Raise the drinking age to 25 or 30

It isn't really that great. It's just not important enough to warrant banning.

I really think a great thing to do in drinking education classes would be to give kids five shots, and then put them on a driving simulator with each other. Whenever all of them are "dead", they will have learned two lessons. First, it's impossible to drive while drunk. Second, binge drinking just isn't that much fun.
My point is that it isn't that "great", yet all of our shows and laws tend to make people believe it is. Instead of learning sane usage habits from your parents while such learning might stick you wind up with no real capability to understand the whole process.

This causes much of the issues the US has with drinking.
My point is that it isn't that "great", yet all of our shows and laws tend to make people believe it is. Instead of learning sane usage habits from your parents while such learning might stick you wind up with no real capability to understand the whole process.

This causes much of the issues the US has with drinking.

It's a holy cow when it doesn't need to be. I agree.

Why do we try to tell kids its the devil and they should never ever do it, and then at 21 just unleash it on them? What if we did that with driving... until people are 16, we tell them that driving is better than sex, but that it's evil and that they should never do it, ever. And then, whenever they're 16, we hand them the keys.
I just know that by putting a blanket restriction on something, we simply drive it underground, and we no longer have any reasonable control over it. We cannot gradually introduce young people to it. They are usually exposed to it by liquor or other extremely high concetration alcoholic drinks. They don't know how to control their habit, because they have never been told how to control it. They have simply been told that it is evil and wrong and that they should never do it, which is moronic. We cannot control underage drunk driving as effectively, either, and the legal restrictions, if anything, make drunk driving more prevalant, because whenever a kid is drunk he'll be less likely to phone for someone not drunk to bring him home, and more likely to just drive home.

And, for all these sacrifices, what do we get? 2 convictions out of every 1000 underage drinking violations. I have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than getting caught drinking. Sometimes I just think these guys lack plain common sense.
I just know that by putting a blanket restriction on something, we simply drive it underground, and we no longer have any reasonable control over it. We cannot gradually introduce young people to it. They are usually exposed to it by liquor or other extremely high concetration alcoholic drinks. They don't know how to control their habit, because they have never been told how to control it. They have simply been told that it is evil and wrong and that they should never do it, which is moronic. We cannot control underage drunk driving as effectively, either, and the legal restrictions, if anything, make drunk driving more prevalant, because whenever a kid is drunk he'll be less likely to phone for someone not drunk to bring him home, and more likely to just drive home.

And, for all these sacrifices, what do we get? 2 convictions out of every 1000 underage drinking violations. I have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than getting caught drinking. Sometimes I just think these guys lack plain common sense.
I'm sure there is a liberal out there that will tell you it's the republicans' fault because they "don't want government to work" and refuse to see that many times it doesn't matter how much you "want" it to work.
The most effective method is to lower the drinking age to the point that drinking is not some taboo rite of adulthood, like in Europe, while (also like in Europe) raising the driving age and making licenses harder to receive.