Reality and Humanity Teaming Up To Convert Instinctive Zygotes Into Intellectual Zeal


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after birth.

Academically, artistically, economically, politically, spiritually, ancestrally socially engineering tomorrow contextually today where evolving doesn't exceed the lifetimes evolving here now.
Reasonable doubt doesn't save lives, it costs every ancestor their biological time to pretend nobody knew or they are patriotic to the cause of mayhem, mandess, misery coming down on anyone not paying to believe life isn't self evident.

History verifies this in every socially organized theater of humanity saying reality is all there is to understand about being alive now.
^^ Damage to Broca's area of the brain causes someone to know what they want to say, but be unable to say it. The words come out in a jumble of individual words that lack the form of grammatical sentences.
^^ Damage to Broca's area of the brain causes someone to know what they want to say, but be unable to say it. The words come out in a jumble of individual words that lack the form of grammatical sentences.

Socially nurtured since birth by corrupted ancestries believing truth comes by denying how one is alive since conceived to replace their previous 4 living or dead generation gaps tend to stay in character learned than reproduction added.