Real Life Troll in King, NC


Loyal to the end
For those unaware of this ongoing story, The City of King, NC has been under the jack-boot pressure of the ACLU to stop flying the Christian flag at its veterans memorial. So they came up with a policy to get around it, but its now under assault by a local troll.

The council approved a policy in December to address the concerns of two factions in the city — those who wanted a Christian flag flown at the memorial, and those who did not. Under the policy, the city holds a lottery each year to select 52 veterans to be honored, one for each week of the year.

Hewett, who is a veteran, was one of the 52 lottery winners, allowing him to fly four flags of his choosing at the memorial in honor of himself and his three brothers, who are also veterans. He had intended to fly a Christian flag the weeks of June 27, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, and Nov. 28.

According to a city document, Hewett changed his mind and decided to fly a Buddhist flag the week of June 27, a Muslim flag the week of Sept. 5, a Jewish flag the week of Nov. 21 and an atheist flag the week of Nov. 28.
If the lottery winners get to pick the flag to honor the fallen veterans, why is flying flags of other religions considered an "assault"?

If there were buddhist, muslim, jewish and atheist veterans who died, do they not also deserve the recognition?
Evidently you failed to read the article before commenting.

A King man has backed off his plans to fly a Muslim flag at the Veteran's Memorial the week of Sept. 11, but he intends to fly that flag at the site the week of Nov. 28. ...

Hewett, who is a veteran, was one of the 52 lottery winners, allowing him to fly four flags of his choosing at the memorial in honor of himself and his three brothers, who are also veterans. He had [originally] intended to fly a Christian flag the weeks of June 27, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, and Nov. 28. ...

The flag-flying policy states that residents requesting a flag to honor a family member who is a veteran must choose a flag that represents the veteran's faith tradition.
Evidently you failed to read the article before commenting.

So he converts. How do you prove what someone's faith is?

I think its funny that the same people who threw a fit when the christian flag was taken down are now throwing fits because this veteran wants to fly the flag of other religions or of atheists.

Why is it the same people who called it discrimination against christians, now feel its ok to discriminate against other faiths? Unless lots of other veterans who won the lottery follow suit, it looks like 3 religions will have their flags flying for 1 week, atheists will have 1 week, and christians will have their flag flying for 48 weeks.
Again you failed to read the article before commenting. He must be real busy converting:
According to a city document, Hewett changed his mind and decided to fly a Buddhist flag the week of June 27, a Muslim flag the week of Sept. 5, a Jewish flag the week of Nov. 21 and an atheist flag the week of Nov. 28.

But then Hewett changed his mind again, City Manager John Cater said. Hewett decided to fly no flag the week of Sept. 5, which will include Sunday, Sept. 11, the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York and Northern Virginia that killed nearly 3,000 people. Hewett would not discuss why he changed his mind again.

He still intends to fly a Jewish flag the week of Nov. 21, but Hewett will now fly a Muslim flag the week of Nov. 28, according to the city's website.
Again you failed to read the article before commenting. He must be real busy converting:

I read the article. I am too busy laughing about the way the "good christians" tried to create a way to bypass the laws and now are pissed off that someone is doing the same thing they did.

SM, what is wrong with flying flags of different faiths? Are you actually upset that this guy may not be part of the faiths of the flags he is flying?
Unlike you, I don't let other's attempts to offend bother me at all.

And I don't care if any of the 48 sanctioned flags get flown. As usual, what I care about is the truth. This guy has no respect for the truth, obviously.
christians are pagans just like all other religions, and yes damn yankee should be mocked early and often
Unlike you, I don't let other's attempts to offend bother me at all.

And I don't care if any of the 48 sanctioned flags get flown. As usual, what I care about is the truth. This guy has no respect for the truth, obviously.

So you are absolutely sure that no one in his family ever served (and was honorably discharged or killed in action) was muslim, jewish, buddhist or atheist? The policy allows for "Family Mambers" to include spouses, parents, siblings, grandparents, great-grandparents, parents-in-law, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, uncles, great-uncles, aunts, great-aunts, and first cousins.

As for you not letting other's attempts to offend bother you, you certainly seem pissed off about this guy wanting to fly flags to honor those of many faiths who served.
So your contention must be that he was lying then.

I make no such contention. I have not researched the man's family, so I have no idea how many veterans are in his family. Nor do I know what faiths those veterans would have followed.

Do you?
What I know is that he claimed he and his brothers were all Christians, then changed his mind several times. Facts in evidence overwhelmingly support my theory, that he's lying.
What I know is that he claimed he and his brothers were all Christians, then changed his mind several times. Facts in evidence overwhelmingly support my theory, that he's lying.

They are "facts" only if you know for certain that he has no other relatives who served and were muslim, jewish or atheists.

And SM, no one actually believes you are upset because this guy might have lied. You are mad because he is not flying a christian flag.
And we go 'round and 'round.

Only because you hate all other religions. :)

Unless you can show none of his relatives were muslim, jewish or atheist, there is no basis for calling him a liar. You make assumptions without all the info.