I admit I knew about the "infractions" already cuz Grind told me a while back.

I just wanted to rile the proles. :)
so basically how it works is someone reports something, we see it. Sometimes we want to respond, if we do, rather than copy and pasting and messaging people about a reported post (sometimes having to specify because lots of people report more than one thing within hours or even minutes):

We give an infraction, which brings up this:

(spoiler because the image is big and I don't want to distort this page)

So then it gets sent to the user, the point expires in one hour, and it's completely meaningless because we don't do infractions on JPP. it's just a tool.

The user on the other end then gets something like this:



Who is this Wolfbot and why is he getting infractions and not I?

Sorry, silly mood, it's Friday!
Thank goodness! Been heads down all week long in the system prepping for next week's onsite. It's as done as it's going to be, and it's the weekend as far as I'm concerned!

My kids left, it is bittersweet. I cooked and clean like when they lived at home! I forgot how much I use to do when they lived at home! I get to relax now and eat salad! He he
i just fucking explained that infractions have nothing to do with anything punitive, it's just a messaging system for us.

so basically how it works is someone reports something, we see it. Sometimes we want to respond, if we do, rather than copy and pasting and messaging people about a reported post (sometimes having to specify because lots of people report more than one thing within hours or even minutes):

We give an infraction, which brings up this:

(spoiler because the image is big and I don't want to distort this page)

So then it gets sent to the user, the point expires in one hour, and it's completely meaningless because we don't do infractions on JPP. it's just a tool.

The user on the other end then gets something like this:



Finally a Grind meltdown. Didn't think I'd ever see one. Out of weed Bro?
I just reported Rune's post for nothing. I hope he's banned forever. But he will have a smile for getting an infraction. :)
It's wicked fun to report posts for no reason. I think my next report comment will read "This post in no way violates the rules of this site."