quiting smoking


Hey glad to hear so many of you are about to quit smoking.

Use whatever method you can to kill the moster that requires you to light up daily.

There are so many helpful things out there now and you will feel so much better after the monster is dead and you will save a shitload of money.

Keep at it.
Hey glad to hear so many of you are about to quit smoking.

Use whatever method you can to kill the moster that requires you to light up daily.

There are so many helpful things out there now and you will feel so much better after the monster is dead and you will save a shitload of money.

Keep at it.

Wonders will never cease, we both posted on the same subject about the same time. :shock:
instead of increasing everyones tax for universal healthcare they should levy taxes on the foods and drugs that cause people to need healthcare and pay for it that way.

How about a TV tax too for couch potato disease ?

then there is the problem of already taxing those things and spending the revenue on something else....
this should cover gap of thoes that dont have healthcare.. then they can leave the current system in place.
instead of increasing everyones tax for universal healthcare they should levy taxes on the foods and drugs that cause people to need healthcare and pay for it that way.


A NEW tax on cigs and booze, you mean? They're already some of the highest taxed products in existence.
Prescriptions and such work for the short term, but in the long run only self determination works.

How can I quit and cut off school funding ?
that would be selfish!

Yeah, try telling that to a depressed or schizophrenic person. "You could conquer it if only your will were strong enough!"

Get a prescription. They actually work.
A NEW tax on cigs and booze, you mean? They're already some of the highest taxed products in existence.

the current and future taxes should go to the health fund. not general budget. lol us employees manage our money like a fucking 6th grader.
the current and future taxes should go to the health fund. not general budget. lol us employees manage our money like a fucking 6th grader.
And the funds for Social Security should go into savings. This means what exactly?
the current and future taxes should go to the health fund. not general budget. lol us employees manage our money like a fucking 6th grader.

So you're talking about ADDITIONAL tabacco and cigarette taxes? How much to pay for the billions a health plan would cost? It would be a de facto new prohibition. And therefore, you wouldn't get money off of it.

But all money that goes to any specific part of the budget can just be manipulated to make it go elsewhere. You send more money directly to the health budget, and you can just reduce the amount of money out of the general fund going there.
the money they would get in tax off of fast food, cigs, and booze would pay for the 1/5th that have no health insurance. so then no need to fuck everyone elses insurance up to get some monster national health fiasco.
they have no business taxing cigs and booze then spending that money on something totally un-related.

whether it is proper business or not is not relevant. Revenue would have to be added to fill the holes left when money is shifted to fund a new health care plan.

And as more people quit smoking less tax revenue would roll in. the costs for tobabbo related illness would show up after the tobacco sales/tax revenue drop.
whether it is proper business or not is not relevant. Revenue would have to be added to fill the holes left when money is shifted to fund a new health care plan.

And as more people quit smoking less tax revenue would roll in. the costs for tobabbo related illness would show up after the tobacco sales/tax revenue drop.

details... details. not important. Just like they are not important for a top down national healthcare plan. lol