Racism - A Definition


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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another race or races. The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race, and that it is also the prejudice based on such a belief. The Macquarie Dictionary defines racism as: "the belief that human races have distinctive characteristics which determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule or dominate others."

So now how do Rev. Wright's comments fall into that definition?
not necessarily racist, though it was divisive and I think we need to stick to obama's uniting qualities. This is why Obama has denounced the comments, because he doesn't want to be polarizing and wants to truly bring us all together
It wasn't racist. That's a myth propgated by Sean Hannity and Damocles.

It was incendiary language, to many. Uncomfortable language. Langauge that some people would find divisive, particulary when taken out of context in a 30 second video.
It also has this definition:

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

And this one:

Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

In fact, all of them have these definitions as well. Amazingly, taken out of context, one can make the definition mean many things. However, the right Rev. Emeritus of the Church is definitely intolerant as he asks the Creator to Damn his creation because they are "White America" and they have done this to him.

Methinks you are getting desperate when you become this intellectually dishonest that you leave definitions out in the hopes that others can't look up the words.
It also has this definition:

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

And this one:

Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

In fact, all of them have these definitions as well. Amazingly, taken out of context, one can make the definition mean many things. However, the right Rev. Emeritus of the Church is definitely intolerant as he asks the Creator to Damn his creation because they are "White America" and they have done this to him.

Methinks you are getting desperate when you become this intellectually dishonest that you leave definitions out in the hopes that others can't look up the words.
Disrimination is racism, prejudice is not unless it leads to discrimination. you are the one that is being intellectually dishonest by trying to use lessor used definitions or uses that have become typical even if not exactly true. To be racist you have to be able to apply it. Just saying you don't like someone makes you biggoted. Wanting the government to keep people from voting because of their race is racism. The definitions I gave are the commonly used definitions. There has to be a belief that you are superior because of your race. Just not liking someone because they are white doesn't make you a racist just a bigot
Disrimination is racism, prejudice is not unless it leads to discrimination. you are the one that is being intellectually dishonest by trying to use lessor used definitions or uses that have become typical even if not exactly true. To be racist you have to be able to apply it. Just saying you don't like someone makes you biggoted. Wanting the government to keep people from voting because of their race is racism. The definitions I gave are the commonly used definitions. There has to be a belief that you are superior because of your race. Just not liking someone because they are white doesn't make you a racist just a bigot
You again skipped over the "hatred and intolerance" definition. In the hopes that I wouldn't understand it maybe? It is racism. It is divisive. It is pejorative. It isn't something I would stand for from a pastor.
Is hatred based upon pass acts and disrimination, and no real payment for wrongs commited racist? Some hatred that people have is based on actual damage suffered by a group at the hands of another group. Do I believe that the government sold drugs to the black community? No. Do I believe that the government based punishment for crack on the fact that blacks use it more? Hell yeah. That does not make me racist. Makes me a realist.
Is hatred based upon pass acts and disrimination, and no real payment for wrongs commited racist? Some hatred that people have is based on actual damage suffered by a group at the hands of another group. Do I believe that the government sold drugs to the black community? No. Do I believe that the government based punishment for crack on the fact that blacks use it more? Hell yeah. That does not make me racist. Makes me a realist.
If it is based on skin color then it is racist. It is as simple as that. And that is not all he pointed out. Jesus was a black man oppressed by white oppressors? Yeah, whites have been evil for a long time in the man's view. It doesn't make you a racist to point out laws that are unequal, it makes you a racist if you judge another poorly because of their skin color, this man does that.
Then there's tribalism. People from other family groups may have the same skin color, but may hate just as hard and irrationally.

The middle east is being ripped apart by tribalism. The tribes of mohammed v. the tribes of israel.
Then there's tribalism. People from other family groups may have the same skin color, but may hate just as hard and irrationally.

The middle east is being ripped apart by tribalism. The tribes of mohammed v. the tribes of israel.
We are all of the same stock, whether you believe in Adam and Eve or in evolution. It is all tribalism. The battle against "other".
We are all of the same stock, whether you believe in Adam and Eve or in evolution. It is all tribalism. The battle against "other".

Yep. And when they take the racial checkboxes off government forms, and when our entire government is no longer hijacked by jewish separatists, I will abandon my tribal loyalties. I think it may be a while.
Yep. And when they take the racial checkboxes off government forms, and when our entire government is no longer hijacked by jewish separatists, I will abandon my tribal loyalties. I think it may be a while.
Foolish to allow Big Brother to define you like that. You can be part of the problem, or part of the solution. It seems that you have chosen to just obey your masters who wish for you to section yourself off using little boxes. Odd for somebody who supposedly rejects those masters.
Foolish to allow Big Brother to define you like that. You can be part of the problem, or part of the solution. It seems that you have chosen to just obey your masters who wish for you to section yourself off using little boxes. Odd for somebody who supposedly rejects those masters.

Unfortunately I am categorized whether I like it or not. I prefer to fight the categorizations being carried out by pointing out the stark hypocricies of people like you.
Unfortunately I am categorized whether I like it or not. I prefer to fight the categorizations being carried out by pointing out the stark hypocricies of people like you.
You prefer to say I am a hypocrite while being one yourself. I understand.
You prefer to say I am a hypocrite while being one yourself. I understand.

No. You live in a fantasyworld made of puffy clouds and candy canes. You want to tell others they must abandon all protective ethnic loyalties while refusing to acknowledge Zionist Jew clan that has Hijacked our government. I guess that's what you're paid to do.
No. You live in a fantasyworld made of puffy clouds and candy canes. You want to tell others they must abandon all protective ethnic loyalties while refusing to acknowledge Zionist Jew clan that has Hijacked our government. I guess that's what you're paid to do.
Total garbage. "Protective ethnic loyalties" is a myth perpetuated by those leaders to promote your fear and allow yourself to continue electing them. Check your boxes, and promote the "differences" of the boxes they put you in because it makes you feel "safe". I prefer a much different approach.
Total garbage. "Protective ethnic loyalties" is a myth perpetuated by those leaders to promote your fear and allow yourself to continue electing them. Check your boxes, and promote the "differences" of the boxes they put you in because it makes you feel "safe". I prefer a much different approach.

No. people really can stick up for each other. And often do. It's just the internationalist fascists demand that loyalties to anything but themselves are bad and evil.
No. people really can stick up for each other. And often do. It's just the internationalist fascists demand that loyalties to anything but themselves are bad and evil.
People can stick up for each other regardless of boxes. The myth keeps you trapped within your box. Separating society makes smaller more manageable groups who are afraid of each other and seek protection from only those who are of their group. It weakens society and enables them to control you.

Why do you think the supposed NWO are the people who promote your silly boxes? You've fallen for it. You've fallen for all of it. Including their misdirection at groups not affiliated with their heinous activity.
People can stick up for each other regardless of boxes. The myth keeps you trapped within your box. Separating society makes smaller more manageable groups who are afraid of each other and seek protection from only those who are of their group. It weakens society and enables them to control you.

Why do you think the supposed NWO are the people who promote your silly boxes? You've fallen for it. You've fallen for all of it. Including their misdirection at groups not affiliated with their heinous activity.

But they go a step further and say there are "bad" reasons to stick up for others. And you've fallen for that.
But they go a step further and say there are "bad" reasons to stick up for others. And you've fallen for that.
LOL. You desperately want to keep the boxes they have put you into, so badly that any excuse to keep them makes you feel better.

Can you see the fnords?