanted pregnancies and abortions, to hang onto as a "political" issue to win religious voters allegiance....... ;)
Turn on any of the rightwing cable news shows.

They're constanly parading a gallery of rightwing "christian" nuts, who are trying to limit contraception, universal health care, and adequate sex education.

Its not liberals who are "causing" more unneccessary unwanted pregnancies. Its Jerry Fallwell, and those types ;)
Trying to is not equivalent to "SUCCESSFULLY" limiting. This is still a strawman.
Are you saying the christo-facists don't want to get the product outlawed?
No, I am saying "wanting" and "successfully" doing something are two separate things. Saying that suddenly because Religio-Conservatives "want" to do something that those who want legal product can't get it is a strawman.
:lolup: Ah HA! There we go. There's that judgmental, paternalistic need for retribution popping it's ugly head up again.

"She knew what she was doing; she brought it on herself!" Yeah, right. Revenge and retribution. Make 'em suffer for their bad choices, damnit!

The fact is that, in any specific instance, you don't know what she knew or how she got into the situation. You may think you do but it's all just generalization.

That is right so you punish the baby. Way to go Ornot!!!! Punish the innocent. Makes a hell of a lot of sense to you doesn't it?

As I said before, err on the side of life. I can see that compassion is something you have not got a clue about.

No one said a word about revenge or retribution. You are the only one that wants revenge. You want revenge on that poor child because it had the gall to be conceived.

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Once again "trying" is not "successful at"... Trying means that they were unsuccessful, the product is still available, therefore people still have a responsibility for their actions. Pretending like they are no longer responsible for procuring the product that is legally available just because another person "tried" to make it "illegal" is preposterous.
Sorry Immie. Not disrespect intended.

Its just that if you really want to limit abortions, you have to have adequate acces to a wide range of contraception, universal healthcare, and realistic sex education.

Not to take these steps, is in fact promoting more unwanted pregnancies. And abortions.

A bunch of overweight white men in a legistlature passing bills, and trying to overturn Rove v. Wade, isn't going to stop one abortion.

The steps I outline above, will.