quiting smoking

Quitters never win and winners never quit. I smoke 4 to 5 hand rolled cigarettes a day. I have sleep apnea and my sleep doc is also a lung doc and he told me my cigarette habit doesn't really have much affect on my health. I also smoke 4 or 5 cigars per week and WILL NOT stop that habit. Besides, the minutes smoking cuts off your life are all at the end when you are in diapers anyway.
Agreed, quitting smoking this past year was one of the major hurdles I conquered and extremely glad I did. The best way to quit is to really want to quit. Find reasons that Cigarettes are holding you back. In my case, I was getting out of shape and couldn't run long distances like I used to. I even got winded going up three flights of stairs. I have no problem with them now, and taste my food so much better. You will never regret quitting, even when you get those cravings it will be easy to tell yourself no once you've gone through the toughest part of it. Good luck to all that are trying to quit!
Agreed, quitting smoking this past year was one of the major hurdles I conquered and extremely glad I did. The best way to quit is to really want to quit. Find reasons that Cigarettes are holding you back. In my case, I was getting out of shape and couldn't run long distances like I used to. I even got winded going up three flights of stairs. I have no problem with them now, and taste my food so much better. You will never regret quitting, even when you get those cravings it will be easy to tell yourself no once you've gone through the toughest part of it. Good luck to all that are trying to quit!
Just don't do what I did and drink some alcohol in the early stages and wind up starting up again. It isn't worth it.