Rapid Quiz for Sir Evil


on indefiniate mod break
Hey evil, sorry I gotta have fun with this, we don't get a lot of new people. I am just trying to get a snapshot of ya. If you wouldn't mind... perhaps you could give your opinions on the following?

1. Abortion
2. Immigration
3. Iraq War
4. Drug War
5. Death Penalty
6. Taxes (death tax, income tax)
7. Universal Health Care
8. Global Warming
9. Abu Gharib and using Torture
10. Gay Marriage

Thanks :)
Grind said:
Hey evil, sorry I gotta have fun with this, we don't get a lot of new people. I am just trying to get a snapshot of ya. If you wouldn't mind... perhaps you could give your opinions on the following?

1. Abortion
2. Immigration
3. Iraq War
4. Drug War
5. Death Penalty
6. Taxes (death tax, income tax)
7. Universal Health Care
8. Global Warming
9. Abu Gharib and using Torture
10. Gay Marriage

Thanks :)

1 - Abortion: honestly this topic in my opinion is something of a moral issue, I don't see a place for it in politics but then I never will know the situations of facing this being of the male anatomy.

2 - Immigrations: shoot all bastards crossing the border illegally! they don't do it the right way then they don't belong!

3 - Iraq war: sooner or later it would of been something that had to be dealt with. 13 years was more than enough with the useless UN, watch and see what I mean with Iran, How long can excuses be made, defiances be tolerated, and appeasements be justified? after pink & the brain of the middle east TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

4 - Drug war: Hmmm, not too knowledgable on this front, seems to be another thing that will always exists but some form of policing must be there to keep it in check.

5 - Death Penalty: Mostly for it so long as all possible options have been exhausted convicting the perp, no need to put the wrong dog down.

6 - Taxes (death tax, income tax) I guess it's something of a mystery to me that there needs to be a death tax, but what the hell, if ya can tax me when I'm dead all the more power to ya! :p

7 - Universal Health Care: it sucks for the most part! this is something that needs to be addresses so I can afford to save my few remaining teeth!

8 - Global Warming: Another front I am not too strong on, but I am all for warmer weather! seriously though, I don't see it as bad as some claim but don't see it as something that can be ignored either.

9 - Abu Gharib and using Torture: Ok, so some of the things revealed there were not in the best of interest to the US, but it is certainly nothing that should be in the same topic as the tortures committed by the insurgents either, two different things all together. Some methodical torture to gain info seems to be widely used by all countries in time of war.

10 - Gay Marriage: :gives: so long as they can't shag in public I could care less what they do behind closed doors. Again I think this is something that is more of a moral issue but don't have to be something that we all should have to accept. If you wanna have the right to marry the same sex, then excpect many to have nasty opinions, it's just plain not the norm!
Actually I am going to do this too, sounds fun.

1. Abortion

Early term abortions I don't have a problem with. I would ban partial birth under all circumstances except life of mother. 2nd terms are kind of iffy but at the end of the day I can't be bothered to care anymore.. go ahead kill babies..

2. Immigration

Legal Immigration is always fine. But we should mine the borders, and possibly shoot to kill anyone crossing. 1 year vacating period should be offered to all current illegal residents, after that year they can be shot on sight.

3. Iraq War

Was for it initially when I believed that Iraq could present a threat. Never for nationbuilding. Should have left a lonnnng ass time ago. We are wasting our time over there for no good reason.

4. Drug War

End it.

5. Death Penalty

For it when it's clearly demonstrated that the killer committed the crime (video footage, etc) Won't cry though when other murderes are being put to death. Goodbye tookie, you wont be missed, scumbag.

6. Taxes (death tax, income tax)

Hate taxes. Ultimately, in a perfect world, there should be none at all. Rationally, I would at least like to see the income tax abolished, and replace that with a flat tax for the time being. Maybe even a negative income tax. No social programs, no subsidizes.

7. Universal Health Care

Can't afford healthcare? Too bad, have fun dying. Not my problem. You dont' have a right to my money.

8. Global Warming

Our children can figure it out along with flying cars. Overhyped hysteria that the left often claims the right fallls victim to with regards to terrorism. Ok, so some of florida's swampland goes under..... it's not going to happen over night, it's going to be gradual, people will be able to move. The earth constantly changes. With or without human intervention. Get over it.

9. Abu Gharib and using Torture

Torture is acceptable to be used on enemies of the united states if we believe there is a good reason for it.

That said, having dogs bark loudly, putting people on leashes, or getting a strip dance from a female soldier, is NOT TORTURE.

10. Gay Marriage

Get married. Massachusetts hasn't fallen into doom. Marriage isn't sacred anymore...our sacred sacrement has a 50% divorce rate, people get drunk and get married in vegas every weekend. Move on.
definitely different than Dixie.... we disagree on much, but have areas of agreement that are heartening.
1. Abortion
Should be restricted to 'life of the mother' and 'incest/rape' cases only. There are enough options for birth control available today, that we shouldn't need to kill babies and call it a right.

2. Immigration
Streamline the process of legal immigration, close the borders, enforce the laws, build a fence, fine employers, arrange for those who are here, to stay only if they can complete requirements for citizenship and pay the penalty for breaking the law.

3. Iraq War
Central front in the War on Terror. Vital to neutralizing the ideology of hate which brought the radicalism behind 9/11. It's worth whatever cost we have to pay to win, because we can't afford to lose it.

4. Drug War
Education programs, rehab & treatment, severe penalties for minors and parents who let their minors get involved with drugs. Other than that, forget about 'declaring war' on drugs.

5. Death Penalty
Favor it under the most extreme cases, but the judicial procedure is a joke. Once found guilty, they should have a year to file an appeal and take care of their affairs, and that should be all there is to it.

6. Taxes (death tax, income tax)
Cut taxes, lower taxes, reduce taxes, restrict taxes, ban taxes, abolish taxes, render taxes obsolete, declare taxes unconstitutional, and hang people who advocate more taxes.

7. Universal Health Care
I think it's great to have universal health care, but it's not the government's job or function to provide that to us.

8. Global Warming
The globe warms and cools in cycles, depending on events beyond our control, solar flares and sunspots, as well as volcanic activities on earth. The idea that mankind can alter the climate of the planet trough our everyday routine activity, is absurd.

9. Abu Gharib and using Torture
Terrorists are not subject to Geneva Convention protections. That said, U.S. Military personnel, are expected to uphold a strict standard of conduct, and unprofessional actions harm our country and disgrace their uniform. I'm not interested in giving Terrorists lawyers and trying them in U.S. Courts, because they don't have Constitutional rights as U.S. Citizens.

10. Gay Marriage
It's an oxymoron. Marriage is the religiously-based union, which so-happens to be sanctioned by the government, of a man and a woman. There is no "re-defining" this, it's like "re-defining" a banana to be Waldorf salad.
"10. Gay Marriage
It's an oxymoron. Marriage is the religiously-based union, which so-happens to be sanctioned by the government, of a man and a woman. There is no "re-defining" this, it's like "re-defining" a banana to be Waldorf salad."

If marriage is religiously based, then why do we need the government to redefine it for us so that it can only give out "Marriage"? And if it serves a secular purpose, why intertwine the secular and religious meanings whenever it'd just be so much simpler to do what's pragmatic, seperate them, and give out the secular meanings to whomever needs them without the loaded term "marriage"?
Marriage is a concept...

I can call myself married to this chair if I want. The government shouldn't have anything to do with that. There, everyone's happy. You go your way and I'll go mine, with my chair and all.
well technically watermark, when two parties are asking for recognition from the government, or special privledges, then the government begins to have a say.
Grind said:
well technically watermark, when two parties are asking for recognition from the government, or special privledges, then the government begins to have a say.

yes.. but I do agree with WM ... Lets just call it Civil Union with all the Bells and Whistles and be done with .. we have too many fish to fry to preoccupy ourselves with this issue.

As Evil said .... :gives:
1. Abortion
I fully support ownership over one's body 100% of the time. The presence of a fetus does not mean that the government should have the ability to temporarily take control of your body and inflict mob rule morality.

2. Immigration
I support legal immigration fully and would even encourage it. However you cannot say that you are serious about homeland security when you have a border as porous (sp?) as ours. We need to secure our borders (and ports) and make the immigration process more efficient and expedient. If people come here illegally I fully support sending them back at the drop of a hat.

3. Iraq War
Vehemently against it from the beginning. I suffer from issue fatigue on this one. My response to most of the cons sudden realizations of failure is a simple, "no $hit sherlock" at this stage. I support an immediate withdrawal.

4. Drug War
Eh........we've got bigger fish to fry

5. Death Penalty
Totally against it. The system is already set up to ideally convict only the guilty, but we've seen time and time again that this does not happen. Simply saying you support it, but only in extreme cases where we KNOW the killer is guilty is a niave at best. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that our system has sent many innocent people to death row. This must stop. We should abolish the death penalty at a federal level once and for all.

6. Taxes (death tax, income tax)
Necessary evil. I support cutting gov't fat particularly military contract fat. Too many allegedly conservative won't touch that beast.

7. Universal Health Care
Against universal health care, for public health insurance.

8. Global Warming
I don't claim to be an expert but I do believe its happening and we need to address it.

9. Abu Gharib and using Torture
Embarrassing and wrong on every level.

10. Gay Marriage
I fully support it and gay adoption
Watermark said:
Marriage is a concept...

I can call myself married to this chair if I want. The government shouldn't have anything to do with that. There, everyone's happy. You go your way and I'll go mine, with my chair and all.

Medicine is a concept as well. If I want to boil newt eyes and lizard tails, and call myself a doctor, I can! The government can't stop me from saying I am a doctor, or tell me that I am not practicing medicine. However, the government does licence doctors, and certain criteria have to be met to obtain that licence. It doesn't mater how much I want to be a doctor, or wish the world would see my voodoo techniques as legitimate medicine, there are rules and guidelines to follow, if I want a licence from the state. Sure, we can change the definition of "medical doctor" to include me, it doesn't change the relationship between you and your doctor, no one is forcing you to allow me to be your doctor, it's not harming you in any way. Still, the sanctioning by government carries responsibility to society, and parameters have been established in that regard.
1. Abortion - I'll save it for Watermark.

2. Immigration - Annual Immigration allowances should be increased. However illegal immigration should not be tolerated. As soon as it is discovered that a person is here illegally they must be deported. I am open to having an entirely open border if we cut back on entitlement programs they would be able to take advantage of.

3. Iraq War - We should begin preparing for withdrawal immediately. There is no excuse for the Iraqi army not to be ready yet. If they are not willing to fight for their country then they don't deserve it.

4. Drug War - All drugs should be legalized and carry heavy warning labels. A skull and cross bones as well as an indication that this is poison should be clearly visible.

5. Death Penalty - the death penalty should be abolished. Nothing you can do can guarantee with 100% effectiveness that an innocent person would not be executed.

6. Taxes (death tax, income tax) - Taxes should be lowered after a corresponding decrease in spending. We should also move to a progressive consumption tax on products. Such a shift would make estate tax or capital gains tax irrelevant.

7. Universal Health Care - Healthcare is a state issue. As far as the states I think what was done in Vermont is a good idea in which the state uses its collective bargaining power to get affordable insurance for its citizens. I do believe health care is a right of children though and I support healthcare vouchers for all children under the age of 18.

8. Global Warming - It doesn't matter if global warming is caused by humans or not. In order to maintain the level of life quality we enjoy it is crucial that the world temperature remains around where it is now. We will be sorry when cities like New York are under water and you'd have to navigage wall street via gondola. The world should cooperate in researching methods to keep the world temperature static.

9. Abu Gharib and using Torture - Torture is a vile thing and ineffective anyway. A civilized nation does not use torture regardless of what its enemies do. Some forms of coercion or humilation do not constitute torture in my opinion but even most of these methods are unsavory and inappropriate anyway.

10. Gay Marriage - Marriage is a contract like anyother. Government should get out of marriage all together and label all unions between two or more persons a union.
IHateGovernment said:
2. Immigration - Annual Immigration allowances should be increased. However illegal immigration should not be tolerated. As soon as it is discovered that a person is here illegally they must be deported. I am open to having an entirely open border if we cut back on entitlement programs they would be able to take advantage of.

I'd be careful. i don't think it would be fair to deport people for administrative oversights. Our gov't workers are pretty inept and inefficient when it comes to processing immigrants. I think we should immediately deport those who COME here illegally. If you came through the proper channels and are in the process of doing it right, it's highly possible that paper work is just stuck in someone's desk and expiration dates come and go. Technically if a critical expiration date comes and goes, the gov't knows your "here" illegally. I'd put those people at the bottom of the list for deportation.