re: trucker strike

AWWHH!! The trucks actually stopped for 15minutes and some slowed down and increased traffic. Boo Hoo!!!
Millions of educated people invest in energy. Obviously millions of knuckleheads don't
This was a test it was only a test. If this had been a real emergency you would be directed to contact your local Teamsters union.

Seemed to make the headlines on Drudge though.
Play it both ways now Damo.
This isn't a drudge story, he linked to Reuters.

You said that all you have read it on was Drudge so I looked. It's reported nearly everywhere. Rueters and AP both released it.

Now, it really isn't a strike, but a "disruption".

And, everything I read says that the 23rd to the 25th was supposed to be when this happens.

I think it is because these people don't have a union and are not well-organized. We are going to see some silly things like this.

I don't think striking over gas prices is likely to get anything that they want done. And most people don't even know it happened.
LOL, It would be prudent to worry before that point is reached spinner. but then that is your priviledge.
when ups and fedex totally shut down I'll worry

I imagine it’ll be a bit too late by then.
You are just the sort who would have stayed on the Titanic, pointing at those who said we all better get off, and calling them “undegreed doomers who don’t understand that the titanic is unsinkable!”
I imagine it’ll be a bit too late by then.
You are just the sort who would have stayed on the Titanic, pointing at those who said we all better get off, and calling them “undegreed doomers who don’t understand that the titanic is unsinkable!”
Dayum straight. It can't sink because they told me so.

I'm glad some of the economic illiterate are finally getting worried. We need an energy policy that is more than the moveon.moron don't drill here.
Drill in Cali offshore, Florida offshore and Alaska and you might be able to avoid a catastrophe!!! If you continue to play bullship party cards against the republicans of don't drill here excuse me if I enjoy laughing all the way to the bank.
I'm glad some of the economic illiterate are finally getting worried. We need an energy policy that is more than the moveon.moron don't drill here.
Drill in Cali offshore, Florida offshore and Alaska and you might be able to avoid a catastrophe!!! If you continue to play bullship party cards against the republicans of don't drill here excuse me if I enjoy laughing all the way to the bank.

Topper - Perhaps you were unaware of this, but we have an energy policy that was basically written by the energy industry. It doesn't seem to be working out very well for the average folk. Maybe something new is needed.
Dung republicans have been trying for decades to get more supply, my new party is very ignorant on the solution.
What is our energy policy ? Did we ever find out ?

we have an energy policy? (other than enriching the oil industry and its stockholders)

considering the number of failed policies bushco has come up with, this presidency will likely be known as the failed presidency:pke:
I am serious, do we even have an official energy policy ? Or do we just have Cheny's gang and their closed door energy policy ?
you don't read much do you.
Bush passed increased cafe standards and hybrid credits. First big policy changes in decades. Dems blocked domestic production every chance they got.
you don't read much do you.
Bush passed increased cafe standards and hybrid credits. First big policy changes in decades. Dems blocked domestic production every chance they got.

yes, i read them and they take effect way to many years from now and are inadequate...sort of like bushco:pke: